Shall we take this as evidence .. or?
Now with such a franchise that tries to follow realism closely, logic has to go sorta close in hand with it.
This is why I must question this..
In Season 2 episode 1, if you fail the QTE when the bandit starts dragging you away after all the zombie QTE's, you get dragged to the entrance of the wood. Here, another bandit runs up saying that Christa is dead and they found your camp.
This of course never happens if you escape. Christa DIES if you don't escape, should you acccept this as evidence that the guy's death distracts the other bandits, allowing Christa to escape/kill them or a lack of distraction kills her? or she's dead regardless?
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I'd say maybe she got shot in the leg while escaping because we do hear gunshots. You don't happen to have a video do you?
I do indeed, it's probably ina death compliation video, so expect brutality.

5:58 is the part.
Granted, I probably misheard or forgot about the line. But why would he say that otherwise? there was three of them there, they probably found hte location, killed christa and rushed to tell him if Clementine didn't distract them by killing one of their own.
They wanted to get there first before anyone else.
"hey, forget about the girl, we got to go. finish her"
Where does that say anything about christa
If you say so.
If you dont save Christa. You see her stabbed in the leg and when runnning away you just hear a gunshot (not a struggle). I think shes dead if you dont save her but she could have made it if you do distract them
Christa runs away if you save her, otherwise she gets stabbed in the leg. I think what's most likely is the bandits captured her. There's no evidence that she's dead.
I took it as Christa shot Ralph. Why did Victor come back on his own? Him and Ralph would've left Christa if they saw danger(which they clearly do as Victor tells Winston "We gotta go" in an urgent manner) My prediction is that Christa somehow shot Ralph.
Why would they capture Christa and shoot Clem?
Even if you choose to sneak away? While stabbed in the leg with two people pointing guns at her? I find that.... a bit extreme.
They only "need to go" if you fail the QTE.
The real answer is that they just needed a reason for the game over screen :P
Seems like a cohesion error then. Damn telltale I want complete realism or nothing! jk