Why Didn't he Die ?...

If you choose to Save Nick , You see the Lurkers feasting on Pete around that stomach area , Now what I don't understand is Why didn't he die there ? Doug and Brie had a similar death and they died instantly , Yet Pete survived not only that but you basically left him there Alive , What is that all about ? I doubt he's the guy thats gonna return next episode though because the rest of the group would have said something
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People have being known to walk into hospitals holding their guts. It's not an instant kill. If you don't loose too much blood you can actually last a while.
I just found it weird tha Brie and Doug dies in less than 5 seconds yet Pete survives after being "devoured" by at leadt 4 walkers if I remember , and it seems like they just left him there while still being alive , Weird
If you save Nick, Pete dies...
Never said he doesn't , I just decided to point out something that called my attention
Besides some people speculate that the person is whoever you didn't save at the end of ep 1 , I doubt it will be that easy though
Depends on the organs they got to, intestines liver etc you would die, but not instantly. Rupture the heart and lungs... a few seconds if you're lucky. I didn't see Pete moving at the end when they walked away though, was he still alive?
Yeah you can hear him he says NO!! After Nick calls him , Rewatch that scene and you will see , I mean if it was just one I get but he had like 4 walkers on top of him
Brie: Intestine pulled out of her system. Dead almost instantly.
Doug: Didn't die instantly, but was surrounded by six or seven walkers.
Pete: devoured by one or two walkers. One walker grabs him. Takes around seven seconds to die.
I don't know why you made an entire post over the few seconds more Pete lived while being eaten.
the subtitles are in Nick's color. So it's nick saying no
Few seconds ? You are gettinng ahead of yourself because the episode ends and Pete is still alive , Just saying... And I made it because I can , And want
Nah watch again and listen closely , Nick says PETE!! And Pete answers NO!!
No, he was definitely dead after Nick said "PETE! NO!".
Nukem Dukem
I counted: He lasted 5-7 seconds. That' it.
Video or screen shot link?
I do see It shows up as a Nick line but it still sounds to me like Pete's voice , Trust me i wouldn't have made a whole thread if I didn't think it was pete
Below you Sir
No, that's Nick who says "NO!!"
You can see in the video I posted.
You are most definitely correct. Case closed, next thread.
Well its 2 against me so i would admit defeat guys although Im not 100% sure...
It clearly sounds like Nick's voice to me. Plus, as Pata1 said, he says it in his colored subtitle text. And even if it was Pete, why would he yell "NO!" in response to Nick shouting out his name?
No I think you are probably right... the people creating the game probably fucked up and didn't feel like correcting it.
Well we got to a conclusion here that it was Nick but to answer your question , that NO!! Could easily be Him telling Nick to go and not try to save him since he is basically dead already
Oh so you mean you too hear Pete's voice ?
True. It's not a math problem, were you'll get the same result every time. It depends on the person and the nature of the attack. Also in Brie and Doug's case, there were several walkers, which means it wasn't just the abdomen they were attacking. That may have made their deaths faster (I think Brie gets bitten in the neck before dying, which is far more likely to cause her death, I think).