The worst character



  • Hey was it glen that in season 1 got cooked up for dinner?

  • He was Mark

    Hey was it glen that in season 1 got cooked up for dinner?

  • Ben.

    It's ironic they re-wrote his character in episode 4 to make you want to kill him off even more bc almost all play testers saved him.

  • Personally Ben was my Favourite.... Just thinking the person That could be in season 2 episode 2 could be ben kenny lily orr carley or even a guy from the farm

  • How did Lilly and Larry cause everyone to die? Lilly killed Carley/Doug.. that's it. Then she was left behind/stole the RV. That didn't cause anyone to die. Kenny said he was going to take the RV when he got it up and running, and he wanted to leave Lilly behind at the bandit attack, and Ben if there wasn't room on the boat.

    How did Kenny stick with the group? He killed Larry, left Shawn to die and wouldn't even help Lee with the St. Johns.

    From the entire franchise, I would have to say Vernon. Followed closely by Lilly. Thirdly Larry. If not for those three, most people in season

  • Kenny. Absolutely awful, selfish character. Only out for his family.

  • The point is for you not to like her, I think. Judging by the cover picture for episode 3 of season 2, it looks like Clementine might help her deliver her baby, so maybe they'll do some bonding or some shit then, lol.

    Both Larry and Rebecca want the same thing, they are mean to most people because they want to protect their families. Rebecca seems more harsh than Larry was, but it's farther in to the apocalypse and Rebecca is pregnant, while Larry was with the group when it wasn't very far into the apocalypse and his daughter Lily could defend her self pretty well. So I think it makes sense how Rebecca acts. :3

    If this is season 2 we are talking about then it is obviously Rebecca. Yes she is pregnant and your stressed but come on, why do you have to t

  • edited January 2014

    Doesn't the fact that he's "only out for his family" sort of contradict him being selfish, though?

    Considering he will use his last bullet to end Ben's suffering/avoid him dying in the one way he absolutely didn't want to go while simulatenously leaving himself at the mercy of a horde of undead, I'd say selfish is just not a word that characterizes him.

    As for my own pick, I'd have to say Lilly and Rebecca. I was sympathetic to Lilly, even if I disliked a lot of what she had to say. However, her actions after they left the RV sealed the deal for me on her. Rebecca so far really hasn't had any positive points made about her character. What we know is that she hasn't been faithful to her husband, and that she is suspicious and down right cruel when it comes to Clementine. I really hope they find some way to redeem her character, as even Larry had "charm out the ass," and seemed to stumble when my Lee (who he pretty much hated) had told Mark he was only looking out for his daughter.

    UndeadEuan posted: »

    Kenny. Absolutely awful, selfish character. Only out for his family.

  • The Stranger, and then maybe Dee from Bonnies story in 400 days

  • Season 1: Vernon. or Lily for killing Carley :( :( :(
    400 Days: Bonnie. Idk theres just something i dont like about her.
    Season 2: The bitch who killed omid.

  • I don't really think anyone from Season 1 was badly written, but the St. John brothers were my least favourite characters. They ate people and didn't seem nearly as remorseful about it as Brenda did.

    Also, why do some of you hate Vernon of all people? All he did was look out for his own group, and if that meant he had to screw over another group then so be it. I would've done the same. Compare him with the St. Johns who, as I mentioned, ATE PEOPLE for no good reason.

  • I think a lot of the sour feelings concerning Vernon come from his insistence that Clementine come with him (along with the fact that he mentions he'd never ask such a thing if you were her real father), and the fact that his theft was basically when everything fell apart. Vernon's theft left you with no escape plan, and it had been the only hope your group had. While one can appreciate Vernon trying to save his own people, what he did was a betrayal most people hadn't expected. Nobody appreciates a betrayal, no matter what the rationalization behind it.

    I don't really think anyone from Season 1 was badly written, but the St. John brothers were my least favourite characters. They ate people and

  • edited January 2014

    uh he said

    " if something goes sideways up there we wont let them escape"

    Implying that if they killed Lee they wouldnt let them get away

    Jexx21 posted: »

    did you notice the looks that Vernon and his group exchanged in the beginning? Like "try and get what you can get out of them." On that not

  • Nah, #3 was the worst.

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    Bandit #2.

  • From season 2, pregnant lady and the doctor.

  • Maybe it was the fact that Vernon and his crew just made everything that you did in Episode 4 mean absolutely nothing. And considering how many of the group died after leaving the motel, well, taking the boat kind of makes their deaths seem even more pointless since the group had nothing to show for it. Especially given HOW MANY people had died up to that point. By the time the boat is gone, everyone but Kenny, Clem, and Ben (Determinant) from the Macon group have been killed or are dying. Plus, his betrayal comes out of nowhere. With the St. Johns, there were plenty of hints before you actually uncovered what they were up to, but with Vernon there was about zero warning.

