I like episodic gaming a lot for one simple reason; I like playing games and then discussing them online. Forums like this one are a great way to spend a break at work, or time spent in transit.
Normally when I join a particular board and discuss a game, the board just dies within a few months with no hope of ever recovering. The game is out, the possibility of a sequel is years away, and sure enough after a little while I have to go looking for a new game's community to be a part of.
But the way Telltale does things ensures that people hang around for future installments. There's always discussion to be had, and huge surges of new posters with each new episode. The fact that I like both TWD and TWAU gives me two boards to frequent as well, both of which will have a strong community most of next year because they're both active series.
Episodic gaming is worth supporting to my mind. It encourages the more social aspects of gaming, both in players' ability to discuss with eachother and the devs being able to respond to player feedback.
And it's only going to get better for me, since Telltale already has new franchises lined up that I'm also interested in. I can see myself sticking around these forums, unlike the forums of most other games.
As for the delays, well, they're unfortunate. There's not much else to be said. I don't want to come off as being too forgiving, but making games is HARD work and I'm not surprised that Telltale has had to postpone the release of a few episodes. The quality of their stuff keeps me hanging on, though, and I find a mixture of playing other games and frequenting these boards really helps me deal with the wait.
Releasing the whole game at once is only half of what I am saying. I am more disappointed that telltale is setting us up for disappointment again with respect to the episode time tables. Its insane to think we wait 6-8 weeks for an hour (hour and half) of game play. No one on this forum is saying the actual game is bad or poorly written I am saying the episodic gaming needs to be in shorter increments or dates need to be more public.
Well they could release the whole game and people would be done within 5 hours and the next season comes out next year. Its not about telltal… moree staying true to deadlines, its about you wanting to play the whole game in a day because its just that good and you have a patience. I promise you, they have a good reason to delay episodes. I will be fine if they do as long as they keep up the good quality in their game.
i really hope a 3 month wait isn't the schedule for the rest of the episodes of TWAU and TWD, personally i would say anything over 6 weeks it to long, any kind of buzz has totally died after that long, and especially after just one episode
Enjoyed the first season, hated the wait.
Now I worry the wait between episodes will be even longer what with Telltale juggling The Wolf Am… moreong Us and The Walking Dead Season 2.
It's already been 3 months since TWAU Ep 1 was released and Ep 2 hasn't even had a release date mentioned yet? Not feeling to optimistic about TWD S2 E2.
As much as I want to wait for all the episodes to be released so I can play them back to back, I just can't stand the wait anymore. I'm buying the season pass tomorrow!
Seeing how people feel doesn't mean a character won't die. Many of the characters from S1 were loved by many, and most of them are dead. Invulnerability will never exist in Kirkman's world.
Nope. Small things changing is great. Characters being invulnerable because of fans isn't. Like Daryl, he's great but the fangirls have made him invulnerable
I like episodic gaming a lot for one simple reason; I like playing games and then discussing them online. Forums like this one are a great way… more to spend a break at work, or time spent in transit.
Normally when I join a particular board and discuss a game, the board just dies within a few months with no hope of ever recovering. The game is out, the possibility of a sequel is years away, and sure enough after a little while I have to go looking for a new game's community to be a part of.
But the way Telltale does things ensures that people hang around for future installments. There's always discussion to be had, and huge surges of new posters with each new episode. The fact that I like both TWD and TWAU gives me two boards to frequent as well, both of which will have a strong community most of next year because they're both active series.
Episodic gaming is worth supporting to my mind. It encourages the more social aspects of gaming, both i… [view original content]
I like the hype too but the in between shows is only 7 days. 7 days is an accurate amount of time to discuss and speculate as to what it is go… moreing to happen. 30 days if not 50 days is a little too much. Heck the actual tv episode is an hour and so is the game! by that logic we should be getting episodes weekly!
There not going to give an official release date incase they do need to delay it. 6-8 is fine for such an incredible game. Call of Duty DLC packs released every 2 months so it isn't anything new.
