Buy for PC or Xbox?
While season 2 is on sale for $18.74 on steam and I have played through all of season 1 on PC, should I go ahead and buy season 2 on PC? The catch is that my PC isn't strong enough to handle season 2. My specs are an Intel Duo 1.5GHz, Intel Graphics HD 3000 (128mb) & 4GB RAM. Its a pretty bad PC as you can tell. This month I am planning on building a great gaming rig, but it may take some time. I am really excited to play E1 of S2. I could buy it on Xbox, but I would have to purchase S1 E2-6 as well as E1 of S2. That for a total of $30 and I wouldn't have a season pass for the rest in that season, because that's an extra $14.99. While with PC I just buy S2 for $18.74 and just wait til I build my PC. Is it worth the wait?
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Buy Episode 1 on Xbox, then play it so you know what's going on since it's only 4.99. Then buy season pass on Steam and you'll be fine for another month or two until next episode.
I played all of Season 1 on PC, so I have all my choices on PC. Episode 1 is free on Xbox anyways.
There are few subtle differences, such as a scene where you're at the dinner table (you'll see what I mean) and the slide that it shows for Episode 4. Other than that, you should get it on PC since your Season 1 save is on there, and while you're waiting to build your PC you can see the rating and reception of Season Two from there and use your best judgement before you buy the series. And by the way, awesome avatar.
Can't play the console version at 2560x1440, 120 fps w/ scaled options and driver-forced AA.
PC if you have modern hardware, console if you don't.
the steam sale ends in 12 hours.
and you can't buy episodes on PC, you have to buy the season pass.
steam season pass.
Maybe some people can't afford a PC that can run it perfectly or afford a monitor that has that resolution.
Yeah that's why I specified on modern hardware (modern meaning latest generation).
Of course it is only an extreme example. You should be able to run the game fine at 1080p with an 8800 GT or similar.
If he has the money, he should get it while it's on sale. If he doesn't have the money right now, he should just wait to see Season Two's reception in the later episodes. Either way, you should get it on Steam if you are getting it, and if you're computer's good enough.
what if your PC is this:
GeForce 9800 GT 512 MB GRAM
Core 2 Duo 2.14 Ghz
Win 7 32-bit
but your only console is a PS4
and your saves are on PC.
And you own over 100 games on steam and 4 (AC4, Killzone, Resogun, Contrast) on PS4?
oh and your monitor is 1680x1050
All of that is fine for season 2 at that resolution, but you might want to overclock your processor a bit. You should be fine without doing that, but it is definitely the weakest part of your PC.
It's a no-brainer since your saves are on PC, and season 2 isn't even announced for next-gen consoles yet, though it probably will be soon.
I was kidding I already bought season 2.
And I don't overclock anything because this isn't my computer, although I did upgrade the graphics card.
I simply prefer PC because point and click games work better with a mouse for me.
Thanks for your opinions guys :P I got it on steam while it was on sale and Ep.1 ran pretty well on low graphics, but it was still enjoyable.