Kenny vs Lily (Season 2 Appearance)



  • Yes I agree she had some really good character development, still hate her guts though.

    No offense Brody100, but saying Lilly's character development amounted to "she stared off a bitch and left a bitch" is just as ignorant as say

  • And so has Lilly, bring on Christa.

    UndeadEuan posted: »

    Absolutely brilliant post, MerakMissile2. I'm with you 100% - Kenny has had his time to shine.

  • edited December 2013

    Lily's model is skinny as hell and her arms are huge lol :p

    Crixus posted: »

    Looks like SlenderKenny

  • She was assumed dead by the group, which may explain Clementine's surprise. And it doesn't seem to be a "happy" surprise either, which I have no idea why she wouldn't be happy to see Kenny. Lilly makes more sense, on the other hand; the last Clem has seen of her, she had shot Doug by accident/Carly on purpose, which explains why she isn't really "happy" to see her. Besides, Telltale better give a damn good reason why Kenny is still alive: The scenario I had entailed him locking himself up with Ben. Now why would he go through all that trouble trapping himself just to try and escape as soon as the zombies get him? Seems illogical and unrealistic to me. Now don't pull the "It's a game; no need for realism" card, because its immersion breaking if the developers can do whatever the fuck they want without it making sense.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Actually, we know exactly as much as Clem knows about Lilly. Lilly stealing the RV or being left on the side of the road is the last time that Clem sees her, which is also the last time WE see her.

  • When did they assume that? At least I never thought she was dead, just out of the group. I do concede that I never gave it much thought after that, because I only cared that she was out of the group (I left her). I can see WHY, looking back, she could be assumed to have died if you leave her, but I don't really feel like they'd be thinking the same thing if she stole the RV. The "I thought you were dead" line applies to Kenny far more than anyone else in the series so far.

    As for Kenny being alive, I think he IS dead in the Ben version. It would make the most sense for that scene, and wraps up his story with some nice book ends (the first thing he does when we meet him is leave a young man to die, the last time we see him is him giving his life trying to save one). The Christa version just doesn't sit right with me though. He's more determined there, and has more bullets, and potentially has a few escape routes via a door or the windows. I think it's possible that he survived that.

    She was assumed dead by the group, which may explain Clementine's surprise. And it doesn't seem to be a "happy" surprise either, which I have

  • One of the survivors (can't remember which one) in season one said "Leaving her at the side of the road is the same as murder" or something along those lines, and Kenny also said if she steals the RV (when you talk to him about it) "The radiator is fried anyway: she wouldn't get more than five miles". And I find it unlikely that he survived in Christa's scenario either; He would have to get through an entire lurker infested building several stories high, run through streets with literally THOUSANDS of lurkers wandering around, all without a weapon (the brave bastard use the last bullets he had to save Christa) and without being bitten at all. Don't get me wrong: I love Kenny and I want him to live as much as the next person, but I need to believe the facts first, and so far, all signs point to nowhere but his death.

    Rock114 posted: »

    When did they assume that? At least I never thought she was dead, just out of the group. I do concede that I never gave it much thought after

  • Then you're no one to say Kenny is a twat and should be dead, Can't have it both ways dude or you'll just keep coming of as an hypocrite.
    And how exactly do you know he was bitten, a walker or devoured? Did you see any of that? How do you know Lily didn't get bitten or something?
    It was an unexpected thing because no one thought Carely would die there, same with Katjaa killing herself, that was unexpected. spices? uh, no it just makes you hate Larry because let's face it, having everyone best friends now THAT'S boring, hence why Kenny's character changes because it makes you test your friendship with him when he starts becoming more and more depressed.
    That's why we have different characters, all are different and do different things, If all the characters were Larry, they'd be dead by the end of episode 2.
    You played it through where you don't side with Kenny, if you actually showed the man respect, like he does at his first appearance in the game then he would save you on numerous occasions. Drug store in episode 1 where LARRY floored Lee and Kenny saved him from being devoured, When Danny St John is about to shoot Lee and Kenny attacks him and he falls into a bear trap, Remember Lee just standing there watching Lee's face almost being pushed into the electric fence? But that's if you have sided with Kenny so your game she would've shot Andy but seeing how you are saying that Kenny doesn't save me because you didn't side with him i thought i'd add that one in to make it fair. Episode 5 he saves you from the walkers even if you didn't side with him, that's more then Lily or Larry did combined for Lee. And of course he cares about his family, Just like Larry did for Lily but the difference is, Kenny cared about the others as well, He offers Lee to come with him on his boat and Clementine. I didn't see Larry or Lily offer Lee and Clem that luxury.

