When would it be acceptable to kill a pregnant woman?
1) Always?
2) If you have a disagreement?
3) If you THINK she is conspiring against you?
4) If you KNOW she is conspiring against you?
5) If she is noisy and attracts zombies?
5b) What is she is noisy and attracts zombies while in labor?
6) If she attacks someone innocent?
7) If she attacks you?
8) Never!
At what number would you draw the line? I'm on number 5.
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moral view: never
quarter-ass moral view: when she is attempting to kill you
half-ass moral view: when she killed someone
full-ass pragmatic view: when she is just a drain on your resources and is not willing to do "special service" for you in compensation
I have a feeling SOMEONE is a bit upset with Rebecca.
If she is going to die a horrible painful death no matter your actions before her baby is born.
I don't even want to think about a ten-eleven year old killing a pregnant woman...
Full-Ass Crawford View*
Hope we'll get the chance to stab her in the stomach
Vivec, I think you hate Rebecca a little too much.
Imagine posting this on a different forum..."When would it be acceptable to kill a pregnant woman?" haha. Anyway, I would never go as far as to kill her in any of those circumstances- I would restrain her. But considering the limits of Clem's strength it may be easier to just shoot her in the face than tie her down.
I really think people are jumping on the Rebecca hate train way too soon. I mean, I get it if you're a bit upset with her, but to the point of wanting to kill her and the baby?
I'm giving her a chance regardless of her pissy mood. She IS pregnant and in a stressful situation, after all.
I tried to be as nice as I could to her in my playthrough.
When she's trying to kill me or putting the group in danger and gagging and binding just won't do the trick.
1.... You should really think about being nicer to me, bitch.
It's no more unacceptable than killing anyone else. Pregnant women don't get special privileges, especially when they are Rebecca.
I only hoped something would happen to her, but to actively kill her? Not sure I would. Has anyone even considered how a baby would be in TWD? The show gives glimpses but at least they have(had) a safe refuge. Having someone with you who will attract walkers everytime they make a sound, is unable to support the group in any way and needs constant attention and care?
Killing a pregnant woman is the same as murdering a child. I'll go with eight. If she gives me too much problem, I'll just abandon her.
At a wedding.... get it , get it. Man I cant wait for GoT
a baby is a dead weight in a zombie outbreak like this . so rebecca should be murdered immediately
This brings up a point of irritation with E6.
When Pete asks us about Rebecca yelling at us, unlike when discussing Larry with Mark, you literally cannot say anything kind.
Yes it is...
You should tell that to Rick...
Yeah, that's why I stayed quiet.
Dammit I want to like the first half of your post but not the second
You are vile.
Never, a baby brings hope, hope is something to fight for etc etc. To hell with the Crawford mentality.
Solution: Steal her baby and get a saltlick.
You have to think of Clem when talking about this: When Clem ends up killing someone simply to spite them, she ends up doing the exact thing Lee DIDN'T want her to do. If she kills Rebecca out of hate, not self defense, she will lose the last bit of hope and innocence she has left.
I fixed that for you:P
The baby would most likely get the mother and the group killed, right before dying itself. I never really understood the notion of placing higher value on lives depending on gender and age.
I hope she does not die... after shes got birth, cause then Clementine had to play mother and there is going to need for mothermilk formila! It is still pretty douche to kill a pregnant lady, unless self defence.
What makes you think that Clementine would be stuck with the baby? That would hurt my enjoyment of the game immensely.
That's a little hypocritical, considering we have been protecting Clementine the whole last season. Wasn't Clementine the one who got Lee bit by running away, got Ben and Kenny killed, and Omid shot (by not looking after her stuff)? According to you, Clementine was being a liability to the group. Why didn't we just leave her for the Stranger if that's the mentality of things?
If she's attacking you, you're free to do whatever you need to defend yourself. If it involves killing her, so be it.
If you KNOW she's conspiring against you... it depends on how serious it is, I suppose. If it is anything up to and including something that will DEFINITELY result in your death and that of your group, then I'd say yes. If it's anything that doesn't directly involve in death, and is more like stealing, well, that's tough for me.
Under no other circumstances would I, though. Just those two. Unless she's attacking someone she KNOWS is innocent for whatever it is, and is trying to kill them for no real reason.
Clementine didn't scream and cry every time she had a problem. She stuck close to Lee and made herself useful, rarely causing problems in the group. Yes, she indirectly got members of the group killed in the end, but she was a compelling and relatable character who's motives were completely understandable. Am I expected to relate to a baby in the same way?
Lee didn't want to leave Clementine because he had spent months protecting her and raising her as a surrogate daughter. His affection for her easily transferred to the player.
I don't know if I should be disturbed by this gif...
If we are going to start killing babies to survive, then we are no better than savages...
Not to mention that humanity would be screwed...
Thanks :P
Although when you kill a pregnant woman you are kinda killing 2 people..
I guess it depends on what you define as 'life' tbh
Nope, we would be killing pregnant mothers to survive. The baby dies as a result, but a baby is not an "active" threat, meaning that you needn't kill the baby itself because that is just pointless. Being pregnant does not mean that someone is docile and harmless. Obviously it is not a good long-term view for humanity as a whole to adopt, but it is beneficial for the survival of our specific group. Also, from a gameplay perspective, taking care of a baby would be one of the most annoying things that could be put in the game
Also, are your comments being cut off? I have to keep editing to have my entire comment displayed.
My comments have been cut off a few times, but not a big issue.
We should probably inform the mods. It happens to pretty much all of my comments past a certain length.
They made a thread yesterday about this, so they know about it.
They made a thread about deleted comments when replying in layered responses. Mine are just being cut off past the first two sentences or so and the rest is replaced by "..."
Editing the comment fixes it.