Justin the con man from 400 days could be...
The father of Rebecca's baby
Vince said Justin ditched him to find a group to join.
With him being a con man...He may have traded apple juices boxes in exchange for joining the group at the house.While staying at the house, he got close to Rebecca , and told her he could get her any flavor juice she wanted.Grape, orange, kiwi ect all in exchange for some ass.
After banging Rebecca a few times, he told her he was leaving to go get the juice from his secret stash in the woods, but he hasn't come back yet, because there isn't any more juice. :P
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haha thank you, kind sir for making me laugh for like 20 minutes!
It started out serious... then...
Everything makes sense now my mind is blown if this doesn't happen we're all storming TellTale HQ and forcing them to hire this man XD
What if you saved Danny?
Then his innocence claims were false.
The 3 stages the OP's Post brought me through.....

So he went to look for juice...
But ALVIN had the juice!!!
The plot thickens
I think we may have just proved that Alvin paid Justin, in juice, to try and test Rebecca's fidelity!!
If you save Danny, then he would have joined the group 1 year earlier than Justin would have.Danny joined before they moved into that

house,but he only lasted with them a few days because he was killed by Carlos. well this pic explains why
Danny had pinky swore to be "best friends" with Sarah, and tried to convenience her that best friends get to tickle each others privates.
After Sarah told her father what kind of BBF activities Danny had planned for them.Carlos shoots and Kills Danny out of rage.
no dude ,Alvin only had generic apple juice...Justin was promising to give Rebecca the good shit, name brand stuff. Like Juicy-Juice ,Minute Maid ,Motts, Hi-C and even Capri Sun.Alvin couldn't promise Capri Sun, that why he got cheated on.Poor guy
You sir, made my day. Thank you!
The OP is right. TWD wiki has confirmed this.