THE Lilly Theory Thread
Before you read this thread, please view this -->
In the link, I explained how and where Lilly may have went after Episode 3 of Season One. Here, I will be explaining my theory based on the information in both the link and personal POV. Now, before the Kenny lovers dislike this thread to Hell, let me just make this clear: I do not hate Kenny nor do I 100% believe he is dead, but I don't necessarily hate Lilly, either (despite her horrible action) nor do I think she is dead, so just to make that clear. Let's begin, shall we?
First, the link above: click it. I will be making many references based on the information in that link, and if you don't read it, you may be confused. My theory (if she steals the RV) is that she makes it to a nearby city/town (despite the radiator, in the link above, it shows that she could have easily made it to Pearson or further). Trying to survive, she looks for supplies. Now, we don't know what happens to her after she takes the RV, but my guess is that she survives on her own a few months, then stumbles upon a group. This group may be a bandit group or just a normal group, but my guess is that she showed she could be a good leader for the group (keep in mind that Lilly's leading style is all about survival, not necessarily about right and wrong. Also keep in mind that this is theorized to be several months after her fathers death; before her leadership abilities were hindered based on distrust and paranoia: now I believe she would have accepted his death and moved on.) and ends up leading the group north, probably hearing the rumors about Wellington from the new group, later in the year. They then stumble upon Luke's group (or part of it) on their way there. Knowing Lilly, she probably had a bad feeling about the group and accused them of robbery (we don't know if Luke's group did anything wrong to them before hand). Clementine steps forward and sees Lilly....
"I thought you were dead!"
Again, this is just a theory and there may be things wrong with it. If you see anything wrong with the theory, by all means, comment about it. If you wish to add anything to this theory or want to post your own theories, I encourage you to share your thoughts. Do you agree? Disagree?
We don't really need to know what happened to Lily. As far as we know shes still alive and theres a chance Kenny is to. Remember the choices you made in season 1 will affect you in season 2. Kenny and Lily both show up, Who do you side with or even save? Who did Lee side with?
Clementine will remember that.
Well, TTG can't exactly refuse to explain how one (or both) of them survive. Just throwing them in and saying "Hey! I'm here!" is kind of insulting to both fans and logic. I don't think people would be so quick to forgive Lilly, either. Based on Lee's relationship with her, she may be a bit more comfortable to see her or afraid to see her, though either way she may be hesitant to trust her, especially since the last time she saw, she shot Carly.
I believe Kenny will appear, but later in the season. He doesn't seem like the type to accuse strangers of robbery, though a lot can change in 2 years...
To tell you the truth i really don't care who it is i will be happy with whoever shows up
Even if its...
This thread needs more Lilly...
First person to post a "Lilly Confirmed for Season 2!" gif will be forever loved, and their story will be told around the campfire.
Telltale said before the Season trailer was released that his fate would be "Explored" I don't think you're gullible if you think Kenny's alive, his death was left a mystery for a reason. And thinking he's alive is only logical because of this. And I don't think I'm below the age of fifteen nor am I stupid. There's a chance it's Kenny, and there's a chance it's Lilly. There's no need to go on insulting people saying they're not bright and the like just because they have a different opinion to you.
he thinks he is a smart one but he's not
I really hope it's either Kenny or Lilly, so that your actions in Season 1 have an impact you know, who you liked/backed up the most.
Though I still don't really understand how Lee's actions can be put on Clementine's account, I mean, if Lilly or Kenny hated Lee I don't think they'd hate Clem due to that. I'm really curious how all of this will pan out, if it's gonna be akin to a "fresh start" with either of them or if they'll hold Clem responsible for Lee's action.
Anyway it'd feel like a huge letdown if it's neither of them... I think it's too soon to see Christa again.
I'm not 100% sure about Lilly being the only logical option, but her survival was much more likely than Kenny's, that's for sure.
It's a mixed basket for Kenny; there is nothing logical or illogical on thinking he is alive.
I do have a problem with Kenny fanatics claiming he is the only logical option to bring back when Lilly is as (if not more) likely to return.
Omid is pretty logical.
If it would be Lilly, I hope she gets the redemption moment, the same way Kenny had with Ben/Christa in Ep 5
I'm thinking about changing the title to "THE Lilly Appreciation Thread" just to blend in with all the other "THE (insert name here) Appreciation Thread".
Yay or Nay?
Screw it, I'm just going to change it.
I'd personally like it to be Kenny, but yes, Lilly is very likely.
Especially now that she's her own character, no longer bound to the comic Lilly. Telltale can do as they please with her now.
I feel that they only got rid of her so quickly in Season 1 because she was supposed to be the Lilly from the comics so they had to let her go at some point. But now, nothing's stopping them. Maybe they don't want to let her character go to waste now that the Lillies are separated.
They said Kenny's fate would be explored.
Kenny was obviously a ...very "close", "important" person to Lilly, I'm pretty sure he would be one of the first people Lilly would ask Clementine about.
And thus, his fate will be explored. "Christa told me she saw his body when she was leaving Savannah" complete with a flashback or something like that.