Releasing the whole game at once is only half of what I am saying. I am more disappointed that telltale is setting us up for disappointment ag… moreain with respect to the episode time tables. Its insane to think we wait 6-8 weeks for an hour (hour and half) of game play. No one on this forum is saying the actual game is bad or poorly written I am saying the episodic gaming needs to be in shorter increments or dates need to be more public.
As much as I want to wait for all the episodes to be released so I can play them back to back, I just can't stand the wait anymore. I'm buying the season pass tomorrow!
Seeing how people feel doesn't mean a character won't die. Many of the characters from S1 were loved by many, and most of them are dead. Invulnerability will never exist in Kirkman's world.
If they were completely written beforehand, it would rather destroy the whole point of the episodic gaming structure. Episodic gaming means th… moree writers can adjust to fan response in later episodes, changing the things everyone hates and adding more of what people request.
They almost certainly have a broad outline of where they're going and what they're doing. But many of the details will only be established as we progress into the story.
"A release date is to be announced after the holidays," is this what you are speaking of? One would expect more after 2.5 months of waiting. … more Q1 2014 is not a sufficient estimate of its release. It will take more than a few screenshots to excite genuine interest from the playerbase. At least TWAU episodes have proven to be of a sufficient length, the first episode took me around 3 hours to complete. I at least know with this that I will be getting plenty of content for my wait.
Anyways, it's not as if I am assaulting the Telltale forums with complaints concerning their many projects. I made one comment suggesting that Telltale has its development teams spread too thin. Do you imagine me angrily slamming my keyboard as I type, unable to catch my breath in a fit of rage? My complaints were perfectly reasonable and not at all melodramatic. Your comment, however, is needlessly hostile.
No that is complete bullshit. They may listen to player feedback and implement some ideas but they don't build their game based on feedback. The story is already done. The writers are probably working on their next project or maybe polishing some things or changing minor stuff in the story and that's where they may implement some ideas.
Popular TV shows end up being good because they're good. There's no ideas taken from anywhere else. again, maybe some minor ones but the general story is 99% the one that writers came up with.
There not going to give an official release date incase they do need to delay it. 6-8 is fine for such an incredible game. Call of Duty DLC packs released every 2 months so it isn't anything new.
I agree. I find it hard to believe they create and adjust their opinion and options because of us. As I said before I think they just make technical adjustments in between episodes to prevent glitches, bugs, etc
No that is complete bullshit. They may listen to player feedback and implement some ideas but they don't build their game based on feedback. T… morehe story is already done. The writers are probably working on their next project or maybe polishing some things or changing minor stuff in the story and that's where they may implement some ideas.
Popular TV shows end up being good because they're good. There's no ideas taken from anywhere else. again, maybe some minor ones but the general story is 99% the one that writers came up with.
I watch the tv show weekly as do most so I don't think "like tv" is a sound point. The end of the season will be in about (if telltale even holds up to its speculative dates) 5-6 months. Im not waiting for that long only for it to probably be spoiled for me at some point.
I love the episodic nature of things. It sparks conversation and excitement, much like Breaking Bad... However, 2-3 months is FAR too long. It should be 1 month MAX. I'm still waiting on the phenomenal Wolf Among Us...
I love the episodic nature of things. It sparks conversation and excitement, much like Breaking Bad... However, 2-3 months is FAR too long. It should be 1 month MAX. I'm still waiting on the phenomenal Wolf Among Us...
Honestly asking or suggestion for it to come out weekly is foolish, and 'all together' as well. This game would be boring to high hell if it weren't episodic and not that exciting. Think about season 1, if you released it all in a bunch it wouldn't be exciting and that great. The thing that makes these games great is the waiting and the suspense. Though yes, I totally agree 2 months isn't enough and how tell tale has had delays and still is dealing with them - but they're a small company and are working on alot of things. Though this is where it's their fault for taking on alot of shit and acknowledging their company size.