    I don't really think anyone from Season 1 was badly written, but the St. John brothers were my least favourite characters. They ate people and

  • Seems reasonable, I liked Kenny although he got alot of screen time. I didn't mind it that much as he was an ok guy although I would have liked to develop relationships with the other characters more aswell.

    uh he said " if something goes sideways up there we wont let them escape" Implying that if they killed Lee they wouldnt let them get away

  • UndeadEuanUndeadEuan Banned
    edited January 2014

    But according to most people, Kenny used his last bullet for Ben then escaped... so he didn't get left to a horde.

    And no, being out for only his family doesn't contradict selfishness. His family, his son.

  • edited January 2014

    Well the obvious answers are the likes of St.Johns, the stranger, Vernon, the girl from the start of season 2, Bandits, etc. Its probably a more interesting question if you stick to members of the group.

    1. Lilly, Murders another member of the group, gradually becomes insane
    2. Larry, Generally an arsehole, tries to kill Lee.
    3. Ben, Not as outwardly malicious as the others on this list, but in terms of damage done, he's the king.
    4. Rebecca, Openly and needlessly hostile

    They're the only 4 i've ever really disliked. Becca could be annoying, while Nick and Kenny turn on you a bit too easily, but they had enough redeeming factors for me to either like or at least tolerate them .

  • That is fan speculation. Look at Kenny's situation from an objective point. He will either doom himself by saving Christa or Ben. With Christa, he is left in a hole full of walkers, and we don't see him escape. When Kenny saves Ben, his fate is even more damning. Christa, Omid and Lee speak of Ben and Kenny as if they are dead after that point, with Lee poignantly stating that Kenny made sure that Ben didn't feel any more pain than he needed to. From that point, you see an alleyway packed to the brim with zombies and dread upon Christa and Omid's faces. This is what we know as a fact; that Kenny made sure Ben wasn't eaten alive (and in fact put himself at risk to save the kid who killed "his" family) and that all characters assumed Kenny died because his chances were so slim. Fans would largely assume the same if not for Telltale stating that Kenny's story would be further explored in Season 2. However, until that point comes it is best to take Kenny's actions and fate at face value. Kenny told Lee to leave because he likely expected to die. Whether he died or not does not change his intentions or what he expected to come of "saving" Ben or Christa.

    To be selfish is to act in your own interest, to act purely for your own goals and without concern for others. Kenny was the only other person who vehemently defended the survivors you brought back during Episode 2. He was fine without eating as long as Clementine and Duck were fed, and even tells Lee that putting children ahead of yourself is what real men do. He and Lee were the ones going out to find medical supplies, and most importantly even when his family was gone Kenny continued to work with the group (though he was a bit difficult, understandably, at first). There are things you can argue about in terms of Kenny's character - that he's short sighted, that he's stubborn and has a temper and that he has difficulty compromising, but selfish is really one of the terms that is farthest from the truth when it comes to his character. I won't deny that his family came first, but it's clear that Kenny came to see the other survivors as a surrogate family once his own was gone.

    UndeadEuan posted: »

    But according to most people, Kenny used his last bullet for Ben then escaped... so he didn't get left to a horde. And no, being out for only his family doesn't contradict selfishness. His family, his son.

  • Someone needs to put this in a word-file and post it wherever someone calls Kenny selfish.

    Yes_Man posted: »

    That is fan speculation. Look at Kenny's situation from an objective point. He will either doom himself by saving Christa or Ben. With Christa

  • Man, if you look at it that way, it's kind of depressing to see how meaningless all those deaths were in the end.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Maybe it was the fact that Vernon and his crew just made everything that you did in Episode 4 mean absolutely nothing. And considering how man

  • Clementine is the worst. she ran off which got lee killed and because she left her gun in the bathroom she got omid killed. :p

  • Rebecca = Larry v2.0

    Hopefully we can find some more use for ye olde saltlick sometime...

  • edited January 2014

    Worst written characters:

    Characters which I didn't like:

    Most hateful characters:
    *Rebecca (at this point)

    Larry was an asshole, but I was somewhat ok with that - his overly exaggerated grumpiness was funny. Besides the "I've got charme coming outta my ass line" was so cool.

  • Kenny doomed himself because he was done with life - he ended himself by doing the right thing, which is one credible point for him. I'm not saying he's a total toss up, but he was always out for his family and no one else.

    He said he was okay with going hungry as long as Duck was fed - his child.

    Lilly worked with the group when Kenny blatantly murdered her father, yet she's still judged as selfish and a bitch.

    Kenny was the main man who wanted to steal the stranger's supplies - he didn't care if the person returned or not, he wanted the food. That was that.

    Yes_Man posted: »

    That is fan speculation. Look at Kenny's situation from an objective point. He will either doom himself by saving Christa or Ben. With Christa

  • yeah man

    Ltho- posted: »

    They ate zombies!?

