I found this video on you tube from one of my friends the turning dead he made a whole video on it check it out
I still have on doubts on if Kenny is dead or not someone could have easily faked that picture what do you goes think comment below and let me know
I reckon that Gavin Hammon hasn't recorded anything for Kenny yet (or hasn't been asked to) so he's surprised to see what is apparently a dead version of his character.
I've seen other edits of characters though, so I doubt this is real.
I agree. If Kenny were alive word may have spread about the safe place up north so he would have more of a reason to go in that direction.
And I find it hard to believe that Kenny's zombie came all this way from savannah out of a million zombies clem would run into Kenny not a chance
It's fake, I saw a DeviantArt account that has the same image that was in Half-Life model viewer which means for those who don't know, that it was custom made in the Source engine and the body skeleton in source is very different from the one Telltale uses, he also has some rather interesting posts of that model in poses on gmod.
Edit; It was also posted back in May I believe.
Yeah, its a model made in source. Its fanmade.
Someone just pitched it to the VA and he reacted quite normally.
would he still be wearing his cap after fighting the zombies,and pushed down with them grabbing at every part of him?
As ColdPretzels says, this is a fan-made model for the Source engine and is NOT in The Walking Dead game.
Case closed, methinks.