Kenny's just too good, whilst I have no problem with any of the other characters. Kenny's simply the best after Clem and Lee. Lily Fans, by the order of our leader, the Royal Kenny Loyalists have this message for you: YOU SHALL NOT PASS!
Wow, this is just dumb. How exactly are you going to stop people from having their own opinions? All that the "Kenny Fans" have been doing is downvoting comments. All that means, is that they disagree with a comment, which in case you've forgotten, is the point of even having the ability to downvote things.
Kenny's probably the third best character in TT's Walking Dead, and maybe 6th or 7th in the entire franchise. So while I get you not liking "Kenny fans" I don't understand how you can possibly say that Kenny's character was bad.
Kenny can be a better character than Clementine in S1(within certain episodes, for example, Episode 3), and has the potential to be better than Clem in S3 if he lasts that long.
Downvoting does not count as oppressing. It's just disagreeing. Have you even been paying attention, aside from a few trolls on both sides(for example, that MCgaming guy and certain people who I can't mention on the lilly side because they were banned), the "Lilly Fans" have been more hateful than the majority of "Kenny Fans".
Kenny got three people killed: Larry, Beatrice, and Shawn. Does that make him a psychopath as well? No.
Also, she didn't want to kick Lee and Clem out; that was Larry: she just said that taking that risk nearly cost them all of their lives and would have it weren't for the military distracting them.
I get that your comment is meant to be funny, but still, just because a lot of people have a certain opinion, does not mean that they are oppressors, especially since the only thing that the majority of Kenny Fans have done is just use the voting system, and giving people who they disagree with downvotes.
I hope that you aren't serious, because that just makes you two assholes.
I mean, ThatGuyOverThere hasn't really done anything against the rules, there's no reason to try and get rid of them besides the fact that you guys just disagree with them.
Fine, son. Let´s start OUR revolution by disliking every comment that isn´t 100% pro Kenny. And EVERY comment of ThatGuyOverThere. Even if he is pro Kenny, he is LYING. He dared too much as to forgive him.
I hope that you aren't serious, because that just makes you two assholes.
I mean, ThatGuyOverThere hasn't really done anything against the rules, there's no reason to try and get rid of them besides the fact that you guys just disagree with them.
Wow, this is just dumb. How exactly are you going to stop people from having their own opinions? All that the "Kenny Fans" have been doing is … moredownvoting comments. All that means, is that they disagree with a comment, which in case you've forgotten, is the point of even having the ability to downvote things.
Larry was dead, and if he wasn't, then he would be dead within seconds or minutes. Even if lilly got him breathing again, he was in the middle of having a serious heart attack. He was basically dead either way.
Beatrice had been bitten before before Lee even attempted to try and do anything. Kenny just prevented her from being put out of her misery in order to try and save other. Not the most "human" decision, and definitely not his finest moment, but it wasn't his fault that she died.
Kenny was looking out for his kid, Shawn might have died anyway, and Kenny regretted that decision for the rest of the game. He felt that Duck was dying because of him, because the world was punishing him for not saving Shawn. The first thing he said after Shawn died was "I'm sorry". The first thing Lilly said after she killed Carley was "It was probably her".
Kenny got three people killed: Larry, Beatrice, and Shawn. Does that make him a psychopath as well? No.
Also, she didn't want to kick Lee… more and Clem out; that was Larry: she just said that taking that risk nearly cost them all of their lives and would have it weren't for the military distracting them.
It's just because they can't answer you/give you a reason why they disliked your comment, so they simply 'dislike' it.
Boohoo how horrible … moreyou evil people.
It just pisses me off how they don't even give you a reason WHY they dislike your comment.
Edit: See? Thanks, random disliker, you just proved me right.
Then what's the difference between Kenny killing Larry and Lilly killing Carly? If he can justify killing Larry (because he ASSUMED he was dead) then why couldn't Lilly justify killing Carly? I mean, what's the difference? That means that she is not a psychopath; broken, yes, but her crime was no better than Kenny's.
Larry was dead, and if he wasn't, then he would be dead within seconds or minutes. Even if lilly got him breathing again, he was in the middle… more of having a serious heart attack. He was basically dead either way.
Beatrice had been bitten before before Lee even attempted to try and do anything. Kenny just prevented her from being put out of her misery in order to try and save other. Not the most "human" decision, and definitely not his finest moment, but it wasn't his fault that she died.
Kenny was looking out for his kid, Shawn might have died anyway, and Kenny regretted that decision for the rest of the game. He felt that Duck was dying because of him, because the world was punishing him for not saving Shawn. The first thing he said after Shawn died was "I'm sorry". The first thing Lilly said after she killed Carley was "It was probably her".
Then what's the difference between Kenny killing Larry and Lilly killing Carly? If he can justify killing Larry (because he ASSUMED he was de… moread) then why couldn't Lilly justify killing Carly? I mean, what's the difference? That means that she is not a psychopath; broken, yes, but her crime was no better than Kenny's.
