I would hate if this happened but...
what if Clementine's "i thought you were dead" scene is the end of episode 2 and we won't find out till episode 3! :O Telltale is tricking us! I mean it still counts as episode 2...
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I will launch an attack on Telltale headquarters if that happens
They should do this to induce mass suicides
my feelings too
I have a feeling this scene will be towards the ending of episode 2..
I think it is the very last thing we see. As in she says "I thought you were dead", flash to the figure whomever it is and then dark screen. I don't know why OP is getting thumbed down lol. Its very possible that telltale does in fact do that.
As long as we see who the person is I don't care if it is the last scene although preferably I would like it to be near the end but after it's revealed that it's Kenny (hopefully) there'll be a scene where him and Clem catch up in private, Clem tells him about what happened to Lee and Omid and Christa and Kenny says what happened that day and how he survived the last two years
Yes! Like @Cirxus said, as long as we see the persdon , im satisfied
It would be crazy if it was Kenny and you got to convince him to join your group
That wouldn't only be crazy but AWESOME!!
Don't think they will, but I wouldn't put it past telltale.
most likely... haha jk
Start of episode 2.
"I thought you was dead..."
i was thinking this was what telltale was gonna do and if they do i willl have the most evil smile on my face as this forum goes crazy.
If telltale gave us a choice to join Kenny's group or stay in Luke's group, even if Kenny was with bandits I would join Kenny in a heart beat and then help him get away from the bandits and start a new group together!
Same here!
Dont worry, I dont think they're that sadistic, lol. Im sure we are going to find out who Clem is talking about and then they'll probably die.
Duh! I'd definitely do the same! Not a huge fan of the new grouo anyways. By the way, very interesting name you got there...
If they die it better not be Kenny or his stache!!
Haha thanks my friend dared me to put this name on here lol
I am a very mature person with a very immature name
It might not be the last scene,as we know they will travel to the mountains wich will take 4 or 5 days then she will see the guy who she thought he was dead.Maybe TTG will make this EP longer than all of them
"I thought you were dead"
"No, I'm not"
"Well you are now"
Clem shoots Kenny in the face
I have to admit that would really annoy me
I see haha
I said this same thing in a comment a week or so back, and I think it's definitely possible. I hope it doesn't happen, but you never know.
Oh im sorry
I never saw it but yes it is very possible especially with telltale
Oh it's fine. Makes sense doesn't it. I expect bad things.
You know what could be the worst trolling? If the person Clem is talking about in the preview,is a character that her and Christ met during the 16 months period. That would be evil...
Ooh yes! If that happens I will be disappointed
I made an almost identical thread the other day
I know I saw it! I even commented the same thing on yours
Well ....
Prepare the salt licks...
They have already skipped enough time. I think if they skipped any more time it would take away from the game.
guys... It's obviously Larry...
He was alive and well last time we saw him...Definitely not dead.
That's my point :P
That may be a possible choice, but that won't be happening in episode 2 as ep 3's cover is with Rebecca.. So idk, but I would go with Kenny :P
Would be too awkward