My game just got updated.

edited January 2014 in The Walking Dead

Anyone else's game got updated?



  • That's the update that's been sneaking around in Steam.
    Notice anything different in the game?

  • It's probably nothing important.

  • Languages perhaps? Didn't The Wolf Among Us get such an update recently?

  • The Wolf Among Us got one also recently, they're probably fixing some bugs. But if we're lucky, they could be adding some assets they need to add in order to release the next episode. Doubt it though, far too early.

  • edited January 2014

    Man.......this got updated like literally 6 times within the last 15 minutes.....

    Surprise Tuesday release.......please? Would totes make up for Wolf Among Us delay..... Or maybe the delay IS because of this surprise release...

  • Too early?

    CathalOHara posted: »

    The Wolf Among Us got one also recently, they're probably fixing some bugs. But if we're lucky, they could be adding some assets they need to add in order to release the next episode. Doubt it though, far too early.

  • S1 had one such update that included a ton of bugfixes but also new dialogue (especaily around episode 2),a new version of Episode 4 preview trailer,etc.So that's why I asked if he noticed any changes in the game?

    CathalOHara posted: »

    The Wolf Among Us got one also recently, they're probably fixing some bugs. But if we're lucky, they could be adding some assets they need to add in order to release the next episode. Doubt it though, far too early.

  • I'm pretty sure this is just a patch. No cause for alarm!

  • edited January 2014

    Yeah I know. I'm not going to get my hopes up it just seems kind of weird. Also it's odd that Telltale knows for sure Wolf will be out first week of Feb this early unless it's already submitted and they want Season 2 Episode 2 out of the way first. Which would give them two weeks or so until Wolf. also next Tuesday would be the 5th week of their 4-6 plan if they really did work through the holidays again not getting my hopes up but it sure would be a start....

    I'm pretty sure this is just a patch. No cause for alarm!

  • I'll replay it tonight to take a look, still though. I'm going to be optimistic about it and expect an update on Episode 2 soon. Until it's 100% false, I'm going to actually believe the FAQ until it's proven wrong. Might as well try and stay optimistic about things.

    Araron posted: »

    S1 had one such update that included a ton of bugfixes but also new dialogue (especaily around episode 2),a new version of Episode 4 preview trailer,etc.So that's why I asked if he noticed any changes in the game?

  • I'm actually getting my hopes up. They released S2 pretty quickly and said TWAU's delay will never happen again and I trust them.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    I'll replay it tonight to take a look, still though. I'm going to be optimistic about it and expect an update on Episode 2 soon. Until it's 10

  • It would be nice, but im not getting my hopes up.....

    Ok maybe a little. :)

    Yeah I know. I'm not going to get my hopes up it just seems kind of weird. Also it's odd that Telltale knows for sure Wolf will be out first w

  • Telltale releasing an episode after one month is rare, but it has happened. The finale of season 1 came out barely a month after episode 4. Stranger things have happened.

  • Season 1's finale was done within a month. My hopes are pretty high and it would help prove to fans that they can get stuff done on time.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    The Wolf Among Us got one also recently, they're probably fixing some bugs. But if we're lucky, they could be adding some assets they need to add in order to release the next episode. Doubt it though, far too early.

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