Do you think Animals turn and if not why?
I tend to see the characters eating weasles and squrriles alot and isnt everything living infected
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I tend to see the characters eating weasles and squrriles alot and isnt everything living infected
Animals can't get infected, though it isn't clear why.
Only Humans turn, why no one knows, the disease is only vulnerable to humans for some reason. From a writing point of view I think most people tend to not have animals as zombies because if an animal can make you turn there is litreally no way you could survive. I mean how the hell could you survive a flock of zombie birds coming after you :P
Yeah and to the fact that this will greatly reduce the source of food, I mean NO MORE BACON
...only vegetarians can survive the apocalypse if that happens...
The virus is discribed in the comic and game as "being in all of us" So we can assume it's a disease that can only infect humans.
Animals are more likely to catch the common cold off you being sick from it than this "infection"
They catch but they dont turn when they die
So in medical terms, they're "carriers" then.
That's very dangerous, if a dog or cat bites you which is infected .. you'd just get infected and die...
Zombie mosquitoes.
Reminds me of Dead Rising, The virus is spread by hornets or wasps, you get stung once, your infected and must live the rest of your life with a drug. Happend to the main protagonist..
I would be screwed over, unless I bathe in bug spray.
If that were true, Clementine would be a zombie.
lol op sounds like me last year. Animals don't turn and the proof is the dog in episode 4.
Your assuming EVERY animal is a carrier, I'm just refering to the ones that get infected.. although it'd be easier to figure out what the hell is causing all of this, we can assume animals would only get affected if bitten or attacked.
Every human is effected, and there isn't enough information to conclude that it doesn't effect animals in the same way, or that it effects them at all. The biology between humans and most other animals isn't similar enough for the disease to transfer by contact. Maybe humans and apes.
Animals don't turn, because Robert Kirkman said so.
Mystery solved.
my rat is a zombie
the bite only kills you. lets say hypothetically people quit turning after death after a couple of years and a walker bit you, you would die from that virus but since theres no virus to turn you, you would just stay dead after the bite.
Yeah thats a good point too
Animals can't turn for some reason. However they do die from the zombie bite, probably because of blood loss if its a large bite or the infection acting as some sort of poison like a snake bite and killing them.
But I'm no zombie expert. But I do know that animals don't turn.
Maybe because some kind of animal already had this kind of virus but adapted to it and after some time the virus mutated and could infect humans.
Kinda like HIV.
Only if they're buried in a Pet Sematary.
What, When Ben said if you die you Turn but if you get Bit you also turn? the disease is suppose to be in everyone but i don't see why if you get bitten you turn since its already inside you
The bite kills you faster.
We've seen a few animals being eaten or dead along the way. If I had to take a guess it's because the virus only effects Primates. Since there's a shortage of gorillas and the like around, however, it's difficult to test that hypothesis. However, as I understand it things like AIDS and Ebola are pretty similar (though Ebola can also be spread to dogs and pigs). Interestingly enough, the main cause of Ebola virus spread is contact with carcasses. I'm going to guess the zombie virus in the walking dead doesn't effect dogs, though, since Sam was alright and Clementine wasn't turned from his bite.
Not exactly sure. It could be that the virus is a lot more aggressive when it's passed from a bite and will straight up kill you. People seem to begin changing while still alive, though, so it could be that the bite is just speeding up the process so quickly that the body can't take it and you die.
Or, y'know, since your fever is so high and your body is exhausting it's antibodies trying to fight it, you could just be killed by whatever other disease is in the air. But that seems pretty contrived/unlikely.
The zombie pathogen does not directly kills the victim. It was mentioned in the TV series by the CDC doctor; it apparently spreads in the brain like meningitis, infects the synapses and then lies dormant in the brain stem. When the victim dies (by any cause) the pathogen becomes active and revives the infected synapses and the brain stem, causing the victim to reanimate and instinctively tries to feed itself. The bite kills the victim due to the massive concentration of bacteria that transferred through the zombie saliva. Most of these bacteria are highly resistant to common antibiotics and considered lethal without proper medical treatment, so most people cannot survive after being bitten.
Whatever the zombie pathogen is, it apparently only infects humans (as far as we know). But if it infects animals it does not cause them to reanimate after death. They might be potential carries but since the infection does not directly kill its victims it wouldn't pose any threat to anyone, since everyone is already infected.
What ?
i forgot that that's a title of a book/movie..
In my opinion a diseased mouth of a long dead thing will likely contains loads of other diseases which kill the person. SO in my opinion they just die of old style diseases and the new zombie one reanimates them
Red Dead Redemption has zombie bears so that's cool.
I didnt really know..
I think the whole question about animals and the virus has just been left unanswered because it is hard to answer and harms the credibility of the whole scenario. It must be just a virus that only affects humans, and I only say that because zombie monkeys would just destroy the credibility of it all. Animal life hasn't been directly affected by the virus and when zombies have eaten animals - like in Episode 2 with the rabbit - there is no reanimation or unusual effects. If all animals were infected, meat would just be off the table unless they were shot in the head
Robert Kirkman said animals can't "turn". They can be infected by bacteria from the zombies, but they won't become zombies.
You guys forget about the zombie cow in S2E11 of the walking dead TV show if you believe the show is canon in describing the setting.Virus' and bacteria are usually specific to a host and tend not to jump species easily. Every time something has jumped species it's not been pretty.
Likely they are carriers like humans. It makes me think of two things - Firstly if birds like ravens are eating the flesh off of previously infected and not turning does it mean they are immune, does it mean eating infected flesh will not turn you (we never see anyone eat infected flesh and turn in any TWD) or does it mean that the change to zombie happens more slowly like what would be attributed to a ghoul. Secondly, what does that mean in terms of storing food, dried meat is usually a very good way to store meat for long durations whether cooling exists or not but if the meat is infected because every animal is a carrier do you risk killing yourself by eating that infected meat or from having a lack of food since food storage is about preparation for harder times.
It's likely that as carriers no one can get infected again so all the fear of eating contaminated meat based on the zombie virus is all in peoples heads. That said something that can do what the zombie virus does has never been heard of. We could be looking at a situation later on where people simply turn not having being bitten and not dieing.
Zombie cow?
Are you taking acid?
If you're talking about the cow the Dale sees right before he gets killed, I remember that cow gutted, dying, but still alive for the moment. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a zombie.
I'm not an expert on the comics so I'm not sure if this is ever touched on, but in the TV Show in Season 1, Jenner implied that it only affects the human brain. It's plausible that there's something unique to the human brain that other animals don't have and so humans are the only ones affected.
Sometimes, dead is better.