    UndeadEuan posted: »

    Whoever had a better plot in the season is an opinion.. you're no one to say Kenny had a better plot than Lilly. With Lilly, she can actual

  • Apparently you didn't know Lily: Larry was a dickhead who didn't care about anyone but his daughter, but Lily took care of Clementine (there is numerous amount of occasions that prove so) AND once you at least TRY to save her dad, she shows you a softer side of her never before seen by others. Lily was a strong leader willing to make the tough decisions... that is, until Larry died. The reason I sided with Lily until she was kicked was because I found some of Kenny's choices in Episode 2 and 3 somewhat questionable: I know where he is coming from, and I know he doesn't pull these things out of his ass, but I didn't agree with them morally. I loved Kenny, but I just found a few of his ideals questionable, but you're suggestion that because he was useful to you means he is justified in what he has done; that is false. This world isn't based on usefulness, unless, of course, you want to end up like Crawford.

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    Then you're no one to say Kenny is a twat and should be dead, Can't have it both ways dude or you'll just keep coming of as an hypocrite. And

  • Jeezus you guys need to cool down. Its not really fair to compare characters with different ranged development time. No one is "better than the other" though you can like a certain someone better (all a matter of opinion). Kenny's a dick if you don't kiss up yet redeems himself in the end. Lilly's a dick if you kill Larry for whatever your reason and when she leaves with the RV. Different people, slightly different stories. They both have their flaws and their positives just like everyone else in this world. Oh and this arguing is pointless. Just accept that someone else has a contrasting opinion, and if you don't understand or think it is wrong well.. it an opinion don't bash. If its trolling its trolling ignore it. Phew got that outta my system.

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    Then you're no one to say Kenny is a twat and should be dead, Can't have it both ways dude or you'll just keep coming of as an hypocrite. And

  • While I believe he might have survived that just because I see it being possible, I also believe so partly because in a storytelling sense, Kenny is the perfect character to bring back to connect Lee's choices in Season 1 to the story in Season 2. Kenny is the only survivor who was with Lee for all five Episodes, and saw almost all of the major choices Lee made in the first Season. The only other person who could say that is Clem, but we're playing as her. That means Kenny is really the ONLY choice if they want to have Season 1's choices affect Season 2 in some way OTHER than throwaway dialogue choices in conversations.

    One of the survivors (can't remember which one) in season one said "Leaving her at the side of the road is the same as murder" or something al

  • If only more people thought this way...If only...

    Rock114 posted: »

    Can't we like both of them? After looking back, I realized that Lilly was a pretty good character too (though I still like Kenny more, and would choose him if I ever had to make a choice between these two), and so I have come to be a fan of both.

  • I'm sorry: I will stop.

    No more fucks will be given!

    Jeezus you guys need to cool down. Its not really fair to compare characters with different ranged development time. No one is "better than th

  • edited December 2013

    I think appearances of both characters would be interesting to say the least, but I would find the game would have more conflict if Lily was around: Clem would have to choose whether or not to forgive her of past crimes and may make things a little more interesting.

    Rock114 posted: »

    While I believe he might have survived that just because I see it being possible, I also believe so partly because in a storytelling sense, Ke

  • @Ohyoupokedme that was directed at the others but I see you posted before I finished mine.You do bring a fair point though...I agree.

