Kenny vs Lily (Season 2 Appearance)
Now, this has been an argument since season 1- in fact, it's almost like Telltale's very own PS4 vs Xbox One if you think about, as there's fans on both sides who are constantly at each others throats. Personally, I won't lie I'm a Kenny fanboy and I love him to pieces. He will appear in Season 2, I just think those Lily fans need to understand he was a central character within season 1, as he was within every episode because he was an important character in the plot. Now, after seeing UndeadEuan's many comments about how Kenny sucks and how he's a bland character, I'm just going to say that he's not and his character development was far superior to Lily's, she started off as a bitch and left as a bitch. Kenny went from being a nice family guy, to having to kill to survive, to becoming depressed and drunk, to finally having some hope and then redeeming himself to save someone he hated. I love all the characters in the walking dead, but the whole anti-Kenny shit needs to stop. I won't "stop" playing the Walking Dead if he's dead because it's a great game, but the point is he's not dead.
So yeah, this is the official thread for Kenny and Lily fans to wage war, mainly I'm wanting UndeadEuan and his posse to show as he's commenting on all the Kenny threads with his ideology and raging about Kenny left right and center.
But yeah, see you Season 2 Kenny, you were my Lee's Bro and you're going to be awesome in season 2!
Do not fight one another, save Your hate for the zombies.... I mean walkers mean lurkers?
yeah you got it #kennylives #teammoustache
Yes, that's it, I meant biters
Its not Kenny vs Lily I'm not sure why people think because I dont like Kenny I love Lilly. Neither are perfect people and there are tons of other characters I'd rather have at my back.
Also I dont mind fanboys but when fanboys hate on anyone who disagrees with them, brings thre Character up constantly or hate the game as there favourite character dosnt appear or dies thats when it gets annoying. You have the right attitude liking the character but not getting hung up on it.
Still... While the surge of Kenny love after many episodes of him being hated is slightly annoying its nothing compared to the Carley threads after episode 3 .. "shudder" dark times
personally I think Lilly is more plausible during that "I thought you were dead" moment.
That doesn't mean I don't believe Kenny will appear in season 2, I have the utmost belief he will, just not during that moment.
It's way too obvious.
Thanks for targeting me; you're singling me out and that's against the rules.
This is a public forum, and if someone posts a theory I think is weak, I'm going to challenge the person to explain themselves. So far, nobody has done that, all they've done is either spam GIFs or be extremely rude. Have you seen anybody else backing me up on any thread? No, that's because they're too scared to speak up about what they think. You're the one with the posse.
Since when have I be the one raging? Like I said, people have been extremely rude and insulting to me but I've never done so back. You just can't find fault with yourself, can you?
You call it fanboyism, I call it an opinion.
Really I find any "fanboy" to be over the top. No matter who or what they support they basically can find no fault in them whatsoever
i call it someone on her period
Grow up.
im taller than you, so try again haha
Well, we do have some sort of confirmation that Kenny will be back (Via looking at the data files of TWD but also Telltale said Kenny's fate would be explored). However, no one actually knows and people pretending otherwise need to chill.
I agree with what you said but if that's the case then how come fans of Clementine get away with it? For example,
Before Season 2 came out and we knew anything it Clem was a supporting character like everyone else was behind Lee yet if anyone said that they thought a character let's say Kenny or Carely were their favorite then the Clementine fanatics would quickly abuse them and start hyping Clementine up. I'm not hating on Clem, I'm hating on her fans who are so biased towards her and get away with it and their response is always "she's cute" so she's better then everyone else. As Chuck said it doesn't matter what you are you're a living person and "cute" shouldn't get you in high places.
See watch, i'll get down voted and possibly abused because Clem fans can't handle when someone disagrees with them.
I agree about fanboys including clems, anyone who wont allow any criticism of a character or saying you prefer another character is a bit unreasonable. Also people take you saying the character isnt perfect as that you hate the character
Exactly, they think that if they aren't your favorite that you hate the character. I don't hate Clem, i think she's a great character more so in Season 2 i just prefer Kenny to her because i think Kenny is much more interesting and better character but that's just my opinion.
A thread about Kenny without this ?! :
True or not, don't fire personal attacks on @UndeadEuan or anyone else for that matter. Thank you.
I don't know you so i'm not going to judge you personally but by what you have been saying i.e calling Kenny a twat and saying you'd laugh when Kenny is a walker, what do you expect people to say? How would you like it if someone said Lily is a slut and hopes she's a walker?
And then you go on to say that Telltale want's us to think it's Kenny so we will buy the game. 1: We can't even see the person so it could be different people i.e Kenny, Lily, Christa etc so of course they're going to do this to keep us in the dark and keep talking about the game but it doesn't mean they're trying to make us think it's Kenny, it's about speculating different outcomes and 2: The majority of people have bought the game so that 2nd point was pointless.
