Omid and Christa, parents of the year award



  • do we even have any proof that they did actually have sex in there? No, not really. It's likely that they did, but Christa knows survival basics and she knew that Clementine would be able to handle herself in most situations relative to what they knew about the place.

    In the end, does it even matter? No, the characters are still interesting and I love them all.

    Lord_zasca posted: »

    Christa is not a parent yet and thats one thing you have to think about. Kenny would not do that. he would be something along the lines of let

  • It's not wasting your resources, it's making sure that they live. I'm not going to abandon others just because they're "weak," that's primitive.

    Pell3t posted: »

    in a post apocalyptic idiots get you killed so why should I waste what little resources I have on them. I would probably keep my distance from

  • Lee must have shaken his head in disappointment at them as he witnessed this from heaven.

  • Spoiler

    As funny as it is that it does seem like they were going in there to do that, but unless you spend a ridiculous amount of time in there, they really didn't HAVE time to do anything. And if you really think about it, in season 1, did you ever see them even kiss? I know relationships aren't a big focus in the game, but let me explain to u a thing:

    Christa and Omid weren't very openly romantic. Sure, they called each other pet names but that was about it. I don't think they did much in front of Clementine the whole time they were traveling, besides maybe a kiss on the cheek here and there. And maybe some 'I love you's. I suspect, their getting some privacy was more just a 'Let's relax for a moment. Share a few kisses. Whisper words of love and maybe talk to the baby a little.'

    Despite Omid's extremely uncomfortable face before he left Clem, that's what I think. And, y'know, he could have just had a bad feeling. People get that before they die. He probably had a huge pit in his wonder he told Clem to watch her things. (wouldn't be surprised if she'd done something similar before too)

  • This is possibly the funniest thread I have ever read xD

  • Lol, didn't even think twice about this in the first half. I did wonder why Clementine went to a seperate bathroom.


  • they are in a walker apocalypse.
    does it really matter anymore?

    Pell3t posted: »

    don't worry unless your punching me in the face im not offended. Hey I said the tools are there. I didn't say they were clean. Now if yo

  • Says PoopBrown

    PoopBrown posted: »

    This is possibly the funniest thread I have ever read xD

  • A lot can change in 5 months (The estimated amount of time between season 1 and 2) compare her personality. before she was grilling Omids upbeat personality but now she is laughing she is now definitely more upbeat herself.

  • Omid, I just wanted to tell you that it's pretty awesome how you changed your profile picture to a walker after you died.

    I wanted to say that for years but I was too shy, may I have an autograph?

    Omid posted: »

    Ask Nate! He knows every dirty joke on the face of the Earth

  • edited January 2014

    lol im not sure what the rules are on cursing on here and most people censor themselves so instead of putting f#ck I added some humor and went with bow chicka wow wow. if I typed like I talked every third word would be ass, damn, shit, or fuck lol and I wonder why I have like 2 friends. in reality I wouldn't let idiots in my group but i'd be willing to set up arrangements for trades and stuff as long as their not too stupid to fuck that up too. my anti social self would probably be my down fall but id rather my death be my fault than somebody else's.

    Jexx21 posted: »

    do we even have any proof that they did actually have sex in there? No, not really. It's likely that they did, but Christa knows survival basi

  • I noticed that too but didn't know how to bring it up without sounding like I was all up on his pole like christa was XD

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    Omid, I just wanted to tell you that it's pretty awesome how you changed your profile picture to a walker after you died. I wanted to say that for years but I was too shy, may I have an autograph?

  • People actually think im funny :,D finally somebody gets my sense of humor

  • That's exactly how I felt, Pell3t...

    Pell3t posted: »

    I noticed that too but didn't know how to bring it up without sounding like I was all up on his pole like christa was XD

  • they should of checked before relaxing though, sure bandit mcbitch face still would have shown up but there would of been a chance they were all there at the same time when she opened that door, and what would she find? A woman holding a rifle and a girl holding a pistol, then they could have just opened fire on that bitch while screaming like Eddie when shooting nates truck (if you remain silent)

  • Fucking hell man. i wonder what would have happened if you met Ben...

