Disappearing post error has been fixed. - Missing posts now visible
EDIT: This glitch has been fixed.
No posts affected by the glitch were deleted, they were only hidden from view.
As some of you may be aware, a new update to the site went through a couple of days ago.
Unfortunately, due to a glitch in this update, nested posts (which you get when you reply to an individual post) that themselves have responses are being automatically deleted when you refresh the page.
As you can imagine, this is very very not good.
Because of this, we ask that for the time being, you DO NOT REPLY TO INDIVIDUAL POSTS. Instead, please use the 'Add Comment' button at the bottom of the page - that way, we can guarantee that your post will not be lost.
(We also ask that you don't try creating posts just to try this out - because SOMEONE will want to)
We apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause, and assure you that we're trying to get this problem fixed as soon as we possibly can. We'll let you know of any further developments with this.
I guess the fix is...
Coming Soon
I'm a big fan of no more nested posts!!!
Whisper it... so are the mods.
I like it without the nested posts
I smell a conspiracy.
I smell...
...uh oh.
[Runs out of house shouting 'GAAASSSS!!!']
Looks like the forum posts are being eaten by...
I don't even.. Please.. Please no one on this earth ever make a hungry hippo movie.
Why not? They already made a Pac Man movie...
...Jokes aside, there is that god awful new Pac Man cartoon that doesn't even make sense. :P
I haven't heard of this Pac Man cartoon and after seeing that video, I think i've came to the conclusion I never, ever want to. Now this looks like a great movie.. For a cartoon.
Fun fact - that's all CGI, cleverly disguised to look like stop motion.
I think the movie "9" did the same thing, so I've heard.
By the gods. Well in that case, its got nothing on Wallace and Gromit.
Shit.. I've went into that bad part of Youtube again.
I need to stop following the videos YouTube recommends to me. I waste so much time with videos like this:
Can you imagine a world that you hadn't seen that video though. Its not a world I would like to live in.
Its not so much that I saw that video... it's the fact that I then went and watched the 16 that came before it.
Oh... Oh dear.. Well I won't lie iv spent a lot of today watching these piss take interviews. Youtube is a beautiful place.
it bugs me when people do those back and forth replies on 1 post
most of it is just useless chitter chatter, those long reply to post Replies
should be removed completely, it just encourages pointless spam
bring back the quote feature..
We still have the quote feature in a lesser form, it just isn't used very often.
Well this is some fuckin bullshit, huh?! You remove everything that makes the forum look or behave like a forum, but behave more like Reddit, but now we have to treat it like a forum? Great.
The good news is threaded comments are gone.
It's just temporarily while the web team try and fix the issue.
But yes, I agree that it's not a very good situation, and it's hardly the sort of thing Telltale needs right now. It's... it's been a rough few months.
...tell you what. Let me tell you the 100% true story of what happened when I first made this thread. Trust me - you'll like this.
So I created these ‘PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO INDIVIDUAL POSTS’ threads in both the TWAU and TWD sections. I did this one first (since it's a tad more popular), and then went to make another one in the TWAU section.
Well, no sooner did I create this first thread when a spambot IMMEDIATELY posted in it.
And the best bit? Not only did it spoiler-tag the post, IT FLAGGED IT AS WELL.
Yes, you read that right - a spambot went and flagged its own post.
That's certainly weird...
Spambots. Becoming nicer to the community since 20/1/2014
Yeah, thought you'd all enjoy that story.
I've also seen a few spambots using spoiler tags for things such as "Sports Games." I'm kind of weirded out that spambots would be programmed to go that far for this one website (presuming that they are bots and not human posters).
It's kinda scary how advanced spambots are getting. And annoying.
(subtle bump AWAY!)
It actually seems like replying is working, so ignore this test, darth.
Abloogey woogey woo
Abloogey woogey woo 2
It hasn't broken yet.
Still good.
And I refresh after every single post.