Episode 5 LEE?!?!?!?

edited December 2013 in The Walking Dead

Hey guys
I saw many theorys about the body in episode 5 which is MAYBE lee but uf you think about it
Its not savannah in the backround its maybe wellington BUT that would mean that he moved somehow
And i dont think that a zombies can go so far and then just die i mean do you see a bullet hole in his Head cause i dont see it soooooo theorys pls


  • looks like a deliberate red herring to me, no way that his body/walker form could be found since Clem is so far away, unless of course if she went back to Savannah. I thought that this slide is supposed to possibly symbolize Clementine finally growing up and letting go of any guilt she had for causing Lee's death, something like that. And then she and whoever is left with her will go to a survivor's camp - maybe Wellington. The body has been put in there and designed like this on purpose, so there must be a lot of thinking behind it.

  • Probably

    Megaman27 posted: »

    looks like a deliberate red herring to me, no way that his body/walker form could be found since Clem is so far away, unless of course if she

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