Clem's ethnicity and others
I've heard white, black, mixed and even Asian. I know it doesn't really matter but I always thought she was white haha.
And Omid looks middle eastern, am i right?
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I've heard white, black, mixed and even Asian. I know it doesn't really matter but I always thought she was white haha.
And Omid looks middle eastern, am i right?
they're people
alive people
well, omid's dead
clem comes from a heritage of black people
omid is middle eastern, yess
I thought Clementine was a narwhal?
the wisdom of Chuck
Not this again, I thought we closed the matter ages ago. Her father was black and her mother is presumed half cast. So she is half cast. Happy now? Please let this be the end of this nonsense. And I also agree with Jexx21 why does their race matter anyway we all live, bleed and breath no matter our race.
I said it didnt matter
Lol true that man. Another Race thread seriously what does it matter not like it makes a difference to the game.I expect this thread will be closed by the time I'm back online So I bid you all Adieu and Happy New Year!

You gotta consider her a living person - that's it. Yer either livin' or yer not. You ain't black, you ain't white, you ain't mixed. You ain't hispanic or Asian - yer alive.
Good Chuck Paraphrase! :P
"Omid" is a persian name.
Clem is half-black, but culturally, mentally she's white. She doesn't speak like typical black child would, doesn't act like them, and so on.
Lord, I'm tired of this drivel.

she Looks white
She is voiced by a white woman if that matters any haha
You know, she can possibly be adopted.
Nobody ever said clementine was the birth child, and she looks a bit asian. Though one thing is that she does have her mother's hair.
But then it can be something with genes or whatever. But why is this such an issue? Can't we just play the game without making such a big fuss?
Clem African American
She is black. If this makes you uncomfortable enough that you question it then you're a terrible person.
Maybe shes just whatever you want her to be
Jesus Christ. Believe what you want, photographic evidence be damned. Meanwhile, I'm going to make every effort not to assume the worst about you and everyone else who continues to insist that Clem must be mixed race, adopted, or ANYTHING to justify her light skin tone as proof that she's not black. It's disturbing as fuck, but whatever.
To be honest she seems to be half black half aisan. her eyes are too bright to be pure black; they're like amber colored. her skin tone is too light to be black. she is what she is. i say she's half aisan half black. even for being black her skin tone is just way too light.
haha! Love Dean and Shepard!
Lol at people who freak out when somebody mentions race in a completely factual basis. There are Black people, white people, brown, yellow and red people in the world ,get used to it. Its only when you get derogatory and discriminatory that its a problem ok kids.
anyways. I always thought she was a light skinned black.
Curiosity killed the cat.
Satisfaction brought it back.
Dianna looks a bit like Rebecca....
Ugh, don't think about it!
God i love these forums.
All light skinned blacks are mixed by definition. Otherwise they wouldn't be "light-skinned", duh!
She's dovahkin.
Wrong hat.
What does that mean? What does a typical black child act and sound like?
Huh, I guess Lee wasn't wrong. Larry is an old racist asshole.
Little know this, but Clem is actually a shapeshifter. She can turn into a crocodile at will
Majority of Black Americans are mixed down the line in general, whether it's 10% to 40%. Society still views them as Black.
I think she is white or biracial, not because i'm racist or i want her to be but because shes so light skinned and her eyes are green/yellowish and that is rare in African Americans. Her mother looks white also, her father is obviously black. But like Ellias said she could be adopted, nobody said she was the birth child. You have to remember TellTale likes to surprise people so who knows!
This is just my opinion don't get pissy if you disagree with me.
Well... you know...urban?
She's African American based on on what we've see in her family portrait. Her parents clearly look African American, especially her mom who's most likely just light-skin.
Here's a closer look of Clementine's mother, Diana.
I'm guessing it was a model they never got around using in the first game.
Also, the reason why she "looks" Asian is because Derek Sakai confirmed on Game Informer that he took inspiration and features from his daughter such as the eyes, the baseball cap, fashion, etc.
So even if you want to deny that Clementine is Black, at the very least she's Blasian (Half-Black, Half-Asian).
Basically Clementine was suppose to be White but Sakai changed her race to make her look like she could potentially be Lee's daughter.
Woah! That model of Clem's mom, her face looks exactly like Clem
It says reconstruction, I think someone put Clementines face on a adult body to see what her mum would have looked like when she was alive.
She doesn't have those ridges on her forehead, so we can rule out Klingon atleast.