Guess Who...
1.Are you just gonna stand there because we could of just kept moving-
2.He's right that boy's a time bomb, we have to toss em out to save the group... This is about survival
3.You think your some tough (Beep) why don't you take a page out of Lee's book and try helping someone...
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For peeps sakes Lol these are quotes from Season 1. I'm just playing a game of guess who said them...
2.=Is is Larry? I think it is...
nope 2 isn't Larry XD
Nope 1 wrong keep guessing guys
The answers are in the spoiler warning
Aw damn...guess I 4got a lot from S1 already
How about round 2? Already got some ideas
Sure thing. You can make more qoutes for everyone to guess
. We all can take turns
So let's start round 2:
hmmm lets see
Played season 1 like 4 times
2.Lee when he was talking to that girl in the motor inn
Nope 2 is wrong
Nope 2 is wrong
1 is wrong
Lol oh is it Hershal when shawn dies?
2 is Glenn
3 is carley
1.Crista 2.Lee 3.Carly