Regardless, if anything - 1 month is enough. And I'd love for tell tale to release each episode monthly. 2/3 months is too long for 2 hour episodes (You should know also that the first episode was 1/1.30 hours longs. The rest will be very much longer..) . And yes, by the time it's mids to late february or even early march, we'll be seeing episode 2.. Sadly People who say otherwise are not experienced with tell tale or just have to much hope.. lol
Im not asking for weekly episodes. Ultimately I would like telltale to have more concrete deadlines and public dates instead of just keeping everything in the shadows. Its very unprofessional and hints that they don't really know when the next episode will be out.
Honestly asking or suggestion for it to come out weekly is foolish, and 'all together' as well. This game would be boring to high hell if it w… moreeren't episodic and not that exciting. Think about season 1, if you released it all in a bunch it wouldn't be exciting and that great. The thing that makes these games great is the waiting and the suspense. Though yes, I totally agree 2 months isn't enough and how tell tale has had delays and still is dealing with them - but they're a small company and are working on alot of things. Though this is where it's their fault for taking on alot of shit and acknowledging their company size.
Regardless, if anything - 1 month is enough. And I'd love for tell tale to release each episode monthly. 2/3 months is too long for 2 hour episodes (You should know also that the first episode was 1/1.30 hours longs. The rest will be very much longer..) . And yes, by the time it's mids to late february or even early march, … [view original content]
You should already get the idea when the next episode comes out if you're experienced with telltale games. It's not that hard that it'll be a 2 month wait.
Im not asking for weekly episodes. Ultimately I would like telltale to have more concrete deadlines and public dates instead of just keeping e… moreverything in the shadows. Its very unprofessional and hints that they don't really know when the next episode will be out.
I played and was on the forums for Season 1, people were going insane and justly so. Trust me I know telltale will make it a 2 month wait but thats absolutely ridiculous. I think the fact they haven't released any timetable what so ever is a bad sign.
You should already get the idea when the next episode comes out if you're experienced with telltale games. It's not that hard that it'll be a 2 month wait.
Things did not always used to be like this, if they were. There was large amounts of communication back and forth. It's just I think they were unable to handle this work load. They said polishing the game. That's fine. They started Wolf Among Us, before Walking Dead. They had tons of time, you're telling me that they need..an extra three months.
When TWD was initially published it was supposed to be monthly as in 1 month in between episodes. However I believe after episode 2 (or even after episode 1) telltale said that it would be a little longer than a month. I know for one episode there was a 2 month delay. I do believe the average was a month and a half (6-8 weeks)
The worse of it all, with season 1 was that regardless of the deadlines telltale released a statement saying the next episode will be out in a week. Then the week past and there was still no episode. In another instance they said the episode will be coming out "VERY SOON" (or something of that extent.) It was a solid 2 and a half weeks after that.
So with that being said, Id say the average episode will b released every 50-70 days.
When TWD was initially published it was supposed to be monthly as in 1 month in between episodes. However I believe after episode 2 (or even a… morefter episode 1) telltale said that it would be a little longer than a month. I know for one episode there was a 2 month delay. I do believe the average was a month and a half (6-8 weeks)
The worse of it all, with season 1 was that regardless of the deadlines telltale released a statement saying the next episode will be out in a week. Then the week past and there was still no episode. In another instance they said the episode will be coming out "VERY SOON" (or something of that extent.) It was a solid 2 and a half weeks after that.
So with that being said, Id say the average episode will b released every 50-70 days.
Both the comics and the TV show are released similarly, where we only get a chunk and we wait for the next episode. It's good from a marketing standpoint because it gives people time to talk about the series and let people get into it. And when people get hyped for the next episode, people speculate and talk about it, giving it popularity. Every episode is about 2-4 hours long (don't tell me you did it in one, it only seems like it), and if they do it that way they we get a longer, expansive game because they get the money as your playing parts of the game and can tell whether or not the game will be profitable, and gives different writers opportunities to tell their stories in different episodes. If they released the entire thing, we'd have to wait a much longer time to get it and would probably cost quite a bit more. Not only that, but we wouldn't get all these cliffhanger moments throughout the story, they'd just be plot twists that we experience immediately. I don't know about you, but I like cliffhangers better than plot twists for some reason.