    Pell3t posted: »

    lol im not sure what the rules are on cursing on here and most people censor themselves so instead of putting f#ck I added some humor and went

  • hmm since you don't really know for sure it was him taking supplies till you get on the train >:D
    no I actually didn't have anything against him till he took the hatchet in episode 4. but at that point it makes his other decisions start looking dumber and dumber, I get why he gave them supplies what I don't get is why he didn't tell anybody from your group that if we don't do what they say their going to kill us. Kenny was talking about leaving and that would of been a good reason to go..... I would have thrown his sorry ass off the train (or at least told him to come to the back with me then kick his ass) and tell him he's on his own if he fucks up like that again.

    Lord_zasca posted: »

    Fucking hell man. i wonder what would have happened if you met Ben...

  • I actually tried to side with him when I was typing that but lost my motivation thinking about it lol. but I don't blame him for not protecting clem in episode 4. in all honesty if I was scared like that and that wasn't my niece I wouldn't risk getting bit for her but I would hate myself.

    Pell3t posted: »

    hmm since you don't really know for sure it was him taking supplies till you get on the train >:D no I actually didn't have anything again

  • Michelle wasn't a bitch. She was just trying to get by like most people, and sometimes your parents or guardians teach you that stealing from others is good. (you can do the same for Clem in season 1) I don't think any of them expected something like that to happen, and, it was a very short amount of time that passed. Don't think they expected that either, for someone to show up so quickly who wasn't even tailing them.

    And I doubt Christa or Omid are the type to mercilessly shoot someone just for showing up.

    Pell3t posted: »

    they should of checked before relaxing though, sure bandit mcbitch face still would have shown up but there would of been a chance they were a

  • except Carl handled shit and got some medicine while everybody sitting there is like oooooo pretty santa has a stump or wah wah wah what do we omgz we are all going to die omg omg what do we do?

    kikyouchanx posted: »

    Clementine pulled a Carl.

  • Yeah, but even then, you don't physically see them being loving. Was upbeat. Was.
    And she was actually pretty upbeat in season 1, but you have to be looking for it. She makes a lot of jokes, and relaxes to smile quite a bit.

    Lord_zasca posted: »

    A lot can change in 5 months (The estimated amount of time between season 1 and 2) compare her personality. before she was grilling Omids upbeat personality but now she is laughing she is now definitely more upbeat herself.

  • you made some good points though I admit you almost lost me at michelle wasn't a bitch. Cause you know pointing a gun at an unarmed 9 year old girl doesn't make you an instant bitch at all. Now you're thinking " but Pell3t she may have been scared of her parents showing up or something" but NOOOO she said and I quote "I'll pop you" also if her parents taught her that stealing is A-OK then that makes them Mr. and Mrs. Bandit McBitch Face, seeing as they taught her to steal in a pre apocalyptic world. (I didn't know where to fit this in so here I go, stealing from the stranger in ep2 wasn't stealing, just a dumbass that left his stuff and when 999,999 out of 1,000,000 cars are abandoned that's fair game.)

    Siiss posted: »

    Michelle wasn't a bitch. She was just trying to get by like most people, and sometimes your parents or guardians teach you that stealing from

  • I'm sorry I didn't mean to like sound rude or anything. I just feel sympathy for a lot of characters. It's kind of obvious she's never killed anyone before, which her reaction to Omid. And her constant looks of realization? Or something, when Clem is trying to speak with her. She was trying to act tough, probably like her parents taught her. (And let me add, Michelle looks a lot like Rebecca and the bandit guy that you can give/refuse water to.) She didn't know Clem was in there, and if she hadn't taken the gun Clem could have shot her. (And no, I don't think she was scared. Not until she heard the door. She panicked, then she was terrified.) In a world like theirs, it is extremely hard to trust anyone and when you've got bandits (or even someone remotely like a bandit) teaching you then you have to kill or be killed. It's not all sunshine and happiness, and like in Shel's story if you let the foreigner go they come back and kill one of your members. It's risky, and yeah it sucked a LOT in that situation but she was looking out for herself. Just as you would have. If she had come in and you had the option to shoot her, you would have, right? I dunno, it's easier to make decisions when you're playing the game but if you try to put yourself in an actual situation like're really only thinking of yourself, and thinking what is best for you.