    Lilly wasn't all bad and nether was Kenny, they both had different points of views and made difficult choices that could be valid and invalid depending on your state of mind. People can judge all they want but all are made equal we can't justify reaction from action because we simply cant control it. Lilly went through trauma and killed another, the St. Johns and the Stranger became mentally unstable and deranged due to circumstance, Kenny was able to power through hardship but became hardened because of it and so forth. And more smart ramble and blah blahs...

    I'm sorry: I will stop. No more fucks will be given!

  • ha that's interesting I call them geeks.

    Archideus posted: »

    Yes, that's it, I meant biters

  • I played through both types, siding with Kenny and Lily and i still don't forgive Lily for leaving, even when i sided with her, When Kenny's family died he didn't leave Lee or Clementine in fact you can even agree to bring Clem with Lily if you take her with you in the RV keeping in mind she just killed someone in cold blood yet she dogs you and takes off.
    That's false dude. If you aren't useful how are you going to help? We all saw how Ben was the result of certain deaths, If he was useful certain people wouldn't die. Like Chuck said you're a living person. Remember when Omid's leg was infected? He couldn't do anything and he was holding the group up, now i'm not saying we should kill him but if he was more useful then his leg would never of been a problem.

    Apparently you didn't know Lily: Larry was a dickhead who didn't care about anyone but his daughter, but Lily took care of Clementine (there i

  • There's nothing wrong with telling people the truth more so when someone is insulting a character just because they didn't connect with them.
    If you actually have a look, you will see i don't call Lily names and say she should be dead.
    Honesty is the most offensive thing in the world and when that is exposed then of course fights will happen because people can't handle the truth.

    Jeezus you guys need to cool down. Its not really fair to compare characters with different ranged development time. No one is "better than th

  • teammustache

  • That's funny... most people were saying earlier on that Christa would be predictable.

    MegaMoto posted: »

    And so has Lilly, bring on Christa.

  • No she's not.

    She really is a great character.

    MegaMoto posted: »

    Yea I agree with you accept she's actually the worst character ever.

  • ~throw's bucket of water over undead.crixus~

    UndeadEuan posted: »

    Give me an EXACT quote of where I've been rude to someone. And not saying ' your theory is ridiculous ' because that isn't an insult. It wasn'

  • I'd love to see Lilly back as well, and it WOULD be interesting to see if players forgive her if she's really changed and become a better person (which, if she truly has, then I will). Like you, I want to see BOTH of them come back. I'd love to see Lilly and Kenny speak with each other again, given how much Kenny changed after she left (and however else he changed over the nearly 2 year time gap we haven't seen him if he did survive Savannah) and how much Lilly has probably changed over that same time period. It would be nice to see if they've both become better people (or not) and if they can stand burying the hatchet anywhere except the other's back.

    I think appearances of both characters would be interesting to say the least, but I would find the game would have more conflict if Lily was a

  • "If i offended someone with my words, i meant it, protected by the first amendement." - Ill Bill. You guys should listen to Underground HipHop. They teach you things that are otherwise hidden from you, and also drop knowledge, and most of them have an excellent vocabulary, its not like that fake headache inducing "Rap" on the radio

    UndeadEuan posted: »

    I'm not rude to others. Intentionally, at least. You, however, are another case. You cannot do whatever you want. You cannot be rude to other

  • I don't get it..

    ~throw's bucket of water over undead.crixus~

  • getting all hot and bothered


    Crixus posted: »

    I don't get it..

  • Oh I hope you have a lot of buckets for others in here aswell then

    getting all hot and bothered chill

  • Eh whatever I don't hate you for liking her I just can't. She killed Carly, unforgivable.

    RubyMoon posted: »

    No she's not. She really is a great character.

  • for some maybe other wise i just let them get on with it...

    Crixus posted: »

    Oh I hope you have a lot of buckets for others in here aswell then

  • I honestly hope it is Christa, don't care much for Lilly or Kenny. Although if I had to chose I'd rather Kenny come back because he didn't kill Carly.

