How has this game affected you?

I bought the first season about 3 or 4 months before season 2 was released and was quickly hooked to it, finished it in one sitting. Now season 2 is out and the wait for episode 2 is killing my soul. I went and watched the entire TV series in 3-4 days(yes, that was about 12 hours a day just watching TWD). While i like the TV series i was also disappointed that it was nowhere near as good as the game. I ordered the comics to see how much different they are to the TV series.
Ever since I finished the first episode of season 2, literally all i think about these days is TWD and it's been going for a month and it'll probably last until the entire season is done. Now i ask you, how has this game affected you?
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One of the best games i've ever played in my life. I think that summes it up pretty good.
it has changed my gaming life it's a cool game I play it everyday and if you read the TWD chronicles companion book it tells you How Robert Kirkman Created the walking dead series (games, tv shows, comics) with the help by Charlie Adlard and Tony Moore. It's a interesting book.
It changed my view on games. I was more into GTA, sports and racing games. I never played adventure games (maybe besides Scooby-Doo games when I was younger
). Yeah and now I'm adicted to TWD and wait for the next episode.
This game taught me something very personal about myself. Completely changed the way I thought in general. Amazing game, canno wait for episode 2.
Yeah, it is a very good story-based game it can really take a grip on you, but.. In terms of story, writing, characters and voice acting Legacy of Kain (especially Soul Reaver 2) is the pinnacle in video games, at least for me. Simply it's story, writing characters and voice acting put The Walking Dead to shame (at least the game, dunno about the comics or TV series). Don't get me wrong TWD is awesome and it comes very close, especially in terms of representing humans and how they behave in given situations. Legacy of Kain is more philosophical and has a very complex, dark, Gothic both storyline and lore. Just look at this intro and you will know what I am talking about:
Don't be surprised by graphics, this game is a little more than 12 years old, came out back in 2001.
Definitely going to be buying that book now.
Well this game has made me think more about human nature and what people will do to survive. Its also put my faith again in adventure games. One of the best games I've played in a long time. Definitely in my top 5.
There is a philospher that suggested imagining the death of your loved ones everyday as a means to appreciate what it is you have. Well something like that and I can't remember which philosopher it was. TWD is like that, it made me remember what is important and likewise it made me think that a game that makes me more emotionally invested is something I want.
This game, and general zombie scenario building, has affected me in the sense that I now believe intellligence is clearly just a tool for a person's beliefs and perspective. So now when I think someone is 'smart' because of what they did, I wonder more about why they decided to do something that particular way and not just assume that doing smart things is somehow something they consistently do in most areas of their lives.
That of course leads to more questions of whether or not they were shown because someone decided to or if they figured it out on their own, which, from what I now figure, matters a lot where survival is concerned.
I think you might be letting your nostalgia cloud your judgement...
Imagine this game came out when you were however old you were when Legacy of Kain came out. I think it'd be pretty hard for you to look at it any more objectively.
I love telltale games no matter what happen (delays) i always play their games
Have you played the game? If not have you at least watched the intro?
People, don't feed the troll!
This game is the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me.
It doesn't really matter whether or not I've played the game (though I have), and an intro video isn't the same as playing it 12 years ago.
Ok. I agree nostalgia can be a damn thing. I know that it is far from the same playing the game now and 12 years ago (although I still repeat the game every 1-2 years), but just as I stated it is the best story ever there is for me, I didn't say that it is objectively the best story ever. But even looking at it objectively you have to agree that Legacy of Kain (I am counting Soul Reaver 2 and Defiance, Soul Reaver 1 isn't much of a story) has one of the best stories (and very epic) ever told. As for voice acting, I am sorry but Simon Templeman (Kain), Michael Bell (Raziel) and Elder God (Tony Jay, RIP
) are just "perfect'', the cast from TWD is awesome, but it doesn't come close to this three. The thing is you will like either Lok or TWD depending on your preferences, if you want a more philosophical, complex storyline then Lok is for you, but if you like the story about people, their actions, emotions etc. then TWD is for you. Since I prefer the former Lok wins it for me, besides there is no other game like Lok, writing that basically comes close to Shakespeare's, I have never seen any other game where characters talk this kind of advanced (literature) English. Although for example Red Dead Redemption and GTA IV are my second favourites (accompanied closely by Warcraft III and Starcraft 1). RDR also tells the story of people and deals with some interesting subjects, GTA IV as well. So want I wanted to say, yes nostalgia plays a big part, but still it isn't only that, even when I look at the story of Lok now as an adult, it simply is the best for me. Although TWD is also very high on my list.
