I Love Clem But Her Haters Have a Point



  • I really liked her, don't get me wrong, but she wasn't badass.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Your perception of bad ass is out of wack my friend. The entire first season is Clem being bad ass, you just can't seem to see that.

  • Just when I was about to quit on all our fellow friends here you came, finally someone with their eyes open , at least i know im not the only here who is blind

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    I'm not being harsh on her, I was just trying to add everything I could, so no other, less friendly, crafty bastards could come in.

  • I mean isn't *

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Just when I was about to quit on all our fellow friends here you came, finally someone with their eyes open , at least i know im not the only here who is blind

  • Sad you can't see she is, makes the first season so much more interesting.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    I really liked her, don't get me wrong, but she wasn't badass.

  • You said is, no take backs!

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I mean isn't *

  • They only had one gun? But everyone has one in Episode 5, and they use them to shoot the walkers after they breach the mansion. Huh. Why didn't they pull their guns when Vernon showed up? I mean, as soon as they mentioned the boat, Kenny would have gone for his pistol, at least.

    I'm confused now.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    They didn't know about her being kidnapped, but the stranger didn't know about Lee's group being hungry. Lee would've been able to take care o

  • edited January 2014

    Yay! :D



    I don't see Shaundi.

    You know, there's better conversation over at this forum. This reddit style, and the dislike system promotes a lot of hate and shit. This is a good place for conversation:


    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I mean isn't *

  • You both have the same avatar, so for a moment, I thought you were talking to yourself.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Yes she is party to blame for the deaths, but at this point I'm fairly sure finding anyone not directly or indirectly at fault of anothers death would be few and far between.

  • Is anyone in Vernon's group in episode 5? Also, in episode 4, they're never shown holding guns either, aside from when Lee took Vernon's gun.

    Rock114 posted: »

    They only had one gun? But everyone has one in Episode 5, and they use them to shoot the walkers after they breach the mansion. Huh. Why didn'

  • Sad you can't accept that she isn't badass. It makes caring for her feel even more vital, making the objective the game wants you to have more vital.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Sad you can't see she is, makes the first season so much more interesting.

  • edited January 2014

    Nobody from Vernon's crew is in Episode 5. And the group AREN'T shown holding guns, aside from Lee's Glock and Christa's Beretta, except for that rifle Kenny had when they broke into Crawford. What happened to THAT, anyway? And where did the new guns come from?

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Is anyone in Vernon's group in episode 5? Also, in episode 4, they're never shown holding guns either, aside from when Lee took Vernon's gun.

  • *shrug

    Maybe they were conserving ammo? I guess they just kicked themselves for not putting a couple guns in the armory, and said, fuck it.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Nobody from Vernon's crew is in Episode 5. And the group AREN'T shown holding guns, aside from Lee's Glock and Christa's Beretta, except for t

  • edited January 2014

    Why are we blaming the deaths of Lee, Kenny, Ben, (Determinant) and Omid on a nine year old girl? I don't believe it was Clem's fault because she was completely manipulated by the stranger. If you had to blame only person for Lee, Kenny, and Ben's (Determinant) death, then you should absolutely blame the stranger. He took advantage of Clementine when she was in a vulnerable state and lied to her. You could say it was Lee's fault for just falling asleep on the couch and leaving the walkie-talkie out in the open for the taking, the stranger's fault for obviously abducting Clementine or even Kenny's fault for stealing the food out of the station wagon. It's easy to point the finger when you don't deeply analyze the situation.

    People will always find a way to accuse someone for being responsible for an unsatisfactory outcome. It's easy to hold one person accountable for one's misfortune rather than just turning the other cheek or even share the responsibility. As for Omid's death, it's definitely appalling, but you can't hold her culpable for his death. Michelle was the one that shot him and like I said before, it's easy to incriminate Clementine for leaving her gun unattended, but was that the sole reason to why Omid got shot? Hindsight is 20/20, people need to make mistakes before they can learn from them.

  • Because she technically was the one who committed the actions leading to her getting taken away, or, as she says in episode 6, running away, making her even more responsible. Her disappearance was what led the rest to running after her. I was just saying that there's more than just those few if you get less biased.

    Why are we blaming the deaths of Lee, Kenny, Ben, (Determinant) and Omid on a nine year old girl? I don't believe it was Clem's fault because

  • Let me try to put it in other terms, more realistic and understandable terms. A child around the age of 10 learns they have cancer, a tumor in their brain. Instead of choosing to quit, to lay down and give up, they decide to keep going, to push the envelope and put up a fight, that child is a bad ass. Much more so, to me, than any football player, or UFC fighter, or soldier. Clementine in my eyes is the same way, a child put to impossible odds and instead of accepting the obviously unavoidable outcome she says fuck that outcome and does crazy, horrible, and bad ass things to keep that outcome from becoming reality. That is bad ass at any age, multiplied times and times over considering age.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Sad you can't accept that she isn't badass. It makes caring for her feel even more vital, making the objective the game wants you to have more vital.

  • As good an explanation as any, I suppose.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    *shrug Maybe they were conserving ammo? I guess they just kicked themselves for not putting a couple guns in the armory, and said, fuck it.

  • But that isn't even close to what happened.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Let me try to put it in other terms, more realistic and understandable terms. A child around the age of 10 learns they have cancer, a tumor in

  • You are so wrong. Clementine is the new Ben. She has done nothing but lead people to their death. She going to get everyone in season 2 killed you just wait.

    Why are we blaming the deaths of Lee, Kenny, Ben, (Determinant) and Omid on a nine year old girl? I don't believe it was Clem's fault because

  • Well, yes, it is. She was a child who was put at horrible odds and she never gave up. That in and of itself is bad ass.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    But that isn't even close to what happened.