I hope she comes back, but that Kenny does as well, so they can have one last conversation before one or both die. Hash it out, see if they can forgive each other for everything. I think that would be nice, and a strong indicator of how far both have come since Season 1, and changed for the better.
Kenny doesn't approve
And now I'm getting dislikes for it. -_-
I'll ask again and I will wait till tomorrow: Name change: Yay or nay?
Lilly does not approve of Kenny being in her thread
This thread is about Lilly, not Kenny. Unless Kenny has something to do with Lilly in some way, keep him out please. The last thing we need is Kenny/Lilly arguments in my thread.
Nah, "appreciation" threads aren't really appreciated by the forum rules
Alright, I'll take out "appreciation" but I will keep the "THE" since it makes my thread feel special
While I have to doubt the plausibility of them of them splitting from the group and surviving to both find Clementine again, I think it could be interesting to see them meet up after all this time.
Maybe not a happy reunion, but just the idea of playing off the parallels of the two again, and seeing how the interaction would change knowing that both were driven to edge only to lose everything anyway.
That would be a defining moment for the two, Telltale should read that
Personally I don't give two shits about whether Lilly survived or not.
If she did, I wouldn't trust her, nor join her.
She proved to be only concerned about herself, which was made abundantly clear after she not only killed Carly in cold-blood but she stole the RV, leaving Lee, Clementine, Kenny and his family for dead.
The first time I played, it's because of her murdering Carly without any proof that she'd been supplying the bandits, and that she did so without any remorse, is why I left her on the side of the road.
I reasoned, if I let her back in, there's no telling what she might do, if given an opportunity.
Kenny on the other hand was a good man.
He was concerned about doing the right thing, and helping others.
If you had his back, he had yours, which is one of the things friendship is all about.
If Kenny is the unknown stranger, I'd join him in a heartbeat.
If it's Lilly, I might shoot her on sight, reasoning, "What's to stop her from shooting me, if she gets the chance."
Even though Clementine is the playable character, Lilly obviously showed she didn't care a thing for her, by leaving her and everyone else for dead at the abandoned train.
So with that in mind, what reason is there not to suspect she wouldn't kill a child, especially if her ass was on the line?
Let me fix that for you:
And THAT is exactly why Lilly should return even after Kenny turning on the majority of the players in episode 2 and being a dick for the rest of the game he got a kind of redemption in episode 5.
Lilly never really got any of that and vanished after doing a terrible thing; So she should return perhaps not for forgiveness but have more of an impact on people rather than just hate (we dont even know how Lilly felt about the situation). I hated Kenny after he left me to die by Danny after we'd been friends before some disagreement. If Kenny had died from that gunshot from Andy I really wouldnt have cared then.
Take my like.
Your reasoning for Lilly shooting Clem doesn't make much sense. First of all, Lilly obviously cared for Clementine, although its only briefly mentioned. Second, you are bringing up Kenny unnecessarily in my thread; we don't need a flame war.
Besides, I don't hate Kenny; we had disagreements, but I can see why he does the things he did, he doesn't pull them out of his ass, he does these things for the good of the group, which is something I can somewhat appreciate. At the end, he was my friend, and I was sad to see him go away.
Make a gif next: Lilly Confirmed for season 2!
Lol. Du it!
I didn't say you didn't like Kenny.
I merely brought him up to illustrate the difference between the two of them.
And why I would not trust her.
Lilly not only killed Carly in a fit of rage, but didn't show any remorse, and on top of that, if Lee was gracious enough to allow her to come back in the RV, she then leaves him behind.
So to me, those kind of actions do not warrant any trust.
And I respect that POV, but it's these that start a flame war, so just watch what you say about Kenny/Lilly. If you don't like Lilly, than you are in the wrong place.
No need to be insulting.
Also, Lilly is by no means the only logical option. It could be either Lilly or Kenny. Or even Molly, but I doubt it.
This guy's done a good job of explaining how it could be Lily, so I won't go over that, but with Kenny, then the Alley scene can easily be explained by that he could have climbed through a window(notice how all the walkers were focused on one wall when it showed what Christa saw), or he could have just pushed his way through them, because Rick, Carl, Morgan, Abraham, TYRESE and many others have just pushed through Walkers and lived.
I think it's likely that Lilly could come back, personally, I wouldn't trust her one bit, but yeah, I can see that it might be her. I'm thinking that it will be Kenny in the "I thought you were dead" part, and that Lilly will come back later. In the situation, perhaps one of them will start something with the other, and the other just ignoring them. What I mean by that is that either Kenny will still not trust Lilly and she just won't care after all she's been through, or perhaps it will be the other way around. I don't think that if they both show up it will be a big thing with them being opposites once more. I'm thinking it will probably be more like one had put the past behind them, and the other still holds onto whatever was done.
Well let me ask you, if Lilly does come back in the second or third season, how do you see her?
Do you see her redeeming herself?
Or do you see her as a villain type?
I see her as a villain.
She reminds me of Shane on the tv show.