I found something weird with the Season 2 menu
This may have already been discovered but I didn't find anything about it so I figured I would share it.
(This is on PC btw)
So I was checking out the episode slides in season 2 to see if I can find anything interesting, but I didn't and while I was still on the "Amid the ruins" slide I exited the game with Alt+Tab and closed it in the task bar (as I sometimes do when I am too lazy to close it the normal way). But when I restarted the game the colour of the title screen thing in the beginning and the main menu was purple like in the "Amid the ruins" slide (and also the music in the main menu was the "Amid the ruins" one without the crickets though)
And here is how it looks after that
The same is true for the other episodes
This could be a glitch but I am no so sure, because the music also changes. It could be that the menus change depending on what episode you are playing on (when you do it with the 1st episode it returns to the default look). We will have to see when the next episode comes.
Anyone with a PC is welcome to try it for themselves. You just have to choose one of the episode slides and exit the game through Alt+F4
Yep works for me. Its not a glitch for sure. Menu will change depending on the episode. NICE FIND!
McNoobish you are a genius! Great discovery and I don't think anyone else found this before
I hope it's not a glitch, because its awesome. Nice find!
Nice catch
my new default menu screen is now the "No Going Back" theme
Cool. I wonder if the actual backdrop in the menu will change when other Episodes are released as well?
It probably will be
omg cant WAIT!!!
TTG I am impressed.
Now that's one glitch I'd be happy to have. Nice find.
Great find, and I don't think it's a glitch. The main menu and the title logo look a little too well done to be one.
I'm pretty sure Telltale didn't want us to find out about this until a new episode was out though.
Wait, can you explain what exactly to do to replicate this? I've seen it posted before but only with one different color. It's really pretty in the different colors.
Actually i made a thread about this recently:
I had the same problem
Go to one of the episodes in the episode select, then press Alt+Tab and close the episode from the taskbar below, then start the episode again. It changes colour depending on which episode is highlighted. My favourites being episode 4 and 5's.
Oh, I hadn't seen that thread, though it seems I wasn't the only one. Sorry for reposting but at least a few more people know how to change it now.
Ooooh, I see. Interesting. 0_o
No probs man
It's a funny/cool glitch I have to say
This is very cool, although the later ones (At least Episode 5) don't seem to have any music. It just loops the slide background wind noise over and over. Sort of related: Just noticed the dripping shower sounds in the Episode 3 slides.
Tried it out just now. Definitely not a glitch both the colour and music change. It was intentional, but they probably didn't want us to find out about this until Episode 2. It is nice sets the mood for every episode before you start playing. Now if we can only trick the game to let us play those episodes... That would be magic I suppose...
Listen a little bit more carefully in Ep 4 and 5 you will hear their theme in the menu, only Ep 4 doesn't have crickets.
i love the look of it it is so cool
Hm, really? I guess it's hard to hear over the wind noise in 5. It kind of repeats annoyingly fast.
I don't think its something that wasn't supposed to happen.If it was like that,then every episode wouldn't have its thematic color.Its just something players have discovered before Telltale intended us to do so.
Man what's with all the dislikes. This is a cool little thing people discovered
What's with the dislikes?Do people want it to be a glitch?
Noticed as well, could be some random guy giving dislikes for no reason at all.
Anybody know how this works in PS3 version?
Does this work on PS3?
nice detail!
So the Purple one if for Amid the Ruins
The Pink one is for In Harms Way
And the Blue one is for No Going Back
I noticed this a while back, it's pretty cool =D