Season II Predictions
If anyone has any new evidence for the next episode of Season II or just wants to make a prediction, this is the place.
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If anyone has any new evidence for the next episode of Season II or just wants to make a prediction, this is the place.
An old character will appear in season 2 most likely from 400 days,I really hope they make the episode like 3 hours long
Also, 1st appearance of an AK-47
Clementine and the cabin group will be surrounded by walkers when suddenly Maybelle and her baby come out of nowhere with flaming chainsaws and kill all the undead.
Luke will be bad. Say hi to Molly. Clem will hurt Carlos. Oh, and there will be juice.
Lots of juice...
And babies & blood
So much juice!
thats next episode stupid!
So much Maybell's milk.(SORRY I COULDN'T RESIST)
I'm stupid? I believe this says predictions
Well you said prediction ,if you listen to the sound in the slide ,there is sound of crows surrounding forest THAT MEANS A LOT OF DEATHSSS
So much Banang!
The return of Mark's legs.
And batteries.
The survival of Lee's axe?
Of course! Clemmy thought Maybelle was dead
More reincarnations of Ben?
More Kenny's problems and outrages.
Clem never met any of the 400 Days characters.... how would she know that they were dead?
True but Trolltale
That not what I mean't.I mean't that probably she will meet one of them or find them dead,just like Roman's situation.
More heart attacks from Larry!
More amputations.
More salt licks
I guess Vince will play a major role.
I even think he could be Carver.
More Statue of Dickson the third.
Oh, and Kenny returns, of course
I think Carver is the antagonist who may kill Kenny
I think Kenny may BE Carver.
Well, it is a possibility.
But I don't really think so too.
Would be TOO much.
I predict that Clem will meet Becca., but Becca will have a shitty attitude towards her.Clem will try be nice to her, but will ultimately have
to give Becca the Stone Cold Stunner to put her in her place.
Delicious cans of soup
Since you're controlling Clem, I have a feeling you will have the choice to whether be nice or mean to her. But yes, I think it's likely you'll meet most of the cast from 400 Days.
More of Molly's ninja stunts.
there is going to be more dogs who are nice at first. Then you know...
I predict Clementine will die sometime before the end of the season and focus will shift to someone else -- maybe Luke. I love Clem but there's absolutely nowhere else for her character to go, she's become a hardened, tough-as-nails badass capable of fighting off bandits and stitching up her own wounds, that just seems like the end of her arc.
Oh... I read 'season 2' as 'episode 2' ._.
Carry on.
More of Molly's Assassin Creed Stunts.