Do i look like i would make a good W/D Character?
Someone on another forum said it, but i think he was just being ironic or making fun. He said i looked interesting in my avatar.
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Someone on another forum said it, but i think he was just being ironic or making fun. He said i looked interesting in my avatar.
He probably said that because you look like you're gonna kill someone... or a walker. So, yes, you'd be perfect for a role.
No offense intended, man.
I look like a walker? =[
Lol, I meant that you look like you are about to kill one.
You kind of remind me of Eddie a bit...
I actually have a big nose like him and i wear a slouch hat kinda like his lol My hair and beard is cooler though.
Do you think its easy to kill a single walker? Its just they do it so easy in the game and comics ( if they see it coming from a ways that is ) and i mean phsicly, not mentally.
You look like comic Rick Grimes.
You have no idear of the epic boner i have right now, thank you sir! XD
about my nose or cool hair hiesenberg?
I'm a sir-ett. :-)
LIES lol girls dont play video games XD
Season 5 Protagonist ? Go for it , Or maybe Go Bad and give Rick amd the group a hard time
TRUTH. I can't tell if you're joking or sexist. I'm gonna go with joking.
Also, I found this. It had "walkers" in it, so...
Im just poking fun at stereo types =]
see? I do it all the time =]
If im gunna be a bad guy then i need a team/army so yall should post pics too lol
Lol I would love too but I always come here through my Iphone and i dont know how to do it , Anyone ? Please?
LOL. Sorry bout that!
I would say yes, a decaying body is much less muscular and is also much less... sturdy?
I think i just fell in love with that fake cartoon girl haha
If you saw my face, you would turn to stone.
Hahahaha.. the downfall of many a good men!
Yeah. XD
I'm on the other team, and now I know what you look like! :P
Lets make teams , Im on the bad guy's team , Makes Sense I Have a pretty strained relationship with more tham a couple people in this forum Lol
I love how your names salt lick and your avatar is larry! XD
I suppose I will be the sarcastic and quick-witted ignorant good guy-ish guy.
you better be, now go make me a sandwich!
LOL ( i was kidding that time for the lulsies )
Lol Irony is Unique !
Go make YOURSELF a sammich, peasant! XD
Sorry Omid is dead.
Then I will be the heartless, ruthless good guy.
Nate? Lol..
Sounds like you are this Carver guy we've bden hearing about
Nate is just a likeable asshole.