Carlos(Carver!) and Clem showdown.



  • Anyone like this threads idea? Let me know!

  • Or the other way around, something happens to Sarah and Carlos pays the price. I think the first idea is more likely though.

    Someguy12 posted: »

    it sounds as though there might be a chance for Clem to stick it to Carlos and tell him how much he's putting Sarah in danger. This issue of Sarah not growing up might include something bad happening to Carlos, methinks

  • I think 27 people already did...28 now. :)

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Anyone like this threads idea? Let me know!

  • Hey Dome my friend! Any imput? Btw I'm just about to start reading your fanfic, I have high hopes...

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    I think 27 people already did...28 now.

  • If it turns into anything like the who's baby is it line and "you should be nicer than me" With that camera angle then That would be perfect!!

  • edited January 2014

    I have high hopes

    Alt text

    I actually don't have too much to add to this. I thought for sure that as soon as the conversation with Carlos ended that it wasn't going to be the last that we heard of it. And I'd love for a scene of Clementine losing her cool. If anything is going to set her off, it's badmouthing Lee in front of her.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Hey Dome my friend! Any imput? Btw I'm just about to start reading your fanfic, I have high hopes...

  • That camera angle was baseline perfection. Personally I think Clem slapping Carlos (due to the reasons you already read) would be way more exhilarating and emotionally investing.

    If it turns into anything like the who's baby is it line and "you should be nicer than me" With that camera angle then That would be perfect!!

  • Soo important question, do you plan on continuing the story? So far it's better than the existing story imho. Very curious to see how that situation at the end pans out.

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    I have high hopes I actually don't have too much to add to this. I thought for sure that as soon as the conversation with Carlos e

  • Nah, that was more just a one-shot kind of thing. Sorry to leave ya hanging. ;)

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Soo important question, do you plan on continuing the story? So far it's better than the existing story imho. Very curious to see how that situation at the end pans out.

  • I can totally see something like this happening.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Clementine: I've seen what's out there. I lived, and I'm younger and smaller than she is. Carlos: You came here cold, bitten, and alone while

  • edited January 2014

    If Carlos did say that to her, I (Clem) would like to tell him that all he did was keep Sarah locked up in a room while Lee prepared and taught me (her) how to fend for myself and survive. If he goes any further in insulting Lee, I would like to have the choice to either

    A. "SHUT UP!"

    B. [Punch him]

    C. [Glass him]

    D. "What do you expect Sarah to do when you're gone?"

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Clementine: I've seen what's out there. I lived, and I'm younger and smaller than she is. Carlos: You came here cold, bitten, and alone while

  • Well that's disappointing, had good potential.

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    Nah, that was more just a one-shot kind of thing. Sorry to leave ya hanging.

  • Choke him with the telephone line

  • Tiered aggressive responses, angrier and angrier, I like it.

    If Carlos did say that to her, I (Clem) would like to tell him that all he did was keep Sarah locked up in a room while Lee prepared and taugh

  • Cue omid and kenny riding into the room on a stallion with a bag of saltlicks

    Omid posted: »


  • I think something like this is bound to happen. After the conversation with Carlos I really wanted more. Even though I chose the "Sorry...I didn't know" line.

    BTW, Clem is so damn badass this season, such good writing.

  • I chose "She has to grow up sometime." Game on >:)

    NideX posted: »

    I think something like this is bound to happen. After the conversation with Carlos I really wanted more. Even though I chose the "Sorry...I didn't know" line. BTW, Clem is so damn badass this season, such good writing.

  • I don't see how he could have kept her from finding out about the ZA. Did he keep her locked up for almost two years?

    Someguy12 posted: »

    it sounds as though there might be a chance for Clem to stick it to Carlos and tell him how much he's putting Sarah in danger. This issue of Sarah not growing up might include something bad happening to Carlos, methinks

  • I really wonder how she doesn't know about the apocolypse, I mean, was she locked in the cabin for ~2 years? Haha :S

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I chose "She has to grow up sometime." Game on

  • She knows the basics, she even asks something like "You weren't bit by one of them?" So she has to know what is happening, just probably not how bad it really is.

    NideX posted: »

    I really wonder how she doesn't know about the apocolypse, I mean, was she locked in the cabin for ~2 years? Haha :S

  • That Carlos guy puzzles me.

    Does he really not think of the future of his daughter?
    He acts as if unexpected things never happen, that he'll always be there to protect her.

    What happens if he somehow gets killed? Sarah is just going to be helpless and end up dying as well.
    I wish Clem has a chance to discuss this with him more in the future

  • I agree, he seems like a semi-level headed person, not sure how he is missing the big picture. And you can be sure this will come back to bite him in the butt in future episodes, he will be kissing Clem's feet.

    Pride posted: »

    That Carlos guy puzzles me. Does he really not think of the future of his daughter? He acts as if unexpected things never happen, that he'

  • I do feel we'll be seeing Clem and Carlos fighting a lot over the course of the episodes.

    His denial is a appauling, I'm sure it will get under Clem's skin, too.
    I can definitely see him bringing up Lee and insulting him in one of their fights , yes.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I agree, he seems like a semi-level headed person, not sure how he is missing the big picture. And you can be sure this will come back to bite him in the butt in future episodes, he will be kissing Clem's feet.

  • edited January 2014

    I think this scene would work really well, and we just KNOW Clem and Carlos are going to have a blowout over Sarah, so why not bring Lee into it for more punch?

    I can already picture what I'd want Clem's dialogue options to be after Carlos says something about Lee obviously not being that great if he died and left her alone.

