Everyone can agree, because its part of the story, Clementine running away did inevitably cause Lees death. However, i don't think anyone on here or a player of the game hates or even dislikes her.
How many people did Clem get killed? I acknowledge that Lee and Omid are both her fault, and Ben, if the player saved him and he lived until Episode 5 (I dropped him, so only Lee and Omid for sure), and possibly Kenny. While that those people ARE on her head, I still think Ben was worse. He basically caused the group to implode with his deal with the bandits, causing the deaths of Carley/Doug, Katjaa, and Duck, followed an Episode later by getting chuck killed due to his cowardice. After that it was Brie, because he just had to choose such a wonderful time to tell the aggressive alcoholic redneck that, yes, Ben DID get his family killed. Let's not forget about Molly because it's possible for her to be left behind because he took the hatchet out of the door.
I think this whole thing is rather interesting actually, people blame the fuck out of Ben when he made bad choices but completely ignores that… more Clementine has put them into much worse shit then Ben did. Now Ben was acting on his own, not asking for advice or anything, which was really stupid, but i could still see why he did the things he did. I still blamed him for Ducks death, but nobody elses. Clementine has caused/indirectly caused the death of several other people. Once again i can still see why she did what she did, but now the actions are in my mind actually worse than what Ben did. As long as people realize that Clem actually caused the death of more people than Ben did, i'm okay. Then we can go into arguments about how i dislike the whole playing as protagonist that is a child and how a huge amount of the fanbase would gladly stop playing if Telltale killed off Clementine eventually. These are things that piss me off, but don't get me wr… [view original content]
Doug or Carley, for one. Clem could've easily handed Carley her ammo, while Lee helped Doug. Let's see... Who else, who else? The Stranger. Vernon, if he died like Joyce implied in 400 days... Hmm... Christa, if she died at the bandit camp (though it's a bit of a stretch... Running out of ideas, you see. It could be argued that, had Omid been there, Christa would've survived)... And that's all I can think of, not including what you mentioned.
How many people did Clem get killed? I acknowledge that Lee and Omid are both her fault, and Ben, if the player saved him and he lived until E… morepisode 5 (I dropped him, so only Lee and Omid for sure), and possibly Kenny. While that those people ARE on her head, I still think Ben was worse. He basically caused the group to implode with his deal with the bandits, causing the deaths of Carley/Doug, Katjaa, and Duck, followed an Episode later by getting chuck killed due to his cowardice. After that it was Brie, because he just had to choose such a wonderful time to tell the aggressive alcoholic redneck that, yes, Ben DID get his family killed. Let's not forget about Molly because it's possible for her to be left behind because he took the hatchet out of the door.
She was only a kid during A New Day. I don't fault her for being terrified of the walkers once they actually got inside the store. She was a kid, and it was the first week of the ZA. The Stranger? She DID kill him in my game, but only because he was throttling me, and was going to kidnap her afterward. I chock that up to self defense. Vernon... how, exactly did Clem get him killed? Please elaborate. As for Christa, I can't blame what may or may not have happened to her on Clem, because I chose to distract them and saw her run away. I, and by extension Clem, did everything that could have been done in that situation.
Doug or Carley, for one. Clem could've easily handed Carley her ammo, while Lee helped Doug. Let's see... Who else, who else? The Stranger. Ve… morernon, if he died like Joyce implied in 400 days... Hmm... Christa, if she died at the bandit camp (though it's a bit of a stretch... Running out of ideas, you see. It could be argued that, had Omid been there, Christa would've survived)... And that's all I can think of, not including what you mentioned.
You know, this guy may have started a war, but lets be honest, a lot of people died trying to save her at the end, but I don't blame her. If we are to blame anyone for Kenny, Ben, and Lee's death, it's everyone's. They all let there guards down at the house and THAT'S why she was "captured" and people died trying to save her, it wasn't her fault, so her haters have no point.....
Doug or Carley, for one. Clem could've easily handed Carley her ammo, while Lee helped Doug. Let's see... Who else, who else? The Stranger. Ve… morernon, if he died like Joyce implied in 400 days... Hmm... Christa, if she died at the bandit camp (though it's a bit of a stretch... Running out of ideas, you see. It could be argued that, had Omid been there, Christa would've survived)... And that's all I can think of, not including what you mentioned.
I don't hate it just yet. It's still got 4 episodes to go. A lot of great games have not so stellar beginnings. Civ V, Deadly Premonition, Saints Row 2, Fable II... Hmm... That's all I can think of, but I liked those games.
