maybelle theorie= mind blown
when the dairy became overrun with walkers in ep2, maybelle escaped the farm and started surviving on her own, she had the plan to go nord, just as clemmie, but was still pregnant.
when she travelled through the woods in north carolina, she saw a cabin and people outside, but she knew she couldn't just appear as a cow, cause they would have ate her, so she transformed in rebecca with a holy cow ritual , but cause of that, the pregnancy resets, so we'll see maybelle's/rebecca's baby in ep3, but the question is: is it a human or a cow, or mixed.
edit: she ate strangers wife and daughter
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i like it.
the cow gods have ascended onto earth
a cow divided, in cow's way, amid the cow's, no cow back muhahaha, the cows will rule the world, and kenny ofc
I always thought Rebecca was a nasty heifer.
thats what i thought
Maybelle is now the leader of a pack of bandits hunting for the people responsible for the destruction of her home and the death of her owners.
She used her transforming abilities to make the group appear nice compared to her bitchiness so Clem would be convinced to stay.
She will now have her revenge :O
clem: i thought u were dead.
maybelle: im not, but u are now, maybelle shoots clem, maybelle new protagonist
maybelle confirmed for season 2, and she turned purple
Best theory I've ever heard.
I'd say it depends on how you treated her back in season 1. I mean, it's hard to like someone who gets gore all over your salt licks and abandons you to be eaten alive by the living dead.
is she an protagonist or an antagonist, what do u guys think?
it just popped up randomly in my head XD
is alvin the juice box, is maybelle the cabin, omg omg
She gives birth to a Minotaur.
kill it before it lays eggs, with a SALTLICK!!!!!!!!
that will be my reaction when kenny finnaly comes back
, and maybelle ofc haha
Guys obviously Kenny is going to come back riding Maybelle while drinking the apple juice in one hand and licking a salt lick in the other
I think Minotaurs are male and not avian.
and having vernon's head sticked to maybelle's back
cant see it
This is allowed on the forums?
Yes... yes it is, and if it isn't...

And a mustache grooming kit
Still waiting for a season 2 confirmed Maybelle gif
Ladies and gentlecows...the real apocalypse has begun...
holy cow, how do u post that gif?
prepare ur anus, cause maybelle is going bad
I can tell.
More like DELICIOUS! Amiright?
i stole eddie's weed hehe
enough internet for today