Are they going to die?

edited January 2014 in The Walking Dead

Hi guys. Remember the first episode of the first season TWD? We had two situations: first on farm, second in pharmacy. In both moments we had to chooce: save Duck or Shawn and save Doug or Carley. As we know, they all are dead now.

Someone said once: it's not important who will you choose - this character will die anyway.

So we have a second season now, first episode. And we have to make decision: Nick or Pete? Don't you think that they'll die soon? (well, if you saved Nick, the walkers already ate Pete... But if you save Pete, Nick is running away...)
I wonder that they'll die. If not Nick that Pete for sure. We all know how telltale is...

But what do you think? Are we going through scenario this again?


  • edited January 2014

    I believe that maybe if you save Pete, Nick will live. Or at least, I hope it will be that way. It only makes sense, Nick was on the side near the house, and he had ammo.

  • as long as the ending of the season is the same for all players no matter what choices you will make , I'm pretty sure that these two will die anyway

  • That's what i mean... What a shame, i like them both :l

    TGP95 posted: »

    as long as the ending of the season is the same for all players no matter what choices you will make , I'm pretty sure that these two will die anyway

  • Well i'm hoping there will be a long term difference but probably not.

  • Considering the type of game this is, I believe everyone will die anyway.

  • It isn't limited to Nick and Pete... no one gets out alive (or hardly anyone). Nick lives in either situation so my guess is he will be around a long while. If you don't save Pete he dies, so saving him will probably not have a "Pete survives" outcome.

  • Seems like you can let Pete die in Episode 1 by saving Nick or give him a better chance by rescuing him and letting Nick run away. Nick will probably be around either way and die later.

  • I'll bet Pete dies either way and Nick will survive.

    If Pete's not eaten at the river then he'll try and hacksaw off his leg but die regardless.

    If you don't choose Nick he still manages to run off into the woods.

    It'll just be a situation of whether Nick's mad at you for letting his uncle die or mad at you for being abandoned and his uncle dying regardless.

  • edited January 2014

    Either that or Nick is still around no matter what you pick, but there's an event later on where someone is about to kill him. If you saved Pete then he takes the bullet, but if you didn't save Pete then no one is around to take the bullet for Nick and he dies as a result.

    Lemoncakes posted: »

    I'll bet Pete dies either way and Nick will survive. If Pete's not eaten at the river then he'll try and hacksaw off his leg but die regard

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