Carver Being "Bad"

Im i the only one who thinks this Carver guy is gonna turn out to be not such a bad guy?Everybody is expecting to see him as some sort of mega Villain but i just don't see it right know,Im calling it,He is gonna be one of the people who lasts the longer!
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I'm not usually picky when it comes to grammar, but having no spaces in between commas and periods really hurts my eyes. Mind fixing it?
Anyway, if the group thinks Carver can eliminate an entire field of people, he must be pretty bad. My guess is that he is going to be some good/bad guy, who is good in his own way and bad in his how way. He might just be a harmless dude, but I doubt it since a group of six is running from him.
so... no eyepatches then
I just see Telltale pulling a surprise here, Everybody is getting ready for some sort of governor but this Guy will turn out to be the opposite of what we think he is !
Well Maybe Ken, I mean he looked pretty badass in a picture i saw somewhere he had an eyepatch and beard
alas the sheer awesome of his stache can not be shown in a picture
Yep,that would explain why Clementine is so shocked i mean,Thats a pretty long way from the Ken we know
I want to see him and his bandit group bring in Clem and they just go ham on everyone.
I think Carver is going to be a bad dude. Maybe not irredeemably evil, but still not someone you want to piss off. The cabin group is utterly terrified of him. And if he WAS the guy who was responsible for the river massacre, well, I can see why.
well whatever happens telltale will make us cry somehow
Badass Kenny
This is pretty much what I want. It would be great if it turns out the cabin group are the ones who were in the wrong, not Carver.
We know the bandit group at the river were a bunch of bad people, judging by the chase scene earlier in the episode. Perhaps Carvers group just took them out in self defense.
I think Nate has something to do with Carver, i dont remember well but i think that the old man Russel and Nate found talked about being attacked by some scavangers, and maybe that was Carver who attacked?
What do you think guys?
What if Carver isn't as bad as everyone is making him out to be? What if he is just like the group in the cabin and is not as wicked as we're hoping him to be? In my opinion, I don't think it's going to be as easy as Carver is in the "corrupted" group while the group we're in now is the "righteous" group. I don't think Carver is going to be as cut-and-dry kind of evil as the Saint Johns for example. I believe we're going to be tugged from each side feeling sympathy and remorse for each group and not be able to know what to do. Who knows maybe we'll be saved by Carver and find out he doesn't have such evil intentions and just maybe he is just perceived as the "villain." It would be interesting to have a complex character similar to that than a generic bad guy. It makes decisions on how to deal with them that much tougher.
that has to be the stupidest thing i have ever heard. please do us a favor and never write another theory again
carver is definitely the antagonist of the season. he will be like the governor.
no it isnt carver needs to be a bad guy.
A house divided... Clem is "divided" between the two groups? Sounds interesting.
Im kinda changing the theme, but whats up with Tavia?
yeah but the governor was pure evil which made him an awesome villain.
Because the Governor hasn't been done before.... Oh, wait.
or what if carver is like negan
you really are "the bomb" haha
thank you.
How you explained Carver's possible personality reminded me a lot of Negan. He seems like a complete jerk (killing Glenn among other things), but he does have some redeemable qualities (saving Holly from being raped by one of his men). Whereas the Governor was more of the generic evil, twisted villain Negan seems to be a little more complex than that. And, I honestly wouldn't mind seeing Carver turning out to be more of a Negan than a Governor type.