Then you said how likely is Kenny showing up and you mentioned there was no way he could escape. There were windows around and You don't see how close the walkers are. We are faster and smarter so chances are he could've found a window but this is speculation, Also what are the chances Lily is coming back? Doesn't it say somewhere she was left for dead and never seen again? Kenny's was lost in the horde. I like Kenny's chances more.
Then you insulted people because of their grammar but you're complaining about being insulted? Aren't you contradicting yourself there by sooking over being insulted yet it's ok for you to insult others on their grammar?
I agree that people shouldn't be insulting others over an opinion but come on you know that if you disrespect someone's favorite character, you have to be ready to cop shit back at you. If you don't like Kenny that's fine but insulting him, you better expect people to have a go at you.
And for your 4 points i'll answer them for you.
1: Lily wasn't the leader of the group, she thought she was but she wasn't. Put the group before anything else? One time? the rest it was all about her and Larry. Hot headed isn't interesting it just shows that she starts shit because she starts losing it and in term resulted in the death of Doug/Carely. Kenny has a better plot then Lily, Watching his character development throughout the season is more interesting because it makes you think how would your state of mine be if you were Kenny, losing your kid and wife? Then you have the bromance with Lee if you side with Kenny.
2: That's the whole point of selling, You keep everyone in the dark. The less people know the more they will be attached to the game. If telltale showed the face of who this person that Clem thought was dead is, people wouldn't be making numerous posts and hundreds of comments about who it is. It's a great way of keeping the fans active and interested in the game.
3:Well, Isn't the back of Nick the same model as Kenny? remember when they wanted us to think it was Kenny because he had the same hair, hat. clothes but you couldn't see his face?
4: Down voters are always going to down vote because they're too weak to reply to people, Don't ask me what people get out of down voting. I've said previously that i am against it as i feel it gives people freedom to down vote someone and get away with it without being known.
amen XD
yeah your right, guess i'll go get my saltlick
Lilly is not a Bitch !
She never was to me ... For real. She had a crush on Lee that was cute.
Hahahahaha Brutal !
Can't we like both of them? After looking back, I realized that Lilly was a pretty good character too (though I still like Kenny more, and would choose him if I ever had to make a choice between these two), and so I have come to be a fan of both.
thats the redneck way
Whoever had a better plot in the season is an opinion.. you're no one to say Kenny had a better plot than Lilly.
With Lilly, she can actually return. Kenny can't, since he's either been bitten and a walker or devoured.
Lilly being hotheaded caused the death of Carley.. that's interesting. It spices up the plot - her and Larry being against Duck being allowed in the drug store spices up the plot too. If every character was like Kenny it would be a boring game.
I called Kenny a twat because that's his personality. He leaves you to die and only cares about his family. I'd laugh as a walker because everyone on the forums would explode. It would be amusing.
uhhh, no youre wrong. kenny can come back just as much as lilly if not more. since shes been gone for 3 episodes!
We actually know Lilly is alive.. with Kenny he's 90% dead.
Hence "I thought you were dead."
What we think and what Clem thinks is different. We know Lilly is alive - but she doesn't,
shes not alive, her fate is unknown. it never once says shes alive
It's been practically confirmed that Kenny is showing up due to the game files and Telltale saying his fate would be explored. Considering we're in North Carolina which is far away from Savannah, Georgia, that pretty much means that Kenny will show up alive.
Regardless, people on both sides need to chill out. Whenever someone says something about Kenny, all the Lilly fans want to shoot the man in the face, whenever Lilly fans say something, all the Kenny fans want to drop salt licks on his head. Both sides should chill out and wait and see.
She never had a death scene, unlike Kenny.
Let's fight!
I liked Lily but her story is done, Kenny's time to shine now. And to all those over the top Kenny haters/Lily Lovers.....
Actually, we know exactly as much as Clem knows about Lilly. Lilly stealing the RV or being left on the side of the road is the last time that Clem sees her, which is also the last time WE see her.
I started a thread for it and I feel like a broken record repeating it. Although the character may be Kenny, the only realistic option is Lily. I don't understand why everyone wants Kenny back. Thats not to say I don't like Kenny, I do. For me that would really diminish the reality that telltale has built up to this point. Think whatever you want but in any scenario he was in, he dies especially the alleyway.
The entire Kenny argument is based upon hypotheticals of if he survived. Lily fits the plot perfectly. People who base their argument off Clementine not thinking that she would be dead are off based. Every single person in Clems life has died in the past 2 years, when she takes the RV kenny remarks there is no gas, if you leave her on the road obviously even more of a chance of her death . . .
Whether you want to have Kennys babies or you just love annoying people, the only realistic option is Lily. Im not trying to be rude or anything I am just stating a fact.
Lily by right should be in Woodbury now and dead by now
According to another poster, Lily has no relation to the book character of lily.
Get out, Crixus. You're a troll, and very rude. Your behaviour is disgusting. Simply disgusting.
I have no problem with people giving a valid opinion, but people like Crixus let the fan base down.