I Love Clem But Her Haters Have a Point

Hey before I get into any of this let me clarify I LOVE CLEMENTINE so don't think this is anything I have against her but Clem has made some costly mistakes and caused the death of half of the group at least , Lee of course died getting her back and protecting her , Kenny and Ben died while trying to get to her as well , Omid took a bullet to the chest tryig to save her, We know she is just a child and we all love her the way she is but the fact is she did cause the death of some of the most beloved characterz in the game although Indirectly
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There are Clem haters? Where!?!?!?
Yep , More than a couple people have come to me telling me they dislike her for causing Lee's death
Loads Shotgun
Just point me to em!
How could you possibly hate this face??? It's so adorable! No matter what mistakes she made.

You might as well blame Lee for Clementine's actions, he was responsible for her after all.
Or you could blame all the idiots in the group screwing up all the time, making Lee focus on fixing everything instead of focusing on Clementine.
As for Omid, he shouldn't have let Clem go into an abandoned building by herself, no matter how horny he was at the time.
I think this whole thing is rather interesting actually, people blame the fuck out of Ben when he made bad choices but completely ignores that Clementine has put them into much worse shit then Ben did. Now Ben was acting on his own, not asking for advice or anything, which was really stupid, but i could still see why he did the things he did. I still blamed him for Ducks death, but nobody elses. Clementine has caused/indirectly caused the death of several other people. Once again i can still see why she did what she did, but now the actions are in my mind actually worse than what Ben did. As long as people realize that Clem actually caused the death of more people than Ben did, i'm okay. Then we can go into arguments about how i dislike the whole playing as protagonist that is a child and how a huge amount of the fanbase would gladly stop playing if Telltale killed off Clementine eventually. These are things that piss me off, but don't get me wrong, i love Clementine and "my" Lee was a supreme caretaker that always tried not to hurt her while still preparing her for what would come.
You dislike playing as Clem?
Boo! Bad governor, Bad!
At this point Clementine is a Clementine hater, her guilt is already very easily seen and understood. Can;t wait to see how she deals with it and if she can overcome.
Finally someone gets some sense and sees farther away then just being obsessed with her , I lover her but im not blind and while everybody hates Ben for all his mistakes ( rightly so) they just ignore the fact that Clem has made more than a couple mistakes which ended up killing somebody , you dont have to blame her but face the truth , otherwise you are just being childlish
Finally someone gets some sense and sees farther away then just being obsessed with her , I lover her but im not blind and while everybody hates Ben for all his mistakes ( rightly so) they just ignore the fact that Clem has made more than a couple mistakes which ended up killing somebody , you dont have to blame her but face the truth , otherwise you are just being childlish
i'm not a "clem hater" but i did choose the "i killed him" option just cuz it was morbid and interesting.
Exactly , She herself knows she has caused the death of more than 2 people and she even says it to Luke , and thats the reason people denying that fact look like clowns
To elaborate, she probably isn't guilty of much besides acting childish (weird, her being a child and all, right?) so most players don't blame her for the deaths of the adults supposed to be protecting her. She definitely blames herself, though.
I disagree, she was a child acting like a child. The ones who were supposed to act as responsible adults failed and didn't convey the idea of the danger of the man on the walkie talkie clearly. All in all she is only partially to blame for the deaths.
Too many Larry avatars!
What I mean is that she herself at the bottom of her heartt knows some of her actions have costed lifes , this is supported by the fact the she says to look " sometimes people die because of me " and them even if you didn't shoot Lee they give you the I killed him choice , She herself admits making costly mistakes so there is no point in some people here in the forums denying it when she herself says it
Of course she indirectly caused peoples deaths, Everyone can be accused of that in TWD. Nothing new there.
I never said she was the whole reason everybody died , All Im saying is whether the people here want to admit it or not she did have a part in it of course along that there is the stranger and the irresponsible actions of the group. As a whole
Yes she is party to blame for the deaths, but at this point I'm fairly sure finding anyone not directly or indirectly at fault of anothers death would be few and far between.
Well then you probably didn't read the whole discussion because thats exactly what I said, there's no point in arguing then
Then why are you arguing? Clem is still a badass :P
I agree. Too many Larries and not enough Dannies.
You know Clementine blames herself for all those deaths she caused if you choose the "I ran away" option at the dinner table with Luke.
And I agree with that I love that little girl trust me I do , but some people here are confusing being partially responsible and blaming her of everybody's death , at least you understand
I chose that dialog option just because it was true, but I wasn't expecting Clementine to be too emotional over it. I was like "No, Clem! don't blame yourself!".
I definitely felt bad when Clem was blaming herself for getting Lee killed
Especially when she said "Sometimes, people die because of me"
How I felt in the silence after that scene:
Erm... I don't hate Season 1 Clem. Nor do I hate Clem in general. I just feel that she was very monotone, and seeing as that made me dislike Duck and Mark, it has a similar effect here.
I agree, but I loved Ben, too. In fact, he's my second favorite character in the game, behind only Doug, and in front of Nate.
Zombieman, I do, too.
Oh here is 'Monotone Harpa' again! Didn't we have a 15 minute coversation pertaining to this in another thread?
No such thing as too much Larry. He's got charm coming out of his ass you know?
I don't hate Ben...
Boo! Bad harp bad! It's just that you can't handle the badassery of Clem. Admit it :P
Nope. The only thing he had coming out of his ass was anal fluids. lol
He just can't handle her badassery. Don't worry about it :P
Im hard pressed to see how you thought Duck was monotone, lol.
You can blame anyone. Let's blame kenny for the boat idea or lets blame the cancer survivors for stealing the boat, hell we can even blame the damn train for bringing us to that god damned city anyways.
Except no... it's not her fault. Well Lee and Kenny was kinda her fault but if you think about it Ben, the older person fucked up far more, and caused the death of far more people. I'm sure everyone in the walking dead was responsible for the death of someone, so no her haters don't have a point.