[Spoilers]My theory on why going with ____ is useless.
So as we know, at the end of Episode 1 Season 2 you're given a decision, to either go with Nick or Pete, and we can assume that Pete is bitten as we can see the bite mark before all the walkers come, and people have been saying that if he cuts his leg off he'll survive and he hesitates to do in the Ep. 2 preview, now Kirkman confirmed that it's not the bite that kills that makes them a walker, it's the infection and since when you're going to the river Clementine she says something along the lines of "How much farther is the river?" indicating that the cabin with the medical supplies and tools would be a good distance away, so Pete would not have enough time to cut his leg off and get back to the cabin and if you do decide to help him he might just be only a drag on the group and cause future problems, Nick is the better choice to go.
Who says they are at the cabin? I'm pretty sure they are running along the side of the riverbank, but the WRONG side. Besides, Nick get's away (as far as we know) and Pete has the potential to live. I love Pete, so just another few scenes with him would be enough for me if amputation didn't work.
I can't wait to see the snide remarks Clemintine can make about amputations after what happened to you know who.
But the thing is they seem to be in some building that isn't the cabin so when Pete cuts his leg off clem will have to go back to the cabin to get help leaving a man bleeding out with no medical supplies.
Yes, but they seemed to have settled down in that unknown location, which would be another reason why he wouldn't survive as you only have a couple minutes (as far as I'm aware) to cut off a certain limb so the infection won't start, and he dies anyway if you go with Nick, so maybe it will just be the exact same situation as Ben, you can save him for a little longer but he'll end up dying anyways.
Although I agree with the logic, if you chose Pete you do se a scene with a saw nearby which implies that at least he may consider cutting it off. It looks as if Clem and Pete run away from direction of Cabin so they may be alone and Clem will be faced on what to do with his leg.
I chose Pete for the same reason I chose Shawn - they saved my life. However I hate how they both get the short end of the stick
Wonder if she will return to the cabin weilding his leg......... "Guys... Pete needs help."
looks like they take shelter in some sort of shed/small building. Pete will have to cut off his leg because really there is no choice for him. I'm guessing Clem will have the choice to mention Lee's experience if that was what your Season 1 save included, but I think Pete will still do it regardless out of desperation. It all depends on how quickly they find that building. Really hoping they get there quickly because Pete is a good leader and seems to have Clem's back, but I know how TellTale has done this before... cough Carley/Doug
In the teaser, Pete isn't in the cabin, seeing that the wallpaper isn't the same. They mighta've found some kind of shed, entered , found a saw and cut off his leg in time. I think it's better to choose Pete, specially because Nick probably survives anyway.