Edit: I asked you if you played for the sole reason I can see how much you know about the game so that I can write a reply accordingly. That's the only reason I asked you that question.
Just to throw in my two cents, the game with the overall best writing of any game I've played is Planescape: Torment. If you enjoy strong philosophical themes and a ridiculously unique gameworld, (and can stomach the dated combat system) you're in for quite a ride, and the concepts the game deals with will stick with you.
Another competitor would be the the Elder Scrolls: Morrowind with its incredibly deep lore, though (in the games at least) the writing in that area has suffered since.
I haven't played a LoK game, but I've heard good things.
Planescape: Torment is an awesome game definitely! Thanks for me reminding me of it. If you plan on playing Lok you can basically only play Soul Reaver 2 and Defiance, because they are the best story-wise. What I also wanted to add regarding my post is that TWD tells a story that is more appealing to people, because you can easily relate to the characters, and the game tells it's story in simple language, compared to LoK where you have a wraith and vampires and which uses quite an advanced language to tell it's story you can't relate to anything and that's the reason LoK isn't very popular and TWD is. Both games are deep, but my preference is LoK, it's simply that way, just like for some people Mario Bros and Donkey Kong are the pinnacle of gaming, so is LoK for me the pinnacle of story in video games. Nostalgia has it's part, but even objectively LoK's story is amazing. Fans of LoK don't play the game for gameplay they play it for story. Imagine TWD, 12 years from now, people won't play the game for it's graphics or gameplay they will play it for it's story (although they do that today as well), the same is with LoK, when when it came out 10-12 years ago people played it for its story. So all in all LoK's story is timeless, as well as is TWD's, that's the main thing I wanted to say, so it has nothing to with it when you played or when it came out, a great story is a great story.
This game makes me want to raise a child like Clementine and teach him/her how to survive
That's how this game has affected me
My real reason why is because it makes me want to live my life to the fullest and to keep hope even though the tough times weather it is at school or at work or wherever you are
Hopefully you don't think I gave my previous response a sour tone (it's hard enough establishing someone's tone just by reading text anyway), and I'm sorry if it came across that way.
I was mainly pointing out the problem of nostalgia and objectivity because when I try to convince someone that something's good, I tend to appeal to the facts of what make it interesting in relation to what I know about the person. However, you seem to be saying that one of your favorite games is better than TWD because of how much better the writing, voice acting and so on are to you, personally. Obviously, those things would appeal to most discerning gamers, but it then sounds like you think others should use your opinion of something as a guide for how they interpret their own, instead of either agreeing to disagree or looking at it more objectively.
Also, I'm still curious to know how The Walking Dead has affected you, and even Legacy of Kain, becuase that question can be answered many ways.
Same bro, i've ended the first season 7 times, and the 1 episode of season 2 6 times.
I just love that game and hope that they will make more season with clem.
This is just one of the best game I've EVER played. It goes on my personal Videogames olimpus,along side with Kingdom Hearts 365/2 Days,Earthbound,The Legend Of Zelda Phantom Hourglass and Sonic Adventure DX. Yeah,I know,they're all different kind of games,but those are the ones I'm most bounded with.
No, absolutely not, I never saw anything offensive in any of your comments, far from it. I was just pointing out the qualities of both games, and which one I find better.
Really, did I sound like that? That I was actually saying that others should use my opinion? Lol. God damn this writing on Internet, it is hard to have these kind of discussions only through letters. If I really have sounded like that, then i apologize. I just wanted to point out that I like both games, but I prefer LoK. What I also wanted to say that both LoK and TWD are story-based games, where of course the story, characters, writing and voice acting are the most important things, you simply don't measure these games by gameplay it is pointless. You play both of the games (at least I do) for their story. Just.. These things are very subjunctive. And when I said that the story of LoK is awesome, saying "Don't you agree", I was asking you and you only since you played the game, I wasn't calling for all people here to agree with me. I hope I was a bit clearer this time around
As for the affection... Well TWD made me think about how things should be valued in life, all those small things. I had these thoughts before how all small things we take for granted should be respected and valued you never know when you might lose them, and how in this case of ZA you live day by day, and that is actually how we should lead our life, every day is a gift, we mostly forget that. As for LoK it made me think about things like Free Will, Good and Evil (if they exist at all?), Destiny and so on. And of course how amazingly the story was told. Soul Reaver 2 also had another interesting theme, you see Raziel going on a path of enlightenment, to uncover his very sad destiny, seeing him struggle not getting sucked in to the Soul Reaver was a very sad moment for me. It was simply because you travel all that journey and went to all sorts of crazy things only to discover it was basically for nothing. so even if it takes place in a fantasy world, it can easily be applied to our world as well (I mean the part ''went to all sorts of crazy things only to discover it was basically for nothing'', not the Reaver sucking you in part). Also that idea of taking the path of enlightenment is very effective as well, it really is something every one of us must do, but very few dare. Simply his sad fate is the reason when you listen to the main menu music after you finished the game, makes you even more sad because it fits the theme perfectly:
Makes me sad every time
There's a, um.... Problem... with your avatar.
