Didn't Kenny get shot?
May Contain Spoilers?
First of all, this isn't a Kenny theory or anything. Now, didn't Kenny get shot by a st. John brother around his waist or close to his stomach? I don't remember having a scene when they heal it up. What happened to it? Because i don't remember seeing it after...
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It hurt for a while. Basically until his death, Ken is hurting, and drops Lee several times. I guess it was just some of the "pain" that he wanted to get out.
Badass Kenny right here:

Yeah, Kenny got shot. But after the initial shock, either it wasn't as bad as they thought it was, or he's just a badass, because he's able to walk back to the dairy pretty much by himself. I'd assume that Katjaa patched it up when they got back, and he does mention a few times at the start of 3 that he's still in pain from it.
Well, Kenny mentions that he "wasn't as young as he used to be" when he got shot...does this suggest that he was shot several times before when he was younger?
In Kenny's defense, that's his most prized possession. THIS is why he leaves Lee to die so much. He never got to play with his salt lick again.
I think he was still suffering from it, I he comes back though it wont matter its been two years nearly
The pain thing was a shitty joke, that I'm actually embarrassed I made now. Ken drops Lee in episode 3, on the truck, and in episode 4, on the fire escape, while Molly's saving them. And episode 5 is like a day after four, so he must've been still suffering.