I might be wrong here as I'm just speaking my thoughts and speculations, but I think Telltale has a lot of fine tuning to do as far as the ins… moreide of their company goes. A lot of people had never even heard of TTG before TWD, that game was definitely their breakthrough and their way into the spotlight. They were a much smaller company and are seemingly trying to progress and expand, and I think that were all watching them go through the awkward transition phase. I definitely agree with your post, I love their games and everything else but the way they go about PR and the episodic content could use some tweaking. I think in the future they'll find a balance to please to fans and carry on as they see fit.
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I like the episodic content for the reasons you stated above. But myself and others agree that Telltale could do a better job with it. I only said what I said above because of two reasons:
The Wolf Among Us. It's been delayed for quite a while now, and that's fine with me, I want them to take time to flesh out a really good episode. But the problem with a lot of people is that they paid for the game and the developers aren't communicating with them in any way to tell them what the hold up is. There is no information currently about TWAU ep. 2 other than we'll get news sometime this month. That's not what people who paid money for a product want to hear, because let's face it, ep. 2 at this rate could never be released for all we know, because we know nothing.
The other reason is the release date for TWD Season 2. I found that REALLY weird, the release date wasn't confirmed until a day before (for PC), and it wasn't even on a grandscale, it was just puzzlebox replying to a thread on here and saying it'd be out the next day. I found that really weird and I don't see what the harm could've been if Telltale would've just said, "Hey guys, sorry for the wait, TWD will probably be released on xx/xx/xxxx, but take that with a grain of salt as we're waiting for confirmation from Microsoft (or whatever reason)."
And now that they've taken on new IPs it seems obvious that, with their new found and quite large fanbase from TWD, they're looking to expand as a company. That's great, but they weren't as popular before TWD and just from speculation alone, it seems like they're in some sort of awkward transition state. Have they ever had the need to communicate with the fanbase before about delays? I'm not sure, but the scale was never the way it is now, and they need to beef up their PR department if one even exists currently unless they want continually bad feedback from fans and consumers.
Trust me, I'm not trying to hate on Telltale and I don't really mind any of the above, but it's an issue with a lot of people regardless.
Both the comics and the TV show are released similarly, where we only get a chunk and we wait for the next episode. It's good from a marketing… more standpoint because it gives people time to talk about the series and let people get into it. And when people get hyped for the next episode, people speculate and talk about it, giving it popularity. Every episode is about 2-4 hours long (don't tell me you did it in one, it only seems like it), and if they do it that way they we get a longer, expansive game because they get the money as your playing parts of the game and can tell whether or not the game will be profitable, and gives different writers opportunities to tell their stories in different episodes. If they released the entire thing, we'd have to wait a much longer time to get it and would probably cost quite a bit more. Not only that, but we wouldn't get all these cliffhanger moments throughout the story, they'd just be plot twists that we experie… [view original content]
I do agree with you, TellTale can handle it a bit better. Since they're breakthrough with the first season, they're going through a transition stage and it's effecting the games. The episodic idea has worked pretty well for them, but they're pushing the gaps a bit too big. I don't want to spend eight months playing The Walking Dead or The Wolf Among Us to the end. They should release an episode every 3-6 weeks, not like two months as they usually do. And the lack of feedback/announcements is kind of screwed up, it's really easy to announce the launch of a video game, and not doing that is actually hurting them. I like the concept of episodic gaming, but as you said, it's not being executed correctly.
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I like the episodic content for the reasons you stated above. But myself and others agree that Telltale could do … morea better job with it. I only said what I said above because of two reasons:
The Wolf Among Us. It's been delayed for quite a while now, and that's fine with me, I want them to take time to flesh out a really good episode. But the problem with a lot of people is that they paid for the game and the developers aren't communicating with them in any way to tell them what the hold up is. There is no information currently about TWAU ep. 2 other than we'll get news sometime this month. That's not what people who paid money for a product want to hear, because let's face it, ep. 2 at this rate could never be released for all we know, because we know nothing.
