Weapon and Character Debate
I thought I'd change the thread from the "Weapon and Character of Choice" into "Weapon and Character Debate." I thought debate would be the perfect activity to express yourself, persuade others, and maybe even learn a thing or two. The topic we're going to be debating is firstly weapons. Choose a weapon for the zombie apocalypse and state why you chose it. Then convince the other members why you believe your weapon is essential in the zombie apocalypse.
Secondly, debate on which character you think is the best survivor in the Walking Dead universe. May a factor to there survival be their intelligence, physical strength, sharpshooting, or so on. Remember, I want a nice and clean debate with no persecution, intimidation, or pressure.
Mod Edit: Darth has asked you all to behave, but some of you seem to have missed his warning so I am giving you all a more direct notice. Please behave and do not resort to personal harassment of other users.
Thanks. -Blind Sniper
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i would take a katana because i would look like a fucking ninja.and i would probably tag teaming with clementine,kenny,or lee dont know yet
I would team up with Clementine ( Season 2 preferably ) because she is a complete badass, and my weapon of choice would be a hammer. Just because blunt weapons seem more fun than bladed weapons.
I would use a Kukri or any Machete type weapon due to its durability. I would defiantly team up with Clementine because she will be what keeps me human and can hold her own.
Carley because why not. I would choose a machete because I used to play with them when I was a kid
Crossbow and Nate
Kenny and a dildo
A big butcher's knife, because they look awesome and could probably penetrate to the brain. My companion would be Daryl Dixon because he's a nice guy and his crossbow is silent but deadly.
the op is my problem
Clem (s2) and a light saber (do i even need a reason why i chose those two)
the op is stupid and ignorant and im contacting the mods to close this thread down immediately.
Please just ignore InTheBomb, someone who says awful stuff like that doesn't deserve the attention.
Chuck and a naginata. I think these are both self-explanatory.
bow narrow and an axe am also with clem
a toothpick and duck
your fists hahahahahah you idoit
nope I kicked duck into the walkers and used the toothpick to unlatch a rope holding a weight onto a walkers head
Just a friendly reminder to keep things calm and to NOT insult other members, 'jokingly' or not.
Cool? Cool.
Woah, not at all something even remotely acceptable to joke about there ImTheBomb.
High quality stainless steel Crowbar. Perfect for opening shit, breaking skulls and piercing brains.
Either Kenny or Negan.
Kenny because he and I are on the same page (at least when it came to episode 2 and 3).
Negan because, crazy though he might be, he gets shit done and I prefer his brutal honesty over Rick's failing attempts at keeping up morality and just ending up a bigger prick than the supposed villain.
I don't know ... shoving your naked flesh into a zombie's face seems like a bad idea.
Crossbow, if that also counts as gun, then a katana, and little Clem FTW.
Kenny and a Claymore
For a weapon, probably a fire axe. It has a edge for decaps, good weight and can chop when need be.
As for a character, probably Lily. She was one of my favorite characters until she was doomed by canon (which in the end seems to have been all for naught) and is tough, knows her way around weapons and machines and would be a nice companion for those cold lonely nights.
Clementine and chainsaw
Clem because just love her character and she very intelligent and chainsaw because that always a dream be to much fun never even get close
Chuck and a sledgehammer.
Chuck because he's the wisest survivor you encounter in TWD, and his shovel can be what we use for quiet kills or finesse.
I'd take a sledgehammer because it's durable and lethal. It's also good for busting through weak walls in a pinch.
Cold Steel Hand and a Half - classic European-style weapon that is made for piercing, chopping and slashing. Furthermore it can easily cut a zombies neck and divide its skull with the kind of power you'd use to swing a baseball bat.
But katanas are shit, since it can't even cut through a bone, unless it's a 5000$+ katana hand-made by an old Japanese sage.
Oh, and I would probably team up with someone like kenny, because even though he is not the smartest guy, he's very pragmatic and that's a handy characteristic in a zombie apocalypse.
Carley and a katana because I would definitely feel like a badass slicing and decapitating zombies left and right.
I have to commend you for being extremely detailed and thoughtful in your post. Anyways, I agree about katanas not being your go to weapon. Katanas were designed for slashing at crucial arteries, not slicing through people, or bones like they are depicted in many anime and movies today. What's worse about it is over a short period of time in use, it will inevitably need to be maintained and resharpened for it to be fully combat effective again. Don't get me wrong, I love katanas as much as the next person, but they're just ineffective during the apocalypse.
Gimme a browning rifle and I can go scavenge some ammo out of the local gun store, also team me with Mark because he has military experience and he's a nice guy
Remember when the tiger Shiva was devoured by some zombies who weren't impressed by her claws much? That is what would happen to you.
Larry because he has charm coming out of his ass ( lol nope I team up with Kenny because, his muchtache is amazing) and a long hunting knife because I'm a stabby person!
I'd team up with Chuck, because he survived 3 months by himself and then even died to protect a group he barely knew...
Also it'd be fun to make some music together (guitar + banjo = awesome
And as a weapon I'd choose my Bo Staff...I haven't tried it, but I think it could bash a skull easily and I could also keep a good distance between me and the zombie(s). On the other hand I'd have to avoid small rooms and passages, but everyone should have at least an army knife for these situations...
A big sledge hammer, i dont want these things getting close to me and one of those will knock any walker back and it will do a good job at smashing heads and breaking bones of walkers. I would team up with Clementine because yea... who wouldn't?.. the protective instinct is still there for most people if they played season 1.
Character of choice: Clemy and weapon of choice: "Hilda" xD
Molly and Hilda
I would pick a wakizashi ( a smaller form of the katana), a spartan shield and Clem because my name is Lee so it would be Lee and Clem once more!