What will you do if the "I thought you were dead" person turns out to be a red herring?
...and by "red herring", I mean anyone who isn't a returning character from season 1, which includes Vernon and Molly.
Examples of a red herring:
1) Someone Clementine and Christa met during the sixteen-month gap between Omid's death and ALL THAT REMAINS.
2) The bandit who pleaded for water.
3) Nick and/or Pete.
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Well that will be just disappointing
If it turns out the "I thought you were Dead" person is someone we don't even know then I'll probably do something likt this:
And I'm the "gentle" type.
same here
Part of me would think that they wouldn't hype it up for the teaser if it wasn't someone unexpectedly important, but Telltale also went ahead to showcase Omid before release only to kill him off in the first five minutes, so I'm keeping expectations moderate...
There will be hell to pay. The streets will run red with the blood of innocents.
I'd wake up cause I know its just not how Tell Tale does things and that I must be dreaming because I read this thread and it put the idea in my head.
I have to admit anyone apart from Kenny or Lilly would be kind of disappointing; no one else left alive made that much impact on clem and Christa hates groups so why would she be there.
This seems like a reasonable and collected reaction. I support it.
Yeah, the Omid thing was pretty low. "Hey, remember this guy? Good news! You'll see more of him in season 2...for approximately three minutes. Then we'll kill him horribly while you're forced to watch because we didn't make Clem's gun clickable, which doesn't make a lick of damn sense as Clem would know better than to leave her gun lying around for even half a second at this stage of the zombie apocalypse!"
If there's going to be any other returning characters from S1, we can only hope the writers don't give them the Omid treatment.
proaly not nick or pete because the group would have recognized them so probably not
it make sense
Meh. Something like that would personally please me more than it would if it's Kenny. I'm tired of his shit.
Leave innocent beings out of this. You have been warned, human.
This confuses me.
It's not the bandit. The bandit is dead.
Of course it will. Your capacity.. relative to the total length of your existence is not yet sufficient for you to fully comprehend anything that has been made... lol
It's Omid!
Or... Duck! He survived the bite and.. gunshot.. only to become bittered at how the group treated him when he was ill..
So he became carver and starter murdering his way through the world!
I don't see that happening to be honest. The cliffhanger was left intentional for us to speculate who it was gonna be and if it turns out to be someone who wasn't a recurring character it would just get people angry.
And I sincerely doubt it's going to be Molly. Even though it's possible to leave her for dead.
I brought Clementine to Crawford, thus she saved Molly and got out of Crawford with the group. Clem would have no reason to think she's dead.
Plus, wasn't Vernon's fate confirmed in 400 Days by Joyce? Perhaps he just left Georgia on the boat but either way, I don't think he would've survived out there much longer, he couldn't kill other people and with all the group at Gil's Pitshop wouldn't he have been on his own? I think he most likely died. Plus, how would Clementine think he was dead in the first place?
Again, I doubt it will happen. It would be an epic cop-out on Telltale's part to do something like that. They already annoyed some people with Nick turning out not to be Kenny (thanks Season Two trailer) I don't think they'll want to annoy us again. In my book, it can honestly only be Kenny or Lilly. I think it's most likely Kenny though. I hope we get some kind of visual flashback on how he got through all them Walkers if it is him though.
I'll cry!
Haha if you look at screenshots of season 2 you can see they gave Luke a hat and a mullet to make him look like Kenny
Next thing you know, we'll see a close-up of a moustache and it turns out to be Carlos just trying out something different.
It would be M. Night Shyamalan twist, waste of potential.
It's Katjaa.
This would be my reaction
It would ba kinda cool if it was someone from the 16 month gap. I mean how would christa know that Wellington is safer. She says "or so they say" who is they? I think a lot of people would be disappointed by it though. I would personally like to get some infor on those lost months. So it's probably safe to stick with season one characters. Most likley Kenny.
I'd be confused...then laugh. :P
[backs away slowly]
Well, maybe clementine and christa met somebody from 400days, for example; Nate during the 16 months gap.
Maybe they were having a gun battle with him, they got a shot at him and that´s why clementine thought he was dead.
All that hype build-up just for those characters? Well obviously Telltale wouldn't do a red herring like THAT but if hypothetically speaking, my reaction would be...
"well. shit."
Been thinking about this today. It could also be Christa that she sees.
If it isn't one of these two I will flip my shit:
(Credit for Lilly gif goes to Invictis)
Well, if it's Carver's group, and he's ends up being an antagonist, I could see Christa being held HOSTAGE.
O.0 what?
Yeah, and the players has no clue of such a thing... real fucking smooth.