A Forum Revolution
This is going to be stupid, and I know this isn't going to work. But i'm declaring a civil war against the National Kennyist party and its whole regime, starting in this discussion. Their nation had its golden age, and now it's time to undermine their supremacy to the last bit! Down with Kennyism! Glory to all else!
For those who oppose the oppressive Kenyists: We shall fight side-by-side as comrades! For freedom!
To those who among them: We wish the end for your rule!
This discussion has been closed.
Can't handle the stache?

Kenny is best character in the game.you better fuck your self!!!!!
I'm down with any type of revolution, down with the oppressors of this forum!
yes fucking down with
your revolution will continue until episode 2 is released, and then burn. sorry.
The only "oppressors" of this forum are the Kennyfacists. I'm just trying to get rid of virtual evil here...
Dat is racist, Kenny is good boy.
zip it up
Nope. I'm afraid not. :P
Im a Kenny Fan but I dont get on People's back cause they don't like him, you're free you can do and like whatever the hell you like
No, not the stache. You!
Although I must admit, Eddie's goatee is better.. or Wyatt's beard.
Lol this thread...
i dont know whats his problem with Kenny?
This thread isn't nice...
Look me in the eyes and tell me that Kenny is better than Clementine.
Why exactly are you revolting? There seems to be no reason to revolt except for the fact that they are zealous.
Kenny for ever!
For the sake of the argument, yes! LET THE DOWNVOTES FLOW!
Why am I being disliked for defending Kenny fans?
You know who else wanted to get rid of a certain group of people? Hitler.( I know comparing this to hitler is not accurate whatsoever and should not be taken serousley)
only kenny kenny kenny and KENNY
See? lol
They've lost it, I wasn't the one who disliked that. Here, have two likes to balance that out. They're overly-zealous.
Maybe it's about time someone made a massive fan movement for another character? Maybe the nice cop guy from Episode 1? :P
maybe lilly fan dislike you
This is evidence right here.. hehehe
Public and empirical...
You deserve a heartfelt like for this.
As much as this confuses me...
The truth is that Kenny was the one who killed Hitler, and he staged it as a suicide.
That's how awesome he is.
Still not as awesome as Revan, though. hehe...
Revan confirmed for Episode 2, folks. :P