You didn't like how I worded my post, so my idea was completely invalidated. Nice to know all posts need to be on par with your keen thinking. At any rate I will miss this forum and some of its users. Farewell DomeWing, Retneug and a few others.
"I could easily see it turning into another pointless spamming thread," but it wasn't, and it didn't.
This discussion has been closed.
Uh it was more you didn't word it properly, and the whole discussion was becoming derailed.
If you fancy, take a look at TWDG's subreddit ( You might find something you like there.
Man I hope 'advertising other sites' isn't against forum rules.
Yeah, I found it strange how he also closed the other thread instantly without allowing for discussion. Almost everyone who posted understood what your post meant, so it's pretty unfair. Also, there had only been two off topic post and one wasn't spam, just an amusing one that people thumbed up, and the other one was on topic as well, just really dumb. I can understand you leaving, although I hope you reconsider. Just wondering, are there any other walking dead communities out there?
Thanks, that's funny and awesome at the same time
Edit: Also, love the tagline of the site
(?) JakeSt123 has bookmarked that for future reference.
Yeah it was pretty shitty form to close the last one, completely unjustified aswell
Thanks I will.
Wording and sentance structure were used to showcase similarities in each situation. He didn't like it, others did (or at least understood what it meant). The situation speaks more of a gutterish mind than it does bad wording.
I think it was a case of too much power must have gone to someone's head, trigger happy perhaps?
Yes, how dare people on a topic discussing how Sam turning on Clem was foreshadowing of Luke turning on Clem "derail" the thread by posting such off-topic things like:
Even the troll post by Jabba was on-topic
^Keep in mind the fact that Sam was viciously biting at Clem because he was hungry.
Yeah I really think an apology might be in order and the thread reopened, there was no arguing in it or trolling and people were discussing the possible foreshadowing
I doubt it. There will be a message at the bottom soon saying "Discussion has been closed." Honestly, I would have been happy to rephrase it and make it more acceptable (not that I think it was unacceptable at all in the first place).
I wasn't the one who closed the thread, but I'll look into seeing what I can do. I apologize on behalf of the mods, as I guess we are weary of Luke threads and the problems they usually bring. Those of you who have been on the forums the last few days have noticed the chaos that... ahem, certain threads have brought onto the forums. I agree that the thread was fine and that it had not devolved into trolling, but if I had to guess, I'd say he was playing it safe and trying to prevent another uprising after we spend so long handling other Luke threads.
Thank you very much Blind Sniper, and I agree those threads were getting bad. I would be more than happy to change the title if need be
Also, I would like to add closing something before something is wrong isn't right. Again, though, thank you so much.
OK. Allow me to take you step-by-step through what happened, from my point of view.
The original thread, "Luke is great! Or...", immediately grabbed my attention because the thread title was very similar to other threads we've had that contained nothing but trolls.
When I looked at the first post in said thread, I saw a great big lump of text that, at first glance, didn't seem to be making any point at all, instead just recapping events that had happened in S2E2. Having had other people flat-out TELL me, I can see that what the OP was trying to do was ask the question "is this just foreshadowing before Luke turns on Clem?", but I maintain that he did so in a very poor manner.
As I skimmed the thread itself, I saw a few posts that were dangerously close to derailing the thread - namely, JabbaDaHutX7's post and another with a GIF in it.
Based on this, I came to the assumption that it was another troll thread, and as such closed it. Unfortunately (and here's where I screwed up BIG time), I failed to give any solid reasoning as to why I'd closed it. I should have explained why I did so properly, and the fact that I didn't was a mistake I will not repeat and for which I apologize.
After this, I got a Private Conversation from DomeWIng333 who asked why I'd closed the thread. I was about to explain to him why I'd done so when I noticed there was another thread, "Wait, what, why??? Mod I don't understand!". So I explained in THAT thread why I'd closed the previous thread, apologised for not explaining in the original thread, and then closed the second thread because I assumed that my explanation would be the end of matters.
Clearly, it was not, judging by the subsequent messages I got from DomeWing and the existence of this thread!
I admit that I shouldn't have closed the original thread. I was too quick to jump to conclusions and I dropped the ball in this instance, for which I, again, apologise.
That said, I stand firm that I believe the thread's original post is very unclear about what the topic of conversation was supposed to be about - if people hadn't pointed it out to me, I wouldn't have understood it at all! But, like I say, just because I didn't understand it doesn't mean that others didn't, and it was out of line for me to have closed the thread at all.
I've re-opened the thread, for what it's worth. If you guys want to continue that discussion, then by all means do so. So long as you stay on topic, then you'll have absolutely nothing to fear from me from now on.
Again, my apologies for the whole mess.
Thank you Darth Darsden.
EDIT: Marsden.
Gah, posted in the wrong place. Ignore this post.
Y'know, when you do an edit, you can change words you've already typed.
And you're welcome. I was erring on the side of caution with this, but it's clear I erred a little too much, so again, my apologies.