    1. "...Yes. He's dead. And I'm still here. Do you think Sarah will be, after you're gone?"
    2. -Icy tone- "You should stop talking. Right. Now."
    3. "Lee taught me to be strong. If you can't do that for Sarah, let me."
    4. -Death glare-
  • Fuck yeah. I don't like #3 though, I really don't want Clem to end up being the guardian for Sarah. I'd sooner toss her to Carver than have her dragging me down. Though I honestly see this as a viable option for TTG.

    Retneug posted: »

    I think this scene would work really well, and we just KNOW Clem and Carlos are going to have a blowout over Sarah, so why not bring Lee into

  • edited January 2014

    3 is there more for take-charge Clems who Lee raised to be super independent and survival-minded. I didn't really intend for Carlos to take her up on it, since TTG would have to make a whole alternate "Sarah survival lessons" path to make it work.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Fuck yeah. I don't like #3 though, I really don't want Clem to end up being the guardian for Sarah. I'd sooner toss her to Carver than have her dragging me down. Though I honestly see this as a viable option for TTG.

  • I just have a feeling they are going to push her on us and I'm not looking forward to it, if they do.

    In theory, a training lesson or two wouldn't need different branching trees besides a short scene of Clem and Sarah shooting and a comment from Carlos/Sarah refering to the training every now and then, but I digress.

    Retneug posted: »

    3 is there more for take-charge Clems who Lee raised to be super independent and survival-minded. I didn't really intend for Carlos to take her up on it, since TTG would have to make a whole alternate "Sarah survival lessons" path to make it work.

  • Looks like he's just got her to read her books and always stay inside the cabin. She'll know bits and bobs and she will no doubt have seen walkers through windows and stuff. There's been some suggestions and whole threads discussing the theory that she has some sort of mental illness that has also made her oblivious to the ZA. Your guess is as good as mine

    Tracerhaha posted: »

    I don't see how he could have kept her from finding out about the ZA. Did he keep her locked up for almost two years?


    Lord_zasca posted: »

    Cue omid and kenny riding into the room on a stallion with a bag of saltlicks

  • edited January 2014
    • Carlos: So... what happened to this man... Lee?
    • Clem: [I killed him] [He died] [You know.] [...]
    • Carlos: Whatever kind of person he was, he did not do very good at taking care of you.
    • Clem: [I'm sorry?] [What did you say] [Shove Carlos] [...]
    • Carlos: I said, he must have been a bad guardian. Look at yourself.. you have lost a lot of humanity. Pardon my explicit words.
    • Clem: shoves carlos
    • Carlos: hits the ground
    • Clem: looks down at carlos with the eye of the tiger
    • Carlos: stares back in mild anger ...
    • Luke: Hey! hey! take it easy.. both of you! rushes in between them to relieve the conflict
    • Carlos: stands up, wipes the dirt off of his clothes Hmmph...
    • Clem: looks down in sorrow
    • Luke: Hey, take it easy okay? He's just concerned...
    • Clem: [Maybe he's right.] [Concerned? in what way?] [Screw him!] [...]
    • Luke: sad face
  • edited January 2014

    I like this, except Clem wouldn't be able to make Carlos hit the ground just by shoving him. And nobody gives me any of that convenient adrenaline bullshit again.

    * Carlos: So... what happened to this man... Lee? * Clem: [I killed him] [He died] [You know.] [...] * Carlos: Whatever kind of person he wa

  • [Tear off his arm][Leave him]

    Clementine: Apple juice.

    * Carlos: So... what happened to this man... Lee? * Clem: [I killed him] [He died] [You know.] [...] * Carlos: Whatever kind of person he wa

  • Although.. it could happen if Carlos is critically off-guard and not expecting it.

    I like this, except Clem wouldn't be able to make Carlos hit the ground just by shoving him. And nobody gives me any of that convenient adrenaline bullshit again.

  • Time to derail the thread slightly...
    Click here

  • Bashes Carlos' head in

    gauntlet14 posted: »


  • Spoiler

    I never noticed that but yeah now I remember he does momentarily pause to hug because he is glad she is unharmed but by doing so forgets about Duck and Kat and they get jumped by that walker while he was distracted. He had another Ben moment when he got bit as well.

    Pell3t posted: »

    Sarah kind of reminded me of what would happen to clem if he never taught her how to shoot and just kept on dishing out hugs when he should be covering katjaa and duck, Lee's only ben moment.

  • I love how you emphasize that he "protected her until his last breath" because he honestly did, and sometimes she saved him, I love how the beginning of the game and ending of the game are strikingly similar in some aspects as well. The whole 1st season was so well done. I think Lee redeemed himself by protecting and caring for Clementine and teaching her how to survive.

    I aim to please

  • Great theory, but what if you play as "asshole lee" in season 1, treating clem badly like not saving her from the walker at the drugstore or saying negative things to her in certain situations? It wouldn't matter sadly because i reckon if your idea happened, Clem would still get angry/upset if he bashed about lee regardless of how lee treated clem in season 1

  • He did, even when he did murder the Senator it was an accident and was never a truly bad man. He redeemed himself in so many ways and in protecting Clementine he really did prove the he was a saint even after all the morally questionable things he did in or before the apocalypse.

    Scytheslay posted: »

    I love how you emphasize that he "protected her until his last breath" because he honestly did, and sometimes she saved him, I love how the be

  • I love how it was apparent that his fate was to take care for Clem and ultimately die for her, if you notice the intro to the game involves you in handcuffs and a cop nearby, just like the ending when Clem finds the cops handcuffs and cuffs you to the heater, you walk along the cop car exactly like you lean against the store counter in the ending of the game as well, I can't remember but I watched a video analyzing it in depth and explained that he is essentially in purgatory and by redeeming himself through Clementine he is able to pass to the other side.

    He did, even when he did murder the Senator it was an accident and was never a truly bad man. He redeemed himself in so many ways and in prote

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