Down with kennyism!! Even though I like Kenny I hate how his fans shun everybody else's theories but their own and if someone disagrees with then they go straight to the dislike button. I would be fine with it if they didn't hate on everyone who disagrees with them
im already doing it
Kenny's just too good, whilst I have no problem with any of the other characters. Kenny's simply the best after Clem and Lee. Lily Fans, by the order of our leader, the Royal Kenny Loyalists have this message for you: YOU SHALL NOT PASS!
Hmm... I dunno... I mean, I always was a fence sitter.... but the Lilee's seem to be striking from the shadows...
Wow, this is just dumb. How exactly are you going to stop people from having their own opinions? All that the "Kenny Fans" have been doing is downvoting comments. All that means, is that they disagree with a comment, which in case you've forgotten, is the point of even having the ability to downvote things.
Can't we all just accept Tau philosophy and band together for the Greater Good?
Greater Good is good
Kenny's probably the third best character in TT's Walking Dead, and maybe 6th or 7th in the entire franchise. So while I get you not liking "Kenny fans" I don't understand how you can possibly say that Kenny's character was bad.
Kenny can be a better character than Clementine in S1(within certain episodes, for example, Episode 3), and has the potential to be better than Clem in S3 if he lasts that long.
Downvoting does not count as oppressing. It's just disagreeing. Have you even been paying attention, aside from a few trolls on both sides(for example, that MCgaming guy and certain people who I can't mention on the lilly side because they were banned), the "Lilly Fans" have been more hateful than the majority of "Kenny Fans".
I can only assume either Lilly Fans, trolls, or completely over zealous(you did call them ALL zealous) Kenny Fans are responsible
Lilly was a psychopathic murderer, and before that, she tried to kick Lee and Clem out of the drug store.
Or, and here's a crazy idea, he's joking.
Then again, that guy's behavior has always been bordering on trolling, so maybe not...
Wyatt's beard is just a beard. Rick has one too. There's a reason that no one rallies behind beards.
Kenny got three people killed: Larry, Beatrice, and Shawn. Does that make him a psychopath as well? No.
Also, she didn't want to kick Lee and Clem out; that was Larry: she just said that taking that risk nearly cost them all of their lives and would have it weren't for the military distracting them.
Holy shit, that's a ridiculous comment, that doesn't even make sense. I'd edit it, but....
I get that your comment is meant to be funny, but still, just because a lot of people have a certain opinion, does not mean that they are oppressors, especially since the only thing that the majority of Kenny Fans have done is just use the voting system, and giving people who they disagree with downvotes.
I hope that you aren't serious, because that just makes you two assholes.
I mean, ThatGuyOverThere hasn't really done anything against the rules, there's no reason to try and get rid of them besides the fact that you guys just disagree with them.
Well, it's funny at least.
We are just kidding
Don't worry
What does that even mean?
I like how even the mods are getting involved now.
I don't get the love for Kenny. I did a lot for that guy and he just ditched me when I got bitten. Down with Kenny!
I'm curious, who disliked my comment?
I can only assume it's people that insist that somehow, downvotes are the most offensive things on earth.
I mean, I figured as much, I just wanted to be sure.
Trust me, it's true.
the Emperor of Mankind and the Space Kennys will destroy you, xeno scum!
Larry was dead, and if he wasn't, then he would be dead within seconds or minutes. Even if lilly got him breathing again, he was in the middle of having a serious heart attack. He was basically dead either way.
Beatrice had been bitten before before Lee even attempted to try and do anything. Kenny just prevented her from being put out of her misery in order to try and save other. Not the most "human" decision, and definitely not his finest moment, but it wasn't his fault that she died.
Kenny was looking out for his kid, Shawn might have died anyway, and Kenny regretted that decision for the rest of the game. He felt that Duck was dying because of him, because the world was punishing him for not saving Shawn. The first thing he said after Shawn died was "I'm sorry". The first thing Lilly said after she killed Carley was "It was probably her".
NEVAR. We march to war to defend Kenny from his haters and their rebellion against the One True Stache.
The REBEL SCUM will be defeated.
It's just because they can't answer you/give you a reason why they disliked your comment, so they simply 'dislike' it.
Boohoo how horrible you evil people.
It just pisses me off how they don't even give you a reason WHY they dislike your comment.
Edit: See? Thanks, random disliker, you just proved me right.
Well now I'm asking because on my predictions for Season 2 thread([]) everyone with the Bigby avatar has exactly 2 dislikes, even on a comment that was litterally just "Thanks!
". So... Do people just not like Bigby? Should I change my Avatar to avoid random, unexplained hate?
welp only one thing to do at a time like this RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN
Then what's the difference between Kenny killing Larry and Lilly killing Carly? If he can justify killing Larry (because he ASSUMED he was dead) then why couldn't Lilly justify killing Carly? I mean, what's the difference? That means that she is not a psychopath; broken, yes, but her crime was no better than Kenny's.
No one can stop the Kenny Army!!!
You guys are making asses of yourselves.
Lilly killed someone in cold blood and then tried to justify it.
Kenny killed someone who was dead either way, and they couldn't take the risk of this huge guy becoming a walker and killing someone.
No seriously, this is you guys right now:
Down with kennyism!! Even though I like Kenny I hate how his fans shun everybody else's theories but their own and if someone disagrees with then they go straight to the dislike button. I would be fine with it if they didn't hate on everyone who disagrees with them