I realize that, but I'm looking at it objectively. Vernon likely wouldn't have died if Clem weren't kidnapped, enabling the cancer patients to attack, with the only not shit fighter gone. The stranger because if she simply didn't talk to him, he wouldn't have ever gotten to the group, known who they were, or been able to attack them. So technically, she's doubly responsible for everyone who died getting her. That's true, but, had she been stronger, or better equipped, she would've been able to fight them.
She was only a kid during A New Day. I don't fault her for being terrified of the walkers once they actually got inside the store. She was a k… moreid, and it was the first week of the ZA. The Stranger? She DID kill him in my game, but only because he was throttling me, and was going to kidnap her afterward. I chock that up to self defense. Vernon... how, exactly did Clem get him killed? Please elaborate. As for Christa, I can't blame what may or may not have happened to her on Clem, because I chose to distract them and saw her run away. I, and by extension Clem, did everything that could have been done in that situation.
I agree, if the others payed more attention to her this wouldn't had happened. I already was mad enough when she disappeared the first time and nobody seemed to give a damn about her but Lee.
You know, this guy may have started a war, but lets be honest, a lot of people died trying to save her at the end, but I don't blame her. If w… moree are to blame anyone for Kenny, Ben, and Lee's death, it's everyone's. They all let there guards down at the house and THAT'S why she was "captured" and people died trying to save her, it wasn't her fault, so her haters have no point.....
What do you define as badass? I define it as getting out of dangerous situations alone, or doing painful/difficult acts with little help, and not complaining, while getting it done. The most badass scene Clem was in was the stitching scene.
I agree, if the others payed more attention to her this wouldn't had happened. I already was mad enough when she disappeared the first time and nobody seemed to give a damn about her but Lee.
I define it as getting out of dangerous situations alone, or doing painful/difficult acts with little help, and not complaining, while getting it done.
What do you define as badass? I define it as getting out of dangerous situations alone, or doing painful/difficult acts with little help, and not complaining, while getting it done. The most badass scene Clem was in was the stitching scene.
I define it as getting out of dangerous situations alone, or doing painful/difficult acts with little help, and not complaining, while getting it done.
She pretty much did that the entire episode!
I define it as getting out of dangerous situations alone, or doing painful/difficult acts with little help, and not complaining, while getting it done.
She pretty much did that the entire episode!
Having the mental stability to see your babysitter killed, then going with the man who killed her. Going to a random persons farm only to have the son of the farmer killed in front of you and being kicked to the curb and having to go with another random person and his family. Getting shoved into a cramped, dark drug store with a yelling dick and his daughter trying to kick everyone out into the waiting hands of the locals. All while not knowing if you will ever see your parents again and not to mention having a few people try to eat you. All without going insane and while maintaining the ability to keep on keeping on. Oh... and being 8 years old throughout it all, is.... pretty bad ass. There are many types of badassery and S1 Clem is the perfect example of that.
What do you define as badass? I define it as getting out of dangerous situations alone, or doing painful/difficult acts with little help, and not complaining, while getting it done. The most badass scene Clem was in was the stitching scene.
I actually think that Vernon would still have died, along with a few of the other cancer patients or even some of Lee's group had Clem not been kidnapped. He had no way f knowing that Clem had been kidnapped, meaning he was probably on his way there anyway. With both groups at full strength, well, the shootout could have been pretty bloody.
The Stranger? I kind of see your point looking at it like that, but I'm afraid it doesn't affect me much because I really didn't care for him all that much. So his death matters little to me. Lee, Omid, Ben (Determinant), and Kenny (Possibly)? Yeah, those are her fault for sure. I'm not willing to go much further because I can't see her having a major role in the death of anyone else. And, as I said earlier, fuck the stranger. Vernon too, for that matter.
I realize that, but I'm looking at it objectively. Vernon likely wouldn't have died if Clem weren't kidnapped, enabling the cancer patients to… more attack, with the only not shit fighter gone. The stranger because if she simply didn't talk to him, he wouldn't have ever gotten to the group, known who they were, or been able to attack them. So technically, she's doubly responsible for everyone who died getting her. That's true, but, had she been stronger, or better equipped, she would've been able to fight them.
Yeah, and they kinda discussed killing her, maybe she shoulda just, ya know, be a bad ass from the start and kick the gun out of the girl's hand and not have Omid die....
Only the first one is badass. The rest is her just following Lee, and not getting attached to people, which is a little badass. Not enough to call her badass. But badass enough.