The other reason is the release date for TWD Season 2. I found that REALLY weird, the release date wasn't confirmed until a day before (for PC), and it wasn'… [view original content]
Couldn't have said it better myself. I truthfully don't mind the wait but I don't speak for the entire community, and looking at the community's' voice, the wait just isn't okay. I think Telltale is a good company and they'll take notes on how to better handle things like this in the future, but we're kind of stuck in the transition phase with them, which can seem a little hopeless and discomforting.
I do agree with you, TellTale can handle it a bit better. Since they're breakthrough with the first season, they're going through a transition… more stage and it's effecting the games. The episodic idea has worked pretty well for them, but they're pushing the gaps a bit too big. I don't want to spend eight months playing The Walking Dead or The Wolf Among Us to the end. They should release an episode every 3-6 weeks, not like two months as they usually do. And the lack of feedback/announcements is kind of screwed up, it's really easy to announce the launch of a video game, and not doing that is actually hurting them. I like the concept of episodic gaming, but as you said, it's not being executed correctly.
Yes i agree completely. Or what would be interesting is that in buying the full season, when completing an episode, there is a wait of just "1week" so it can feel like a regular tv show so basically it could have a timer next to the episode slide how long you have to wait! I'd much prefer that than 4-6 weeks wait. Either that or release 2 episodes at once, then release the next 2 in a month or whatever, then build up the hype by releasing Ep 5
I agree with all of you the first episode of season 2 is really short because telltale was very busy in these days but the episode 2 of the walking dead season 2 will be at least 2 hours
I like episodic gaming a lot for one simple reason; I like playing games and then discussing them online. Forums like this one are a great way to spend a break at work, or time spent in transit.
Normally when I join a particular board and discuss a game, the board just dies within a few months with no hope of ever recovering. The game is out, the possibility of a sequel is years away, and sure enough after a little while I have to go looking for a new game's community to be a part of.
But the way Telltale does things ensures that people hang around for future installments. There's always discussion to be had, and huge surges of new posters with each new episode. The fact that I like both TWD and TWAU gives me two boards to frequent as well, both of which will have a strong community most of next year because they're both active series.
Episodic gaming is worth supporting to my mind. It encourages the more social aspects of gaming, both in players' ability to discuss with eachother and the devs being able to respond to player feedback.
And it's only going to get better for me, since Telltale already has new franchises lined up that I'm also interested in. I can see myself sticking around these forums, unlike the forums of most other games.
As for the delays, well, they're unfortunate. There's not much else to be said. I don't want to come off as being too forgiving, but making games is HARD work and I'm not surprised that Telltale has had to postpone the release of a few episodes. The quality of their stuff keeps me hanging on, though, and I find a mixture of playing other games and frequenting these boards really helps me deal with the wait.
Releasing the whole game at once is only half of what I am saying. I am more disappointed that telltale is setting us up for disappointment again with respect to the episode time tables. Its insane to think we wait 6-8 weeks for an hour (hour and half) of game play. No one on this forum is saying the actual game is bad or poorly written I am saying the episodic gaming needs to be in shorter increments or dates need to be more public.
i really hope a 3 month wait isn't the schedule for the rest of the episodes of TWAU and TWD, personally i would say anything over 6 weeks it to long, any kind of buzz has totally died after that long, and especially after just one episode
As much as I want to wait for all the episodes to be released so I can play them back to back, I just can't stand the wait anymore. I'm buying the season pass tomorrow!
Seeing how people feel doesn't mean a character won't die. Many of the characters from S1 were loved by many, and most of them are dead. Invulnerability will never exist in Kirkman's world.
I like the concept too. I still think there is nothing to discuss after 2 weeks. . . i mean look at the forums every other new thread is about Kenny.
