Don't be upset if it's Lee's parents
Following up my award winning thread "Don't be pissed if it's Glenn" I pose the question if lees parents are dead?
After replaying season 1 episode 1 again I started to wonder if lees parents are dead. I was thinking the blood in the back room could be from lees brother.
Clementine was shown a picture of lee's parents so she would know what they look like. She would also think they were dead the same way lee did.
Anyway I just thought it was a remote possibility.
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Wrong again
lilly said she and her dad moved a dead elderly couple out of the back office so no. you had me going there for a minute tho.
Now see I remember Lilly saying something. Are you sure she said a elderly dead couple? Or a couple of bodies? I don't remember the exact interaction,
I rewatched the interaction of Lilly and Lee on YouTube. When lee asks if anyone was at the drug store Lilly replied " we pulled a couple of bodies out of the office"
She never said they found elderly couple. In fact she never said they pulled a couple out of the office (as a married couple) she made like there were a few of bodies back there and they pulled a couple outside.
I just think that this is a slim possibility that I have not seen around the forum.
It was heavily implied regardless, and im sure they've been long forgotten about from the writers seeing as lees dead brother wasn't even shown in episode 3 of season 1 even if you try to walk up to where he was.
We'll you never know..Maybe.. Maybe not.
All I know is its 2014 and any things possible!
There are lots of slim possibilities, anyone practically has at least a slim possibility. They are wrong though and don't deserve a new thread though just because "you have not seen it around the forum" perhaps you didn't see it around the forums because most people use common sense and reasoning to figure out this will not be the case, if alone for the reason that It would just be crap writing and boring.
I give Telltale more credit. I believe what they do will be better then any "theory" posted here. They have professional writers on this thing. I heard they "Listen to fan feedback really closely" when developing the game. Well I hope for all our sakes that they don't listen TOO closely, or we are all screwed.
It was Travis' dad. He was special forces.
I would rather TTG dig in to the box of secrets and thin possibilities then bring back someone obvious.
But who knows.
I'd rather they make the game good. I trust them. All fan theories suck. Sorry to say it but yours are among the worst.
its clearly Ben if you drop him I mean are you guys idiots or what... lol im kidding guys
I don't understand why everyone is arguing when we all know it's going to be Cyborg Larry who is carrying Christa's baby, and Clem's parents will be standing behind him rocking Kenny's mustache.
Don't be pissed if its my mom
Come on, we all know who is the person that Clementine is shocked to see:
Whoever it is I'm just hoping ep2 comes out earlier and not later.
Well, heres my theory. Who/what does everyone think is dead and has been proven to be dead.
Answer: Elvis or a dinosaur...WE never actually SAW them die, it's just implied by things we've read.
Thus, the person in question who Clem said "I thought you were dead," too is, in fact, Jesus Christ. He has returned to save mankind from the apocalypse, because it is, in fact, The rapture. So, it's Jesus. Case....closed.
Clem" I thought you were dead."
Jesus "No, my child. I was never truly dead for I live in all your hearts. Now, Im here to save all good Christian souls." Thus, Clem's moral choices from season 2 and Lee's lesson's from season 1. Is Clem a righteous enough dude to be saved by Jesus during the zombie apocalypse? YOU decide!
Or Elvis or a dinosaur.
Clem:" I thought you were dead,
Dinosaur: "Rooooooar."
Clem: "I thought you were dead." "You're amazing. Im so happy ur alive."
Elvis:"Thank you very much."
Major plot twist. "You," isn't referring to ONE person, but many people. So it's Jesus, Elvis, and a dinosaur. Again, we're missing context, we don't know the scenario right. Lee said he was a CHristian man, SO did Kenny. makes perfect sense that it'd be Jesus. TTG has been dropping hints EVERYWHERE that it's Jesus. Look at Kenny and/or nick...who do they look like? Jesus...that's who! They are misleading us but the answer has been right in front of us all along. I'm excited to fight some zombies with The king of Dinosaurs (T-rex,) the king of Rock (Elvis) and the king in general if u are a Christian-Jesus.....and the king of the apes too.....King Kong
Didn't Telltale confirm awhile ago that Lee's family is dead?
Heavily...HEAVILY implied leaving on an 0.000001% chance that they are alive. There is NO way that it is Lee's would she even RECOGNIZE them if it WERE them by some twist of fate?
Don't be upset if it's Maybelle. I can totally see that coming. Clem and the gang is in trouble and then, out of nowhere, Maybelle jumps out of the bushes and stomps the evil guys to death. She also has salt licks strapped on her back, so everyone hurries to grab one to arm themselves to go to war. After everyone gets to taste Maybelle's awesome milk, they get an immediate strength boost and then Maybelle proceeds to lead them into victory with a furious war cry. "MOOOOOOO!"
Trust me, if Obito was in this game, he would confuse Clementine with Rin and she would be confused as hell. Or, he will make a huge speech about how the world sucks and that he will create a world where no one will suffer anymore and Clementine will have her parents, Lee, Duck, Omid and the rest back and bla bla bla.
Clementine was shown the full picture of lee with his parents before he tore it up.
What's funny is folks will stand from the mountaintop and scream Kenny but won't entertain this idea in the least. Hopefully we find out soon enough. I don't think I can stand a delay like TWAU ep 2.
Now I think your just trolling.
Unless Clementine has fucking photographic memory that's god damn impossible. I'm fairly certain Telltale said in one of their Talking Dead episodes that Lee's parents are dead.
People will scream Kenny/Lilly because they're literally the only choices that make sense. I'm leaning towards Kenny but I will be understanding if it's Lilly since she's equally plausible.
Do you always have to cuss.
I don't swear that much dude. One F-bomb and the word damn? That's not exactly Kenny level of swearing.
I'm surprised people have issues with stuff like this. Unless you went to a strict Catholic school or something, swearing should be a normal occurrence for you.