Carver's Identity Revealed?!



  • Carver has it out for them or has a long-standing grudge with the cabin survivors. It would make sense that maybe they stole from him or caused some tragedy related to him. When it shows the cabin people walking to the "mountains" in the preview, it could be because they are aware that Carver is preparing to attack them or he's forced them out and they are relocating. Weird thing is that it doesn't seem like they are carrying much, if any, supplies, so it's hard to suggest why they are leaving the relatively safe and well-supplied cabin almost totally empty-handed

    I'm pretty sure Carver is the guy in the cammo jacket on slide for "A house Divided". 1- On preview of episode 2 the cammo guy shows up in t

  • Good thinking. That is very interesting.

  • edited December 2013

    The best theory we have yet. Good job. Only problem is I think Sarah says she's 15 when you ask for her age-- and Russel is a college grad. So that's the only flaw I could see.

  • Thanks :)

    skullzz posted: »

    The best theory we have yet. Good job. Only problem is I think Sarah says she's 15 when you ask for her age-- and Russel is a college grad. So that's the only flaw I could see.

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