    Pell3t posted: »

    you made some good points though I admit you almost lost me at michelle wasn't a bitch. Cause you know pointing a gun at an unarmed 9 year ol

  • so what are you saying? just get your freak on with a corpse? maybe omid turned and she got some walker D. though im sure him getting shot was a mood killer, unless you're good ol' Uncle Nate (my name for him if he ends up in Clems group. :) )

    they are in a walker apocalypse. does it really matter anymore?

  • edited January 2014

    Even the most hardened criminals have a soft spot for kids, now I know theres some sick fucks out in our world but you have no reason to threaten a 9 year old when you already have her gun and her bag. TAKE IT and leave just gtfo. now when the door shut I don't blame her for shooting Omid, in a world like theirs if somebody sneaks up behind you, idc if you are playing around, you get shot! Better than risk being bit cause that one time you think it's a friend being cute is the time you become The Walking Sandwich. Too point a gun at a 9 year old though just... speechless. And trust me you are far from rude, try reading the people on here that start arguments on here because they misread what somebody said cough marioluigi344 cough. and also you cant look too much into how similar characters look cause then half of the people in the game would be related.

    Siiss posted: »

    I'm sorry I didn't mean to like sound rude or anything. I just feel sympathy for a lot of characters. It's kind of obvious she's never killed

  • id say it doesnt really matter where you bang anymore in a zombie world.

    Pell3t posted: »

    so what are you saying? just get your freak on with a corpse? maybe omid turned and she got some walker D. though im sure him getting shot was a mood killer, unless you're good ol' Uncle Nate (my name for him if he ends up in Clems group. )

  • oh ok yeah well in that case i'd bang in the middle of a highway where theres not any cars around of course. I'd find a highway that's over a highway that's over a highway and since I live in Houston that would be easy. too be serious if you could find a way to move the cars that would be a badass place to camp, at least for a temporary place to sleep just getting supplies would get you killed.

    id say it doesnt really matter where you bang anymore in a zombie world.

  • Same. That's a good idea though, moving the cars. Maybe eventually could expand the cars and make a base camp kinda. would be difficult. gotta add in bandits, scavengers,

    Pell3t posted: »

    oh ok yeah well in that case i'd bang in the middle of a highway where theres not any cars around of course. I'd find a highway that's over a

  • Don't I know it. I really don't think Michelle had any intention to shoot Clem, but I really do think she was taught to pick on those that are weaker. It was stupid of her to stay. If Clem had told her she was with a group, and that's where the rest of her stuff, I'd like to not think about how that would have went. I'm guessing Michelle was a young teen, so she really isn't as logical as most people. (Like you or me ;;) Sometimes you just push and push and don't really think things through? I dunno, it happens. Oh, good. Yeah, I haven't posted here much for that very reason. I read into the game a lot, and find it extremely hard to hate any character (or even dislike them) so I try to find a middle ground with most people. I have that problem on tumblr, too. Character hate is a big issue there. Ah...yeah, totally agree. Not saying they are but it could happen!

