How To Kill Time when Waiting for a New Episode of The Walking Dead Guide
Okay so like everyone here, I'm just too excited to wait for a new episode of the walking dead. Waiting for a long time for a new exciting episode can be mind breaking (like how we're waiting for A House Divided right now). Well I got solutions on how to kill time until the next episode.
- The Walking Dead Marathon Play each episode of season one of the Walking Dead every single week (that uses up the 6 week wait right there), and the day before the release of the new episode, play latest one available. Or you could just read or watch the Walking Dead series itself.
- Play really fun and long games like GTA V/Online, WOW, LOL, Skyrim, The Resident Evil series, fighting games, etc.
- Watch your favourite shows like DBZ, Breaking Bad, and you know other stuff like that.
- Hang out with people.
- And what I do everyday, is drawing pictures.
- Read books, manga or comics.
Hopefully this will help you out! This may be pointless but this what I do to kill time, plus I'm new so this mostly for practise as I don't usually talk online. I hope this was useful and turn those frowns into big smiles as big as Max's!
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Welcome to the forum!
I do watch animes and I read mangas. Right now I'm reading Naruto manga and the character from your username is a character from Naruto XD
Thank ya! ^_^
How did you know?! You must be psychic! XD JK yeah I watch/read Naruto, good story.
Oh wait I punned LOL
I do watch Naruto and it's awesome. Though, some people complain about many things like Tobi's real identity and such.
"It's not a pun you twit! SLAP It's a play on words!"... Futurama?... Anyone?...
But what if you cant stop thinking about TWD while doing all of the above?. That's my issue
Play Europa Universalis IV or Civilization V. You can repeat them thousand times literally, and it will always be different.
I don't know, maybe play the game again or read fan fics.
Go to work, maybe...Naaah
Oops My bad!
I draw Walking Dead fan art so that helps
Hail to chief!
Maybe I shouldn't have graduated.... Oh well!
Does sucking your own dick counts ?
0_0 W..WHAT?
What ? You don't do that?
I bet you do yoga.
Why you say that?
To vivec: Not if I want to lock and load.
I'm watching Serial Experiments Lain.
'Cause I'm guessing it requires a lot of flexibility to be able to give yourself a proper blowjob.
Hail Science!
Right now I'm addicted to COD: MW2 and I can't get my mind off GTA V. I'm replaying TWD and rewatching the series to keep up to date.
Try playing State of Decay, you can get it on steam for around $19.99, it's worth it and REALLY addicting.
Ooohh... I get it.
That works ^_^
I've played the first season over twice while waiting for episode 2!
Never heard of it but I'll watch a vid of it.
Awhhh, to much to wait for right now... Such as Game of Thrones season four.
I played it six times and I'm on my 7th...
Jeez! In all I've played it 12 times.
I like naruto but I like one piece more
I don't see why people say naruto is better than dbz
OR! or we can talk about the game with other people right here on the forums
...and maybe go to work/school.....nahh, lol.
so basically carry on with your normal life and wait