What exactly IS Bigby?



  • edited January 2014


    phool299 posted: »

    No he is cruel like that but Cinderella does take him out.

  • Ohh that's a big one lol. Do you really want to know?

    zeke10 posted: »


  • yes please if your willing

    phool299 posted: »

    Ohh that's a big one lol. Do you really want to know?

  • Cant you buy them online?

    zeke10 posted: »

    Lol bigby sounds like a badass. Wish i had comic store nearby

  • Sure why not. Well the adversary was started by Pinocchio's father, Geppetto. It all started when elders approached him and were questioning the the local count (one who rule the lands). So they came up with a plan to replace him by making Geppetto create an wood figure (like Pinnochio) of the count and bring it to life, but not with flesh, with the Blue Fairy's magic. This became a habit to Geppetto so more and more he started replacing major officals all within his area and they were all loyal to him, beacue of the Fairy's magic. Later he realized the that knew of this may tell on him so he killed them off. All by himself, now, he replaced government officials all in the area and then sought to expand and started the empire as the emperor but nobody knew it was him, expect a select few people, because he created a really big puppet to be the face and ruler of the empire. From then on, his empire conquered many worlds but wasn't interested in the mundane world (where Fabletown is) and saw it as self exile for all who escaped into Fabletown. I kept it as short as possible lol.

    zeke10 posted: »

    yes please if your willing

  • I think so. I just have it all on a sdcard

    KCohere posted: »

    Cant you buy them online?

  • thanks sounds like a good viliian

    phool299 posted: »

    Sure why not. Well the adversary was started by Pinocchio's father, Geppetto. It all started when elders approached him and were questioning t

  • No problem. There's two more right after him, Mister Dark and Prince Brandish.

    zeke10 posted: »

    thanks sounds like a good viliian

  • so he's no longer main villian?

    phool299 posted: »

    No problem. There's two more right after him, Mister Dark and Prince Brandish.

  • Not anymore. After the war was over and he was brought into Fabletown as a citizen because of Pinocchio's demands. But it seems he's planning something right now.

    zeke10 posted: »

    so he's no longer main villian?

  • so he might become "the adversary" again?

    phool299 posted: »

    Not anymore. After the war was over and he was brought into Fabletown as a citizen because of Pinocchio's demands. But it seems he's planning something right now.

  • Probably. But he is up to something. Always sneaking around into the forest of his fallen wooden soldiers. I gotta see if they'll show more on it in the next issues because right now it's all about Rose Red, Snow's sister.

    zeke10 posted: »

    so he might become "the adversary" again?

  • edited January 2014

    sounds like something big is gonna happen. i should probably stop derailing the thread lol

    phool299 posted: »

    Probably. But he is up to something. Always sneaking around into the forest of his fallen wooden soldiers. I gotta see if they'll show more on it in the next issues because right now it's all about Rose Red, Snow's sister.

  • lol I think something big is going to happen too. even when major things has already happened realy huge events. it's like whenever they get out of a bad situation. they only get a breif moment of peace and then something really bad happens again

    zeke10 posted: »

    sounds like something big is gonna happen. i should probably stop derailing the thread lol

  • Magoc, the all-important deus ex machina.

    Jennifer posted: »

    It's also implied that her head was severed due to powerful magic. It's likely that magic prevented him from being able to smell her blood.

  • Spoiler

    No, Bigby does it himself. He doesn't need any help from Frau Totenkinder. His abilities are inherent, unlike Beast's, which were caused by enchantments.

  • edited January 2014

    Yeah, he is humongous, Lol. I just hope that we get to see him like this just once before the game is over.

    Alt text

    Fuckin hell, he is A HUGE!

  • That would be AWESOME if he looks like that in game, but I´m afraid that his true wolf form in game is this: http://tf3dm.com/imgd/l41254-bigby3-84954.png

    Yeah, he is humongous, Lol. I just hope that we get to see him like this just once before the game is over.

  • What the hell is the matter with you? I know everything you just stated. I've read the comics too, you know.
    And even if you're technically a shapeshifter, being a lycanthrope makes you a werewolf, or in Bigby's case, a wolfwere.

    Phyre posted: »

    He is NOT a werewolf.He is NOT a wolf and NOT a human.He is Bigby.Cut by Snow with a lycanthropy knife,he is able to shapeshift between a huma

  • No. That's not true. That is just his another form, the one seen e.g. in WW 2 arc.

    That would be AWESOME if he looks like that in game, but I´m afraid that his true wolf form in game is this: http://tf3dm.com/imgd/l41254-bigby3-84954.png

  • Does anybody else wanna see Bigby as a cute little girl again lol? I thought it was hilarious XD

  • That cute little girl decapitated like 10 people.

    phool299 posted: »

    Does anybody else wanna see Bigby as a cute little girl again lol? I thought it was hilarious XD

  • haha awesome right ? At least they'll come back to life.

    Kaihu posted: »

    That cute little girl decapitated like 10 people.

  • In the comics it says that his smell is so acute that to avoid sensory overload in the middle of bustling New York City, he is forced to smoke constantly and heavily to deaden his senses.

  • My favorite scenes are the ones like these ones lol. I can't wait for issue 140, just finished 139 and I'm just so excited to see what happens next lol.

    Yeah, he is humongous, Lol. I just hope that we get to see him like this just once before the game is over.

  • Can't really get into answering this unless I spoil whole lot of stuff from comics.......(unless you want to be spoiled....)

  • Did you really just bump this thread lmao

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Can't really get into answering this unless I spoil whole lot of stuff from comics.......(unless you want to be spoiled....)

  • Lol it was already bumped (by someone else) before I posted my reply.....

    Did you really just bump this thread lmao

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