  • She's an 11 year old girl on video game and people hate her? They need to suck it up because she is the main character now. ;)

  • That's like saying Lori from the comic is badass. No she's not. Just resilient.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Well, yes, it is. She was a child who was put at horrible odds and she never gave up. That in and of itself is bad ass.

  • When you think about it, Lee acted pretty stupidly before she left. He just told her that they won't have time to look for her parents and that they'll be leaving Savannah (her parent's last known location) in the morning, and he knows there's a stranger out there telling her over the walky talky he can help reunite her with her parents. Under the circumstances, he should have either made sure someone else was watching Clem (not Ben) before he caught some sleep or just kept awake until they were safely on the water. Doing neither led to his bite and Clem running away.

    I mean, yeah, I guess you could blame the 9 year old girl for making a poorly considered decision. But frankly, when stuff like that happens, you usually turn to the 37 year old who was supposed to be watching her.

  • How old was Lori?

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    That's like saying Lori from the comic is badass. No she's not. Just resilient.

  • In her 30s. Though it doesn't really matter. Badass is just one broad term. Applicable to a middle aged man, same as a 20 year old man, same as an 8 year old girl. They can be fuckin awesome. Sure. But she isn't a badass.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    How old was Lori?

  • Bad ass is a broad term, applicable to an even broader range of situations. She is bad ass and at this point I'm just wasting words. Bye :)

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    In her 30s. Though it doesn't really matter. Badass is just one broad term. Applicable to a middle aged man, same as a 20 year old man, same as an 8 year old girl. They can be fuckin awesome. Sure. But she isn't a badass.

  • How are you wasting words? What a fuckin insult, man.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Bad ass is a broad term, applicable to an even broader range of situations. She is bad ass and at this point I'm just wasting words. Bye

  • Clementine was against taking the belongings from the seemingly abandoned station wagon. Stealing the supplies is ultimately what led to half the group dying, as it led to the chain of events that caused the Stranger to lose his mind and become obsessed with Lee's group.

    If you are going to blame anyone for making a decision that unintentionally caused the deaths of other characters, it would be Lee, or whomever was for taking supplies from the vehicle.

  • Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I'd say that notifying the stranger that they stole his supplies is more the cause of the stranger coming after them than just stealing.

    Scaeva posted: »

    Clementine was against taking the belongings from the seemingly abandoned station wagon. Stealing the supplies is ultimately what led to half

  • Or you could just dislike it... And then bitch about it on the internet.

    She's an 11 year old girl on video game and people hate her? They need to suck it up because she is the main character now.

  • Not sure about that. They won't make the player Ben.

    Jinx_Cannon posted: »

    You are so wrong. Clementine is the new Ben. She has done nothing but lead people to their death. She going to get everyone in season 2 killed you just wait.

  • She could be pinned as responsible for Doug/Carley's death in episode 1, though... If you're unsympathetic to an 8 year old being 8.

    You know, this guy may have started a war, but lets be honest, a lot of people died trying to save her at the end, but I don't blame her. If w

  • edited January 2014

    How can that be when you can't have one without the other? Without stealing the supplies, Clem has nothing to tell the Stranger about. Hell the Stranger isn't even the Stranger without the supplies being stolen.

    My point is that if you're going to start blaming characters for decisions that unintentionally backfired, Clem wouldn't be the first place to start. Lee and some of the other members of the group made mistakes that also led to their demise.

    The same applies for Omid. I get that he wanted some alone time with Christa...but is leaving Clem alone in a rest stop bathroom, in the zombie apocalypse, really a good idea? No, it wasn't. If you're going to blame Clem, fine. But Omid and Christa were just as culpable, if not more so.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I'd say that notifying the stranger that they stole his supplies is more the cause of the stranger coming after them than just stealing.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I see most people are blaming Clementine, Ben, Kenny or the stranger for Lees death but everyone is overlooking that fact that Carley/Doug are also partly responsible, They where the ones who gave Clementine the batteries for her walkie talkie which she then used to contact the stranger and tell him where they where going and what they did. I assume he contacted her on it to get her to wake up and leave the safety of the house and then she got kidnapped and Lee got bit.



  • Omid was a beloved character? Omid didn't handle things correctly himself which is why getting unlucky got him killed. Leaving the gun unattended was foolish, but I'm sure she's learned her lesson.

    It's hard to blame an 8 or 11 year old for making mistakes some adults make, and as for comparisons to Ben he was around 18 and failed at pretty much everything. I don't accept that he was just a kid, he was a young adult.

  • Can you blame someone that gets kidnapped ? (Ben and Lee's death)
    Can you blame someone that gets threatened by a girl while she's just doing something she's used to do? (Omid's death)

    Seriously, this argument is seriously dumb... All those thing didn't even happen because she did something bad, but only because bad people did something to Clementine..
    This way of thinking is way too simple and manichean to be given a thought at.

  • Don't kill me!!

    Loads Shotgun Just point me to em!

  • Wait thats not possible its like i love cocolate but it tastes like shit

  • Let's blame Ben. That's always fun.

    Antero posted: »

    You can blame anyone. Let's blame kenny for the boat idea or lets blame the cancer survivors for stealing the boat, hell we can even blame the damn train for bringing us to that god damned city anyways.

  • edited January 2014

    Until Clem starts taking hatchets out of strange doorways, I don't think your comment holds up, friend.

    Jinx_Cannon posted: »

    You are so wrong. Clementine is the new Ben. She has done nothing but lead people to their death. She going to get everyone in season 2 killed you just wait.

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