  • edited January 2014

    You have to understand that the dialog is very dependent on your decisions. I fed Larry, Mark, Clementine and Duck. He mentioned how I fed the children and he didn't mind going without because I did so. He was also constantly checking up on how Lee and Clementine were doing, considering Lee was inexperienced with children and Kenny ultimately wanted to make sure she didn't have to experience anything too traumatic. However, even he is willing to apologize for these concerns, telling Lee at the end of Episode 1 that between Lee looking out for Clementine and Clementine looking out for herself, she'd be fine. Kenny dooming himself because he was done with life isn't exactly confirmed. You can believe that, sure, but it still doesn't diminish his sacrifice.

    I, personally, liked Lilly and Larry as characters. We butted head and there were times when they pissed me off, but I sympathized and could understand them. While I like their characters, Lilly really lost me when she shot Carley/Doug. It was a hasty reaction and when she does it to Carley it really comes off as a reaction not so much to the group having been put in danger, but because Carley challenged her authority. Stealing The Stranger's supplies was a decision made on behalf of the group, and your group gets much farther because of it. It was a survival call which, even though I didn't have Lee take part in, helped the group remain at the Motor Inn for a much longer period.

    I'm not arguing that you shouldn't dislike Kenny. He'll grate on people's nerves or come off as a bad guy sometimes, even Lee admits it. However, I don't really consider him selfish. I mean if looking out for your family is being selfish then Larry is an even more severe offender than Kenny. Besides, if Kenny really was so selfish, I don't think he would have beat himself up so much over Shaun. He brings it up Chapter 1 and in Chapter 5. He's very aware that the calls he made were tilted in favor of his family, and he regrets it.

    UndeadEuan posted: »

    Kenny doomed himself because he was done with life - he ended himself by doing the right thing, which is one credible point for him. I'm not s

  • The girl from Gil's Pit Stop.

    And Becca! Definite Becca! Oh, you should've seen the look on her face when I gave her the gun and told her to go kill Stephanie. Priceless. :)

  • Personally, I hated #1

    Nah, #3 was the worst.

  • S1:
    I liked Stranger, but he's the worst for me.

    400 Days:

    I cannot judge S2 fully until i play the game fully. As of now i say:

    Carlos and the girl who shot Omid, Michelle.

  • 30 likes to 1 dislike? Everyone loves Larry! :3

    What heartless person would do this to Larry?

  • No way, man. Bandit #2 made Bandit #1 look like Bandit #4.

    Omid posted: »

    Personally, I hated #1

  • edited January 2014

    I would think that the people who actually caused those deaths would deserve more hate than the man who supposedly made those deaths "pointless". Which I can't exactly agree with either, since that implies Carley's Doug's, Duck's, and Katjaa's deaths actually had some meaning in the first place. Also, Vernon and Brie had as much claim to the boat as the rest of the group. They risked their lives to help the group, and it even ended up costing Brie her life. And let's not forget that Vernon essentially saved Omid's life.

    And in all seriousness, the group had that betrayal coming to them. Kenny and Ben got Brie killed with their stupidity, and the group brought a massive herd right to the cancer patients' front door and ruined their only safe haven. I was honestly surprised with how nice Vernon was to Lee after Crawford, telling him not to beat himself over Brie.

    I'll put it this way. If a group of strangers got one of my close friends killed slowly and painfully, and decided to leave me and my group to die in a walker-infested city, walkers they brought to my safe haven in the first place, I'd steal that boat without a second thought.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Maybe it was the fact that Vernon and his crew just made everything that you did in Episode 4 mean absolutely nothing. And considering how man

  • I liked Bandit #7

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    No way, man. Bandit #2 made Bandit #1 look like Bandit #4.

  • Yeah he has charm coming outta his arse

  • Yeah man. i went back and played ep1 after season 2 ep1 and Larry was much better

    Viner16 posted: »

    LARRY! Ah, I miss Larry, Rebecca just doesn't have the same feel as him...

  • Season One:
    The Stranger - Let's be totally hypocritical by calling Lee a monster when we carry our wife's head in a bag, kidnap a little girl, and then plan to murder the only guy who has made an effort to take care of her.

    400 Days:
    Becca - I can't stand this little shit. Any reason I come up with will probably be unreasonable. I just don't like her.

    Season Two:
    Either Michelle or Rebecca. I'm not sure which character I hate more.

  • Season 1: Hated Vernon, he was so uptight, gave me shit about Clem, trashed my plan to take Crawford by force, stole the boat and after all that he died (or presumed missing). If your going to steal my god damn boat, at least survive to use it.

    400 Days: The prison bus guard who shot that 1 dude. What a crazy s o b.

    Season 2: Probably Alvin cause he is just so whipped.

  • Of course! He was basically the Clementine of the entire bandit ensemble!

    Lord_zasca posted: »

    I liked Bandit #7

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