Do you think Lee died????
Personally I think Lee lives. Yea he was bit ,but he cut it off and after that he was fine. Until he was shot trying to save Clem. , but lets think here if your in that type of world you have no medical equipment , so of course he will pass out at the end. He lost a lot of blood , and Molly is still out there and she was a scavenger so maybe she found some medical supples so maybe she found him and saved him.
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Lee was saved by a roaming doctor named Jeff
Nooo just no, he was bit and was gonna turn anyway I had clementine shoot him, he's not alive I wish he was but he's not.
Nooo just no, he was bit and was gonna turn anyway I had clementine shoot him, he's not alive I wish he was but he's not.
I have proof he's dead if you shot him and that Clem didn't shoot the wall instead of Lee
Although you are entitled to your own opinion, it's pretty much a solid fact that Lee IS dead. Bites from walkers=death. Sorry bro.
that was awesome
He is definitely dead.
Lee is like the virtual Tupac. Let the man rest in peace.
No way he's dead.He just drift off to sleep just like duck
I'll give Kenny the benefit of the doubt considering there are so many hints of his return, and the fact that we didn't see a body. But in Lee's case... these threads are pointless. Lee is dead. As much as i want him not to be,he is. At least in my game... At best you can hope for a walker Lee.
I shot him. He's gone.
In my run through Lee had both his arms.
Lee actually took some time to deal with his bite. He got bit, he spoke with the group, then went to Vernon's. The only way amputation could feasibly help is if it was within minutes, possibly seconds of the bite. The fact is as soon as your heart pumps the blood up from the infected limb and into the heart, you're done for. Lee was becoming lot like Duck was - gray skin, discolored eyes, coughing and losing his strength. He's gone.
lee is dead. end of story.
Um bite= Dead is true anybody else see Hershel get his leg cut off cause he was Bit and he lived so there him him
lee's not dead, his consciousness moved over to Clementine. He's still in his coma lying in the hospital bed, sharing a room with Rick Grimes where they both inhabit some weird mind-meld dream world where the world went to shit because of zombies.
did no one read my "truth behind The Walking Dead" topic?
I gave you a thumbs up, can see a twist coming(maybe) Pete may be the answer to Lees Returning and heres how. Pete gets bitten, we all know that but you chose to save him you will find out that if you do cut off in time you can be saved. He says all the effects of cutting it off though like passing out and yellowing of the eyes and Clem has flash backs of Lee with these symptoms. Clem has deep thoughts and stares off "and someone asks if shes okay and comes back to talking about something else". But this small indication hints at Lees returning. The only problem is If you didn't cut it off and kept it and the fact that if Clem shot lee but her eyes were closed and the gun jerked so he could still be alive maybe it should have been essential for Lee to lose him arm if Telltale would have made us cut it off.
I'm not sure if you're serious or not, but just in case you are, I'll clarify why Lee is not alive.
First off, even if you take his arm off he starts getting pale and weak, and there is the option NOT to take his arm off, and you can choose for Clementine to shoot Lee, which likely leads to his death. So, there is one path where you do not necessarily see him die, though it seems like he dies still, since he was so weak he could barely move. One path where there is a small chance he may have lived. That means he is dead.
No other character in the history of the Walking Dead games so far could have their fate changed. By that I mean they all either live or die. Molly lives no matter what you do, Kenny disappears no matter what you do(he is never shown to die no matter what you do), Doug and Carley die no matter what you do, Lily leaves the group no matter what you do(of her own free will or from being kicked out of the group, depending on if you take her with you or not). I hope that is enough examples. Look at any character in the game that you want to. Their fate(living or dying) cannot be changed. Why would they make an exception for Lee when so many other characters were so much more likely to live until their death? Most of the characters who died in the games died from suddenly being attacked, not from a zombie bite.
The reason why there aren't different possible outcomes for characters(living or dying) is because that would be a LOT of work for Telltale, on the story. It would be a lot of work to have Lee appear in season 2 in any way that changes the story, because they have to make completely different story paths for him being there and him not being there, and there isn't really any way for them to make Lee not have a big impact on the story that would be good plot at all. Then again, bringing Lee black wouldn't be good plot.
Dat feel bro, so many threads have caused this feeling!

Yo Dawg I heard you think Lee is alive but my Lee died when he got shot in the head because people who get shot in the head tend to die!
You got speared in the back and then had your head cut off but you still seem to be alive somehow.
naaa thats only a flesh wound. he will be up and running around as soon as he heals. (whats that? all the doctors are dead and there's no working hospitals!!!) never mind he's dead.
That's because I am the Undefeated Gaul!!! Ha finally someone gets the Spartacus Reference, I thought no one on this forums watched the show :P
No, he is alive but in a better place called Heaven where he and his family are happy, he plays the game Slender with Doug, he plays football with Ben and he is making out with Carley as we speak.
So this pretty much means that HE IS DEAD AND NEVER COMING BACK!!!
Sure he's alive. He woke up feeling better, chewed off his other arm to free himself and is now headbutting zombies everywhere he goes.
Lee's dead. Clementine can even say that when talking to Luke.
the fact is lee is dead but a like this theroy and you can relate to your chocies have consequencesif you dont cut lee's arm of clem thinks maybe if lee cut his arm off that he could survive and if you shoot him she has a massive gulit that maybe he couldive survied if she didint kill him and if she left him she wants to go back asuming that we are going back to Savannah but if we are not she argues to the group back to there but something hapens and she helps the group or wahtever hapens and season 3 is about her going to find lee or some other motavtion to go back if you killed him or didnt lose the arm but i think hes dead and would be a good plot for a new season and i ep 5 season 3 u will see lee dead ethier way
She said she killed Lee by running away, she don't say that she shoot him in the head. Molly could find him and saved.
Probably I'm wrong and Lee is dead, but I hope Lee is alive, he dead too early and he's still interesting character.
If you thought anything in TWD was going to have a happy ending you haven't been paying attention.