Don't be fooled by the ep2 preview/trailer...
Many of us seem to forget that in Season 1, every single preview/trailer for each episode was almost always completely different to what happened in the actual episode. Examples:
S1 Ep 2 - We never saw Carley/Doug hand over food to Lee, or see Lee talking to Kenny by the steps at the motor inn talking about starving. Nor did we see Ben firing a rifle at walkers etc.
S1 Ep 3 - This was almost right apart from the fact we don't see Christa and Omid killing walkers in the abandoned building where Lee and Clem were.
S1 Ep 4 - Again mostly correct but had a few scenes and character lines that we do not see or hear in the actual episode.
I realise it's not important but my point of this thread is, don't be fooled by the S2 ep2 preview/trailer because a lot of things we see in it probably won't happen the way it is. For all we know when Clem said "I thought you were dead" in a surprised/shocked face could be seen in the actual episode as a very happy "I thought you were dead"
We will see
yeah but she still said it a and we will definitely will see that carver guy at the door or els WTF TTG ??
You make a good point here.
I also thought this after I saw the preview for S2E2.
I'm just saying it will probably ALL turn out differently with the 'I thought you were dead' quote and in the end, trolltale just gives us another 'Nick'.
Mh,I don't know. S1E2 was very different in the beta,so even the trailer was actually different,but I think that this time TellTale is well prepared. At leat,I hope so.
P.S Sorry for eventual bad grammar,I'm italian
I don't know why they would have left out such an important part of the preview in the actual episode. Granted, the trailers don't show what may actually be in the final product, but that's because they altered it to make it better, not because they were trying to fool us. Instead of Doug/Carly giving us food, we had the option to give food to them. They changed the things that could have been done better with feedback from the next episode. That, or they figured out a better story telling mechanic and implemented that rather than the scenes you saw n the preview. I see no reason why they would have to completely alter that "I thought you were dead" scene. That would literally be shooting themselves in the foot, growing all that hype then killing it. That wouldn't be smart of Telltale, and I don't see any way of improving the actual story by taking it out.
You're missing something here. All the scenes you mentioned in the season 1 previews seemed like throw away scenes and just filler. The "I thought you were dead" scene seems to have a BIG significance to the story. Also it was at the very end of the trailer so TT obviously wanted it to have some dramatic impact. Most of the scenes you pointed out were half a second long. I think everyone can agree that its going to mean something.
I think we will see Clem say "I thought you were dead" but I bet it will be said in a completely different way or it will be a different scene or something like that
I know, it's just they are very good at throwing us off most of the time
oh nick, you told me your name was nick but you might as well have just told me to go fuck myself because of your "Kenny like" appearance. didn't get my hopes up but still.
The previews are never to far from the point of the story and the season 2 trailet 2as accurate.
And in teaser for episode 2 It seems like Ben's voice actor was Nick Herman.
Writing on a phone is hard don't judge.
Not yet >;)
that took an odd turn.... that's enough internet for tonight
Wrong. Not enough internet for tonight. Need more.
tits or gtfo lmao im kidding im kidding XD If you understand only one thing in your life know that im kidding XD
Well there not gonna show you what actually happens in the trailers. Movie trailers try and tell you what the movie is about but holds back important details and hides the twists in the movie. These trailers are ment to show you minor details in the story and potentially throw you off
They wouldn't mislead us with such a huge cliffhanger.
Even though the "Next Time" segments aren't 100% correct doesn't mean that they should be disregarded completely. They get enough right to give us a general idea of what's going to happen at certain points, so they're reliable enough to make a decent guess.
I think if any part of the preview was exact, its the end, thus i dont think they will mislead us. Atleast not with that part.
You are a legend, Dan.
Cheers SonEdo and thanks to everyone's comments, i appreciate it
Lets assume that it will be the same, who would she react that way towards? she allmost seemed concerned/scared that whoever it is, is now back, it makes ya wonder.
This video shows what he was chatting about, he might have got it from here if not good finds.
I didn't see this to share on my thread, I've played through S1 many times and remember each trailer is very different to what happens in the episode. Obviously this guy who uploaded the vid agrees too.
I think the trailers show scenes that don't happen but still tell you what's important. For instance, in S1 E2, Lee and his group where starving and Ben was in a pretty desperate situation when you find him. So I guess maybe the preview doesn't show the exact scenes of Ep 2 but it still show you enough to get what matters. Maybe you won't hear the "I thought you were dead" line (or not in those exact words) but some character Clem thought was dead will very probably come back.
At least this video is here for people to see what your chatting about then.
I agree and i also agree with your screen name
Good point about the "I thought you were dead" part!
Thank God you like my username! Because it can't be changed XD!
It's very spoilery though.
So I've been told...
But, honestly, the forum is infested with spoilers. I myself made the mistake of looking at it before being up to date. I think its a healthy precaution to not visit the forum until you are (it's a friendly advice, I'm not trying to start a fight or give you a sermon or anything).
It could be they were trying to build up hype by making her sound scared, but then in the final version, she'll sound happy to see Kenny.
In the trailer, they probably made Clem sound scared to build hype/suspense, but in the final version she may be happy to see Kenny/Lil... Well, she might not be happy to see Lilly.