I'm trying to figure out whose death scenes you're talking about, yet I feel that I already know.
Alright, things have been cleared up nicely. I find it really odd how a single response can be warped so easily sometimes... As usual, things tend to pass for what they seem, and not what they are.
Anyway, I haven't played any of the LoK games since they came out, so I can't really give you any kind of appraisal on how that and The Walking Dead compare, but you're probably right about it nonetheless. As for the ending of the game, it sounds as if it's one of those "the journey is more important than the destination" things, so I wouldn't agree that it was all for nothing, as you said, even with a faint memory of what happened in the game. Lastly, you're welcome to start a private discussion with me if you're so inclined. There are many things about The Walking Dead episodes (among other games) that I'd be happy to delve into.
Season 1 gave me something to say, "See? Video games DON'T always have shit stories!" with. That, and the fallout series, and possibly Bioshock Infinite, as I'm closing in on the ending and it's pretty intense.
Season 2 has disappointed me so far, honestly, though I do still wonder about the story, and hope episode 2 rocks.
Well LoK isn't really that kind of game, there is a conclusion in Defiance although it is a bit of a cliffhanger since, for the last 10 years or so Crystal Dynamics is lazy to give us a proper conclusion. But ''the journey is more important than the destination'' is not the kind of game LoK is, it has deeper meaning inside. I advise you really could play through LoK again. But I am counting SR 2 and Defiance, SR 1 is basically Raziel going on a killing spree against his brothers and Kain. Play them now may you will view them differently now after this many years.
Overall, It's been nice having this discussion with you mate. You can always talk to me privately if you want, add me as friend. If you ever finish SR 2 and Defiance in closer or farther time period, let me know, so you can tell what you think about the game now. Have a nice day mate, and keep it safe.
Why did you call yourself ''I f**k you''?
It is so hard waiting for episode 2 but school and other things keep me distracted
It made me consider naming my baby girl Clementine.
It's a pretty name, and I'd never heard it before.
This game crushed me.I play vediogames since I was 5 and in all of my life I has not seen a game like walking dead.this game is the exact game I wanted in all of my life and here it is.I love this game ssssoo much.The things this game is doing to me,how it effects me.I just never had these experiences before.
Some of the best fun in any game I've played. The only thing that stops me from giving it a 10 is the poor level design in S1E2. When you enter the farmhouse, you have to be VERY careful how you move forward. Overstep just a fraction of a millimeter, and you dead.
This game affected me by letting me experience grief, sorrow, regrets and sadness. But it also taught me the value of teamwork, friendship and love ones. It taught me the hardship and desperation of survival and the fact of being human. These are the things that I have learned while playing this game. I felt immense sorrow and grief when the characters that you have gotten to know dies. I laughed when small funny moment happens. It makes me appreciate the good things in life. So yeah, Season 1 has been a great experience, as I went through many different emotions and learned more about myself.
I can't wait to see what Season 2 brings.
It's a traumatizing experience. Emotionally, depressing, happiness is nowhere to be seen.
Couldn't have said it better. I never felt so bad about characters dying before.
I fear no photo. But that avatar... it scares me.
Its actually changed my whole family! I'd sit in the living room and play it while my family watches. My father HATES video games, a bit of a technophobe and views it as a 'stupid distraction', but after he watched me play through the first season; he was in shock (mostly because of the swearing). He truly loved it. It changed his views on video games completely, he awaits the next episode that I'll play when it releases.
I think about TWD everyday. It's like impossible for me to not think about it. The whole experience really made me feel emotional which is rare for me when it comes to video games. It gave me inspiration to practice writing my own story that I'm still working on.