Having the mental stability to see your babysitter killed, then going with the man who killed her. Going to a random persons farm only to have… more the son of the farmer killed in front of you and being kicked to the curb and having to go with another random person and his family. Getting shoved into a cramped, dark drug store with a yelling dick and his daughter trying to kick everyone out into the waiting hands of the locals. All while not knowing if you will ever see your parents again and not to mention having a few people try to eat you. All without going insane and while maintaining the ability to keep on keeping on. Oh... and being 8 years old throughout it all, is.... pretty bad ass. There are many types of badassery and S1 Clem is the perfect example of that.
Having the mental stability to see your babysitter killed, then going with the man who killed her. Going to a random persons farm only to have… more the son of the farmer killed in front of you and being kicked to the curb and having to go with another random person and his family. Getting shoved into a cramped, dark drug store with a yelling dick and his daughter trying to kick everyone out into the waiting hands of the locals. All while not knowing if you will ever see your parents again and not to mention having a few people try to eat you. All without going insane and while maintaining the ability to keep on keeping on. Oh... and being 8 years old throughout it all, is.... pretty bad ass. There are many types of badassery and S1 Clem is the perfect example of that.
Only the first one is badass. The rest is her just following Lee, and not getting attached to people, which is a little badass. Not enough to call her badass. But badass enough.
They didn't know about her being kidnapped, but the stranger didn't know about Lee's group being hungry. Lee would've been able to take care of them with the others by his side. They had one gun between them, and Lee took it, so yeah, there wouldn't have been a shootout. Lee woulda kicked some ass, and maybe there would've been an Andy st John choice to kill or let them go, but Clem wouldn't have been responsible for Lee's actions.
I actually think that Vernon would still have died, along with a few of the other cancer patients or even some of Lee's group had Clem not bee… moren kidnapped. He had no way f knowing that Clem had been kidnapped, meaning he was probably on his way there anyway. With both groups at full strength, well, the shootout could have been pretty bloody.
The Stranger? I kind of see your point looking at it like that, but I'm afraid it doesn't affect me much because I really didn't care for him all that much. So his death matters little to me. Lee, Omid, Ben (Determinant), and Kenny (Possibly)? Yeah, those are her fault for sure. I'm not willing to go much further because I can't see her having a major role in the death of anyone else. And, as I said earlier, fuck the stranger. Vernon too, for that matter.
Everyone can agree, because its part of the story, Clementine running away did inevitably cause Lees death. However, i don't think anyone on here or a player of the game hates or even dislikes her.
You're right. Monotone was the wrong word for Ken Jr. He's more... Just poorly voice acted.
She's not badass... She's either a bitch or monotone, depending on your choices. And monotone is not good.
How many people did Clem get killed? I acknowledge that Lee and Omid are both her fault, and Ben, if the player saved him and he lived until Episode 5 (I dropped him, so only Lee and Omid for sure), and possibly Kenny. While that those people ARE on her head, I still think Ben was worse. He basically caused the group to implode with his deal with the bandits, causing the deaths of Carley/Doug, Katjaa, and Duck, followed an Episode later by getting chuck killed due to his cowardice. After that it was Brie, because he just had to choose such a wonderful time to tell the aggressive alcoholic redneck that, yes, Ben DID get his family killed. Let's not forget about Molly because it's possible for her to be left behind because he took the hatchet out of the door.
And why did that get thumbs down? I like a different character than you?
That's right Harp. You can't dislike any of the things anyone else likes. Downvote Monster is watching you, Clem Hater.
And you either love the game or hate it, Guess we know where you stand.
Doug or Carley, for one. Clem could've easily handed Carley her ammo, while Lee helped Doug. Let's see... Who else, who else? The Stranger. Vernon, if he died like Joyce implied in 400 days... Hmm... Christa, if she died at the bandit camp (though it's a bit of a stretch... Running out of ideas, you see. It could be argued that, had Omid been there, Christa would've survived)... And that's all I can think of, not including what you mentioned.
She survived the ZA at the age of 8 to 11, she is bad ass. Monotone is story telling.
Badass confirmed!
Shotgun eh? Decided that there wasn't enough range on a salt lick?
She was only a kid during A New Day. I don't fault her for being terrified of the walkers once they actually got inside the store. She was a kid, and it was the first week of the ZA. The Stranger? She DID kill him in my game, but only because he was throttling me, and was going to kidnap her afterward. I chock that up to self defense. Vernon... how, exactly did Clem get him killed? Please elaborate. As for Christa, I can't blame what may or may not have happened to her on Clem, because I chose to distract them and saw her run away. I, and by extension Clem, did everything that could have been done in that situation.
