Why the Person thought to be Dead could be a Girl

If you go back to the moment in which Clem and Christa got separated , There is something odd that maybe a lot of you didn't notice , the group of guys is not asking Christa for food or water , They didn't ask for ammo or supplies either , All they kept asking was "Where the rest of the group was" for some reason thats all they cared about . Well I personally think all those guys in the river might have been from their group as well and they were looking for Carver , and the reason they bugged Christa is because there are more Woman in Carver's group than we all Know and they'd think a Woman and a little girl would not have survived out there by themselves with Carver in that whole area killing anyone he sees . Is it Lilly ? Very likely , Its just somethig that came to mind you guys can make your own conclusions
You just made a critical mistake on this forum: acknowledging Lily is the only logical person whom Clementine wis referring to. You will be down voted and berated for not supporting Kenny. RIP SaltLick305
Actually I don't share my thoughts in here to get likes or be worried about downvotes , to be honest with you i could give two flyig sh*** about that , the reason I do it is because i like sharing my opinions and see what other people think , besides i just said its a woman so i would look pretty stupid if I said Kenny ..,,,
Did you say that you think the 3 guys with Christa were trying too help? Because they weren't
If you didn't read the whole thing then I don't see why you would post this comment , I never said that , I said that the reason they were after Christa was because they thought she was from Carver's group since a Woman would not have survived out there in the woods by herself with Carver and his group killing anything they come across
It makes sense,I was thinking about this yasterday. Winston's group seemed to be very scared and in fact one of them is dying at the river in the final part of the episode,where Nick and Pete assumes that Carver did that mess. But the fact is that we actually don't know if TTG chosed to follow the comic (and if so,then Lilly should be in Woodbury,presumably dead) or if they maked Lilly a free character after the release of the novel. I still think it can be even Kenny,but I would like Lilly's return.
They said the novel character is a completely different person so yeah it could easily be Lilly , Im just telling those Lilly and Molly fans out there to keep their hopes up because its in fact very likely to be a woman so we'll see
alvin says "put the gun down, man"
He could be refering to the two guys showed in the trailer,who knows.
Yes, we do know that they have made her a "free character." and that they can do whatever they want with her. She is not bound by the comic in any way. After that Woodbury novel was released Telltale removed all references that suggested Lilly was Lilly Caul. Even in the game itself, remember the achievement "Woodbury Bound." and how everyone was saying that this basically confirms Lily as Lilly Caul? Yeah well that was changed to "What now?" after the novel was released.
Don't you see 2 guys in the trailer ? So you can't just assume that the person He said that to is the same Clem thought to be dead , We don't know how many people they come across
Logical in the sense that she was actually meant to put a bullet in governours head.
If she was with carver she probably wouldn't of feared them since im sure carver has more than 3 people
Yep, For some reason they want this Lilly to be Free for whatever they wanna do with her , Season 2? Who knows
The 2 guys don't act like he's talking to them, hell, they don't even have their guns drawn. It's a 3rd person we don't see.
Pay attention to the teaser and you will see that whrn Alvin says that there is an asian guy holding a gun
My first point still stands. They are looking at a third guy.
Well I don't agree with It , The way I see it He is talking to the Asian Dude , But don't worry because unlike MANY PEOPLE here i don't try to make anyone agree with my theories , as a matter of fact I don't want them to because thats the point of these discussions
Oh and another thing, How can you be sure its only those 2 guys and the Mystery person? .....
Its Kenny, he did not die at Savahnna, because he was only 'lost' in the alleyway or building apartment thingy hole. Point is they never say directly that he's dead... but it could/should be Lilly cause thats makes more sense.
Im not saying its not Kenny as a matter of fact I want ot to be Him , All and saying Lilly is likely to appear as well considering the circumstances
The 2 guys don't act like he's talking to them, hell, they don't even have their guns drawn. It's a 3rd person we don't see.
The guy is in frame when Alvin says his line. You can see the subtitle there, as reference. I don't get how people jump on that "man" in the sentence. (It also could have just been a way to end the sentence without adressing anyone.)
The bandits may have been enemies of Carver, but I don't see how their reaction to finding Christa had anything to do with her gender.
Your right with it being Lily but the way you explained it was god awful
comic Lilly and Game Lilly are two different people, as confirmed by Telltale and Robert Kirkman.
Or maybe they just ran into random people in the woods and assumed they had a group.
Maybe you are right , but something tells me its better than anything you've done in your entire life so if you don't like it, feel free to get out of MY post and try doing something good on your own
Clementine doesn't think Lilly is dead. She knows that Lilly was in the military and can take care of herself even if she was stranded on the side of the road. Molly doesn't want to join any group, same as Christa. Both have said that they don't trust groups. (Well, Molly said she's better alone.) The only logical answer is Kenny. We never see him die, the game said "lost" to the herd, and Telltale said his fate would be explored.
Like I said I actually want it to be Kenny but The fact thats its the obvious choices makes me think its someone else , Think outside the box
And do you really think Molly would go up north where it's colder?
I pretty much assumed that they asked her for the rest of the group because they would have no benefit of killing Christa alone in the woods with nothing, if they manage to get the location of the group they may be in, they could get more loot.
I trust me I could care less about likes either, I was just pointing that out in a joking manner. I agree with your post.
I never said it was Molly I said its a possibility,Hell even Lee is a possibility for some people, or are you gonna step up and tell eveybody here its impossoble that person is Molly?
She isn't wrong.
Lol I don't want you to agree with it , If you think its so shitty then feel free to make one on your own which you consider good, But sincr you are here anyways , I Just wanted to let you know your opinions matter to me as much as Larry cared about Lee
Your reaction to their previous post speaks a lot about you. You made a fine point in a subpar manner. "but something tells me its better than anything you've done in your entire life," ....... an obvious mark of a troll or imbicile. You decide.
I can't say I subscribe to this theory. I mean, it COULD be a woman, but I don't think for this reason. It just seemed like they were asking Christa for her group because they wanted to ambush them and take their supplies. They just wanted to know if there was anyone else in the area before they kept searching around, so they didn't get massacred by members of Christa's group who ambushed them. I mean, we know that that was impossible, but they didn't. They were just making sure they didn't get shot if they kept poking around the area.
First of all I've said it a hundred times i Dont expect everybody to agree with what i think or the theories I post because the fun about all this is everyone putting in their different idead and discuss it , but respect the others thats something someone shouldn't have to tell you at this point in your life , so you are either a 5 yeard old kid or a complete idiot which im sure you are , You decide.
I'm nuetral to your theory and that is besides the point. The point is your lack of respect to the other person you responded to. Hypocracy!
The same lack of respect she showed me , If im gonna post a comment on SOMEONE ELSE'S theory I make sure it is not to bring him down or say he is doing shit , If I don't agree with it I tell you and I explain why , thats how grown. People argue and the point of these discussions , But in this case Im probably dealing with a 5 year old girl and a guy that Spents his time poking his nose in other people's business
Am I the guy poking his nose in other people's business?...... on a public forum??... In any case I am typing via an xbox at this time and while I won't hold your hand and walk you through all the things you aren't grasping for that reason, I'll leave you with this, there is a huge difference between constructive critizism and being an asshole.