Why She Made It..

So when you are being chased by Winston, If you fail all the quick time events a VERY worried Victor comes in and Tells Winston they have to go , Now I think Ralph Got Killed ( The third guy holding Christa at gunpoint) since you never see him again, not even at the river at the end , Now the real question did Christa manage to escape by herself or did someone help her out ? Kenny? Carver? Maybe she Joined Roman's group before the River massacre but everything points to her being alive still , I don't think Telltale would just end her story there without telling us what really happened !
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I think that at that point,as evidenced in the game over sequence, Carver's group must have found them.
They might have seen they were chasing and shooting at Christa and deduced that she was against them, so who knows if they rescued her.
She was clearly in peril, and in no way a threat to them.
Exactly!! I've saying all along that the people in the river were part of Winston's group and that for some reason they have beef with Carver's group , Maybe Christa got Saves By Carver and there she saw Kenny , That would make fans Cry their eyes out
Winston and Victor are perfectly ok and even a bit sadistical when it comes to shooting Clem in the head to get rid of her quickly.
It makes me think Carver's people might not be all that bad if they're against Winston and his ilk.
Also in the episode 2 short trailer at the end, Carver at least has the decency to knock at Clem's group house and ask her nicely if she knew anything about the people he was looking for, instead of just mercilessly shooting the place up without asking questions or making sure it was the right group.
We still don't know what Clem's group did to Carver to piss him off so badly,either.
Maybe the reason he's refraining from shooting Clem's group up is because Rebecca's baby is his , after all, and he wants to make sure the baby lives. How or why they conceived it is up for speculation.
We are not sure that is Carver since hes been put as "Troy" on the wiki , but once again I agree with you , I made a thread a couple weeks ago questioning if Carver is really this Psychopath they want us to believe he is
I'm pretty sure that she's still alive too. Remember; no body, no (confirmed) death.
Agree Buddy , For more about that you can check out a certain guy named "Kenny"
When Clem says "A man came here, and he was looking for you" in the short trailer, I wonder if she was referring to the entire group or just Rebecca in particular. Rebecca does answer Clementine right after she says that, so it might have been directed to her.
If it was only Rebecca that Clem was referring to it would clear a lot of things up.
I personally think he was refereing to Rebecca , I mean its pretty obvious that this guy's main goal is getting to her for some reason , The Baby comes to mind , Right ?
It would explain why Clementine and Rebecca seem to have been captured and are locked alone in what seems like a dark cell in the episode 3 slider.
Carver might have Rebecca locked up 'til she haves his baby, and Clementine because she's a kid and he's not a complete monster, just can't trust her yet. Ooor, maybe a certain someone who is familiar with Clem is inside Carver's group, and is insisting that she can be trusted. So Carver had her locked up for the moment so he can decide whether she is to be trusted or not.
I'm still hoping for that appearance!
Maybe he turns out to be one of these guys who has a split personality , sometimes he does things that he's not proud of but at heart he is not a bad guy , that would explain why the group fear and why he hasn't attacked them , Does it make sense to you ?
If we don't go back to Savannah its pretty obvious we are gonna see him alive ( trust me there is no way walker Kenny can get to north carolina) so im happy to inform you that your dreams might just come true sooner than you think , Keep your hopes up !
Onward to Wellington it is then!
Wait for it ! That wonderful 'Stache is cominf back !
Read My Username , It may Jog your memory....
A better question would be, " Who isn't Kenny?"
(I have no idea what the hell I'm saying)
Agreed , Anyone that gets mentioned in the game or we are not able to see is Kenny , Law #1 of the Forum
Lol I can't help it , Whenever I see I crack down
We need to get that rule chiseled in stone on the official Laws of the Forum.
Yeah man and the way his face moves there is just hilarious, Best gif ever made , who agrees ? #TeamMoustache
That face is like, 'Hell yeah' in a calm tone.
Yeah or maybe on top so everyone can see it , Everyone is Kenny , otherwise you will be forever buried with downvotes and raping jokes #TeamMoustache
That goes both ways.
This thread just turned into a Kenny Support group thread. lol. His influence is spreading around these forums quickly.
Yeah Man , If Telltale doesn't bring him back we will all look like a bunch of clowns
Hahaha. 'Everyone is Kenny'. Made me crack up.
If that happened, well... there's always: Season 3.
Loved that episode
Hahaha its true man Kenny fans get so aggresive whem someone says hea not coming back whenever I see someone mentioning Lilly or someone else they just go off on him
Everything points that we are not gonna look like Clowns , Christa and Kenny for ep 2 !
I like both, but Kenny, of course, has more "angles" to his personality. Speaking of angles, how does he manage to get his stache cut at a perfect 90 degree angle - FLAWLESS!!!
I hope Ralph lived...
By the words of Andy St. John, "Hell Yeah!" (Still an asshole).
Me too He seemed cool( although he almost killed Christa)
Besides Lilly is just a crazy bi*** , She lost it so i don't see why someone would want Clementine to come into contact with her
I think they were a good group, but i think they thought Christa was either apart of Carver's group or a threat of some sort... Plus Ralph was played by the game's music guy..
Well he did... for a little. Maybe he just wanted to sleep? On the sandbar? During a walker attack? Sure, why not?
For some reason I think Winston and his group were more afraid than Christa herself , Seems like Carver and his group have done a couple things to them
And I had thought that Winston was going to be a new antagonist or protagonist character from the screenshot and the trailer before the episode's release. Then they pretty much all die, like... what the hell?
Yeah I mentioned that on a thread some days ago , I think they thought Christa was from Carver's group , Implying that his group has more woman then we know so keep your eyes opens for Lilly too ( whether we like it or not )