You know, this guy may have started a war, but lets be honest, a lot of people died trying to save her at the end, but I don't blame her. If we are to blame anyone for Kenny, Ben, and Lee's death, it's everyone's. They all let there guards down at the house and THAT'S why she was "captured" and people died trying to save her, it wasn't her fault, so her haters have no point.....
Let up on Clem, Damn man.
I don't hate it just yet. It's still got 4 episodes to go. A lot of great games have not so stellar beginnings. Civ V, Deadly Premonition, Saints Row 2, Fable II... Hmm... That's all I can think of, but I liked those games.
With people constantly watching over her. Without help, she would've died a LOT. She's just lucky Lee's there.
Of course she had help, she was 8... Lee was the lucky one.
You finally realize the folly of having an OPINION. Bow before Monotone Badass Season 2 Clem and despair.
I realize that, but I'm looking at it objectively. Vernon likely wouldn't have died if Clem weren't kidnapped, enabling the cancer patients to attack, with the only not shit fighter gone. The stranger because if she simply didn't talk to him, he wouldn't have ever gotten to the group, known who they were, or been able to attack them. So technically, she's doubly responsible for everyone who died getting her. That's true, but, had she been stronger, or better equipped, she would've been able to fight them.
I'm not being harsh on her, I was just trying to add everything I could, so no other, less friendly, crafty bastards could come in.
Exactly Rock, you get it :P
I agree, if the others payed more attention to her this wouldn't had happened. I already was mad enough when she disappeared the first time and nobody seemed to give a damn about her but Lee.
What do you define as badass? I define it as getting out of dangerous situations alone, or doing painful/difficult acts with little help, and not complaining, while getting it done. The most badass scene Clem was in was the stitching scene.
Exactly, if only there was, ya know, at least SOMEBODY in there with them watching Clem. But they didn't and no one cared.....
She pretty much did that the entire episode!
Yeah, this episode, but he was saying that she gets past the help part because she was 8. I was saying that it doesn't mean shit.
Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
Yeah, but she had help eventually.
That's only because she absolutely needed it, She was gonna die otherwise.
Having the mental stability to see your babysitter killed, then going with the man who killed her. Going to a random persons farm only to have the son of the farmer killed in front of you and being kicked to the curb and having to go with another random person and his family. Getting shoved into a cramped, dark drug store with a yelling dick and his daughter trying to kick everyone out into the waiting hands of the locals. All while not knowing if you will ever see your parents again and not to mention having a few people try to eat you. All without going insane and while maintaining the ability to keep on keeping on. Oh... and being 8 years old throughout it all, is.... pretty bad ass. There are many types of badassery and S1 Clem is the perfect example of that.
I actually think that Vernon would still have died, along with a few of the other cancer patients or even some of Lee's group had Clem not been kidnapped. He had no way f knowing that Clem had been kidnapped, meaning he was probably on his way there anyway. With both groups at full strength, well, the shootout could have been pretty bloody.
The Stranger? I kind of see your point looking at it like that, but I'm afraid it doesn't affect me much because I really didn't care for him all that much. So his death matters little to me. Lee, Omid, Ben (Determinant), and Kenny (Possibly)? Yeah, those are her fault for sure. I'm not willing to go much further because I can't see her having a major role in the death of anyone else. And, as I said earlier, fuck the stranger. Vernon too, for that matter.
Yeah, and they kinda discussed killing her, maybe she shoulda just, ya know, be a bad ass from the start and kick the gun out of the girl's hand and not have Omid die....
Only the first one is badass. The rest is her just following Lee, and not getting attached to people, which is a little badass. Not enough to call her badass. But badass enough.
Yep, the quiet, innocent type of badassery.
Your perception of bad ass is out of wack my friend. The entire first season is Clem being bad ass, you just can't seem to see that.
The most dangerous type, the kind that shoots you in the back. Cough Stranger Cough
They didn't know about her being kidnapped, but the stranger didn't know about Lee's group being hungry. Lee would've been able to take care of them with the others by his side. They had one gun between them, and Lee took it, so yeah, there wouldn't have been a shootout. Lee woulda kicked some ass, and maybe there would've been an Andy st John choice to kill or let them go, but Clem wouldn't have been responsible for Lee's actions.
I was just listing, my friend.