But you forget that your comparing Apples to oranges with that Comparison
All of the episodes are filmed months in advance for the TV show
Where as the Episodes for the Game are made over a 2 month period with hardcore fans breathing down telltale's neck to get it down faster
There not going to give an official release date incase they do need to delay it. 6-8 is fine for such an incredible game. Call of Duty DLC packs released every 2 months so it isn't anything new.
That is why TellTale won game of the year, They give you a small piece every so often and it makes you want more and more.
If youre not a fan of episodic gaming then............ just wait till the end of the season and play all the episodes.......... like tv
Good point
Is there some information about anything they adjusted based on feedback? all im hearing is how telltale completely ignores this forum
No he was refering to DC comics accidentally Leaking an Episode 2 Announcment on their Facebook last week
No that is complete bullshit. They may listen to player feedback and implement some ideas but they don't build their game based on feedback. The story is already done. The writers are probably working on their next project or maybe polishing some things or changing minor stuff in the story and that's where they may implement some ideas.
Popular TV shows end up being good because they're good. There's no ideas taken from anywhere else. again, maybe some minor ones but the general story is 99% the one that writers came up with.
DLC are just new maps/ guns. . . not an actual installment in the game.
I agree. I find it hard to believe they create and adjust their opinion and options because of us. As I said before I think they just make technical adjustments in between episodes to prevent glitches, bugs, etc
I watch the tv show weekly as do most so I don't think "like tv" is a sound point. The end of the season will be in about (if telltale even holds up to its speculative dates) 5-6 months. Im not waiting for that long only for it to probably be spoiled for me at some point.
I love the episodic nature of things. It sparks conversation and excitement, much like Breaking Bad... However, 2-3 months is FAR too long. It should be 1 month MAX. I'm still waiting on the phenomenal Wolf Among Us...
As soon as february rolls around and we are still without episode 2 I will revive this thread.
Count me in,too!
Honestly asking or suggestion for it to come out weekly is foolish, and 'all together' as well. This game would be boring to high hell if it weren't episodic and not that exciting. Think about season 1, if you released it all in a bunch it wouldn't be exciting and that great. The thing that makes these games great is the waiting and the suspense. Though yes, I totally agree 2 months isn't enough and how tell tale has had delays and still is dealing with them - but they're a small company and are working on alot of things. Though this is where it's their fault for taking on alot of shit and acknowledging their company size.
Regardless, if anything - 1 month is enough. And I'd love for tell tale to release each episode monthly. 2/3 months is too long for 2 hour episodes (You should know also that the first episode was 1/1.30 hours longs. The rest will be very much longer..) . And yes, by the time it's mids to late february or even early march, we'll be seeing episode 2.. Sadly
People who say otherwise are not experienced with tell tale or just have to much hope.. lol
Im not asking for weekly episodes. Ultimately I would like telltale to have more concrete deadlines and public dates instead of just keeping everything in the shadows. Its very unprofessional and hints that they don't really know when the next episode will be out.
You should already get the idea when the next episode comes out if you're experienced with telltale games. It's not that hard that it'll be a 2 month wait.
I played and was on the forums for Season 1, people were going insane and justly so. Trust me I know telltale will make it a 2 month wait but thats absolutely ridiculous. I think the fact they haven't released any timetable what so ever is a bad sign.
Things did not always used to be like this, if they were. There was large amounts of communication back and forth. It's just I think they were unable to handle this work load. They said polishing the game. That's fine. They started Wolf Among Us, before Walking Dead. They had tons of time, you're telling me that they need..an extra three months.
Can someone tell me what the average wait during season one was? I wouldn't know, bought GOTY edition
When TWD was initially published it was supposed to be monthly as in 1 month in between episodes. However I believe after episode 2 (or even after episode 1) telltale said that it would be a little longer than a month. I know for one episode there was a 2 month delay. I do believe the average was a month and a half (6-8 weeks)
The worse of it all, with season 1 was that regardless of the deadlines telltale released a statement saying the next episode will be out in a week. Then the week past and there was still no episode. In another instance they said the episode will be coming out "VERY SOON" (or something of that extent.) It was a solid 2 and a half weeks after that.