    UndeadEuan posted: »

    That's funny... most people were saying earlier on that Christa would be predictable.

  • I liked Carley... Even tho she didn't mind her own business.

    I guess it was an accident ... Lilly snapped.

    MegaMoto posted: »

    Eh whatever I don't hate you for liking her I just can't. She killed Carly, unforgivable.

  • Well...this escalated quickly. Thank you Kenny fans, I love you all

  • Also in response to everything, at the end of the day this was just my opinion. If I've caused offense, I didn't mean to- yes I'm a Kenny fan, I didn't really mind Lily and the Bitch thing was uncalled for, I think all the characters are great- hell, I even liked the tension with Larry's character. I'll be honest, I've been angered about some of the things that have been said about Kenny, especially about you know -who- and it's all just riled me up a bit. I see myself as a mature person, and the comment I made about Lily was immature. But all the hate for Kenny has just gone a little bit to far for me, especially when people are jumping on us for just being happy that Kenny might come back. It's not fair, and most of us have just retaliated in such a way. Some of the things been said about Kenny and toward Kenny things have been disgusting, I'm partially with Crixus- you can't call him disgusting, when I've seen some of the language and words you've used against him.

    I'm just hands down a Kenny fan, all I wanted to do was make that clear- I'm just sick of him getting hate for no reason, especially on the level. This thread was needed in my opinion. I hope he's in the next episode, and if he's not? I won't stop playing because I love the game and all the characters, it's not the be all or end all for me. I just happen to love Kenny, and some of the stuff said to people just for liking Kenny isn't right- that's why I made this thread, there's plenty of evidence to prove it. As to those who I've offended, I'm sorry. But I'm entitled to my opinion.

  • edited December 2013

    Good point just tired of the Kenny/Lilly haters and fans. But I will say this that the truth sometimes differs the opinion. Oh and do note when I mean "others" I'm just generalizing those who do insult "others"....if that makes sense.

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    There's nothing wrong with telling people the truth more so when someone is insulting a character just because they didn't connect with them.

  • If you point out things that are the truth for example a Lily fan said that Kenny doesn't save Lee because in that persons playthrough, they didn't side with Kenny, if you do side with him, Kenny will save you like Lily. If you side with her she's a pretty decent character. But opinion is when someone says, "Yeah Kenny's a twat, he should be a walker" type of thing.
    Yeah i get what you're saying.

    Good point just tired of the Kenny/Lilly haters and fans. But I will say this that the truth sometimes differs the opinion. Oh and do note when I mean "others" I'm just generalizing those who do insult "others"....if that makes sense.

  • Yes I'm sure Lilly's finger slipped, and Lee must not be dead.

    RubyMoon posted: »

    I liked Carley... Even tho she didn't mind her own business. I guess it was an accident ... Lilly snapped.

  • Munches popcorn

    "If i offended someone with my words, i meant it, protected by the first amendement." - Ill Bill. You guys should listen to Underground HipHop

  • Well Kenny was a twat to my Lee.

    It's no different from people calling Lilly a slut or a bitch.

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    If you point out things that are the truth for example a Lily fan said that Kenny doesn't save Lee because in that persons playthrough, they d

  • Kenny killed Larry though.. who may I add brought a lot to the game.

    MegaMoto posted: »

    I honestly hope it is Christa, don't care much for Lilly or Kenny. Although if I had to chose I'd rather Kenny come back because he didn't kill Carly.

  • Sorry but what hate do you mean? He seems to have way more fanboys than hardcore haters.

    However there are many legitimate reasons to hate Kenny even if you side with him 100%

    Brody100 posted: »

    Also in response to everything, at the end of the day this was just my opinion. If I've caused offense, I didn't mean to- yes I'm a Kenny fan,

  • He DID have charm coming out of his ass.

    UndeadEuan posted: »

    Kenny killed Larry though.. who may I add brought a lot to the game.

This discussion has been closed.