    Pell3t posted: »

    Even the most hardened criminals have a soft spot for kids, now I know theres some sick fucks out in our world but you have no reason to threa

  • so far the only characters I hate are the stranger and michelle though I admit I cold blooded murdered the st. johns for what they did, that episode really shook me up. awesome wyatt pic btw

    Siiss posted: »

    Don't I know it. I really don't think Michelle had any intention to shoot Clem, but I really do think she was taught to pick on those that are

  • You almost had me convinced but...she tried to take Clem's hat...Oh I'm glad the bitch is dead ;)

    Siiss posted: »

    Michelle wasn't a bitch. She was just trying to get by like most people, and sometimes your parents or guardians teach you that stealing from

  • Yeah, they're the closest things to villains we have. What about Nate? I definitely murdered Danny St. John my first playthrough, but I regretted it not because of Clem. : ( I dunno...I have sympathy for everyone and it's kind of a problem. Oh, thank you! Drewitmyself ;w;

    Pell3t posted: »

    so far the only characters I hate are the stranger and michelle though I admit I cold blooded murdered the st. johns for what they did, that episode really shook me up. awesome wyatt pic btw

  • I'm not trying to convince anyone man. If you don't like her go ahead and not like her, I was just sayin' I really don't think she was a bitch. Also, Clem's hat is awesome. If you didn't know her, I'm sure you'd want it too. :U (still kinda bummed both Lee and Omid died for that hat gd)

    TimeMasterX posted: »

    You almost had me convinced but...she tried to take Clem's hat...Oh I'm glad the bitch is dead

  • That makes it even more awesome. I see Nate as an Anti Hero, a lot like Merle from amc's twd, He maybe racist and only looking out fro himselve but that's why I love his character. I have a soft spot for anti heroes with a messed up sense of humor. why ilove deadpool from marvel. sorry abuot the spelling erros, my computer is lagging horrribely right now and didn't feel like correcting them.

    Siiss posted: »

    Yeah, they're the closest things to villains we have. What about Nate? I definitely murdered Danny St. John my first playthrough, but I regret

  • Oh man, I'm so glad you see it that way. Most of the people I've ever spoken to are just like heyfucknateheshoulddie and it makes me so sad because I've seen them say he was created solely to be hated? Like..?? No? That's not how writing works. You develop a character and you breathe life into them. It is up to the viewers to determine how they feel about said character. There is a purpose behind all things and just..idk it gets me riled up. I agree, though. I love characters like him. They can make certain situations worse but a lot more intense and fun. I gladly welcome him to show up more XD Oh man it's totally fine, no worries here.

    Pell3t posted: »

    That makes it even more awesome. I see Nate as an Anti Hero, a lot like Merle from amc's twd, He maybe racist and only looking out fro himselv

  • XD

    Pell3t posted: »

    This ^ no wonder babies are born with a soft spot on their heads XD

  • good guys and bad guys are sometimes too one dimensional or boring sometimes so that's why we need anit heroes to stir up the pot from both sides every here and there. also without bad guys you might as well watch Leave it to Beaver with zombies in the background giving each other high fives and dancing around in mini skirts singing The wheels on the bus Go round and round..... I got carried away

    Siiss posted: »

    Oh man, I'm so glad you see it that way. Most of the people I've ever spoken to are just like heyfucknateheshoulddie and it makes me so sad be

  • Seemed like those two had a great time...

  • edited April 2014

    You know what, I know it's going to be a really stupid thought but, I think in Episode 5, Lee already understood that they're not good caretakers. I told them to find a good family for her in the mansion. I wanted to say Kenny, but he wasn't mentally stable yet. And then outside, on our way to The Marsh House, I chose the same option. And then this happened;

    Lee: ''Just keep her safe as long as you can. Then find her a family that's capable.''

    Omid: ''We're capable!''

    Lee: ''You and your girlfreind might want a try diffrent things.''

    Christa: ''That's enough!''

    Lee: ''Fine, but you heard me.''

    Christa: ''She'll be fine, Lee.

    Yeah, right. Your ''Fine'' means, you're going to treat her like shit for your husband's death in this 16 months right? Just like @Virgil_Caine said;

    ''Lee must have shaken his head in disappointment at them as he witnessed this from heaven.''

    I know I did.

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