So with that being said, Id say the average episode will b released every 50-70 days.
alright thanks for the story, now back to the wait !
Both the comics and the TV show are released similarly, where we only get a chunk and we wait for the next episode. It's good from a marketing standpoint because it gives people time to talk about the series and let people get into it. And when people get hyped for the next episode, people speculate and talk about it, giving it popularity. Every episode is about 2-4 hours long (don't tell me you did it in one, it only seems like it), and if they do it that way they we get a longer, expansive game because they get the money as your playing parts of the game and can tell whether or not the game will be profitable, and gives different writers opportunities to tell their stories in different episodes. If they released the entire thing, we'd have to wait a much longer time to get it and would probably cost quite a bit more. Not only that, but we wouldn't get all these cliffhanger moments throughout the story, they'd just be plot twists that we experience immediately. I don't know about you, but I like cliffhangers better than plot twists for some reason.
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I like the episodic content for the reasons you stated above. But myself and others agree that Telltale could do a better job with it. I only said what I said above because of two reasons:
The Wolf Among Us. It's been delayed for quite a while now, and that's fine with me, I want them to take time to flesh out a really good episode. But the problem with a lot of people is that they paid for the game and the developers aren't communicating with them in any way to tell them what the hold up is. There is no information currently about TWAU ep. 2 other than we'll get news sometime this month. That's not what people who paid money for a product want to hear, because let's face it, ep. 2 at this rate could never be released for all we know, because we know nothing.
The other reason is the release date for TWD Season 2. I found that REALLY weird, the release date wasn't confirmed until a day before (for PC), and it wasn't even on a grandscale, it was just puzzlebox replying to a thread on here and saying it'd be out the next day. I found that really weird and I don't see what the harm could've been if Telltale would've just said, "Hey guys, sorry for the wait, TWD will probably be released on xx/xx/xxxx, but take that with a grain of salt as we're waiting for confirmation from Microsoft (or whatever reason)."
And now that they've taken on new IPs it seems obvious that, with their new found and quite large fanbase from TWD, they're looking to expand as a company. That's great, but they weren't as popular before TWD and just from speculation alone, it seems like they're in some sort of awkward transition state. Have they ever had the need to communicate with the fanbase before about delays? I'm not sure, but the scale was never the way it is now, and they need to beef up their PR department if one even exists currently unless they want continually bad feedback from fans and consumers.
Trust me, I'm not trying to hate on Telltale and I don't really mind any of the above, but it's an issue with a lot of people regardless.
I do agree with you, TellTale can handle it a bit better. Since they're breakthrough with the first season, they're going through a transition stage and it's effecting the games. The episodic idea has worked pretty well for them, but they're pushing the gaps a bit too big. I don't want to spend eight months playing The Walking Dead or The Wolf Among Us to the end. They should release an episode every 3-6 weeks, not like two months as they usually do. And the lack of feedback/announcements is kind of screwed up, it's really easy to announce the launch of a video game, and not doing that is actually hurting them. I like the concept of episodic gaming, but as you said, it's not being executed correctly.
Couldn't have said it better myself. I truthfully don't mind the wait but I don't speak for the entire community, and looking at the community's' voice, the wait just isn't okay. I think Telltale is a good company and they'll take notes on how to better handle things like this in the future, but we're kind of stuck in the transition phase with them, which can seem a little hopeless and discomforting.
It's true. Even though it's fun trading words at the forums, they should put the waiting time shorter or make episodes longe.
Yes i agree completely. Or what would be interesting is that in buying the full season, when completing an episode, there is a wait of just "1week" so it can feel like a regular tv show so basically it could have a timer next to the episode slide how long you have to wait! I'd much prefer that than 4-6 weeks wait. Either that or release 2 episodes at once, then release the next 2 in a month or whatever, then build up the hype by releasing Ep 5
i hope so