Some random theorys about season 2
If any of these turn out to ring true, remember where you heard them first ok
- The " thought you were dead guy " is water guy from the first episode
- Eddie will end up accidently killing Anti clem ( Shels sister )
- Rebecca is Lee's ex wife.
- Clementime had to sew up christa after the birth
- Kenny is dead and has been since episode 5
- we will see Lee again, either in walker form or dead body form
- They end up back in savhana
Episode 2 = Alvin, Sarah, pete/Nick
Episode 3 = Carlos, Luke, rebecca
Episode 4 = Troy, Carver
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then to hell and back with you good sir.
They wouldn't kill all of the main characters in a span in two episodes, but I like everything else
My Theory is : Clem will get bit by lee, in Season 3 you will play as rebbecca's Son
Wow I like that
They pretty much did in season 1! lol
Carly/doug, Katjaa, Duck and lilly. And Kenny DIED inside so that counts.
never ever.clem die???
I am Just 14 Year Old Student
She will
Kenny's Alive.
Kenny's Alive.
Kenny's Alive
Kenny's Alive
Kenny's Alive
Kenny's Alive
Did I say that Kenny's Alive?
I do agree with the theory Eddie will kill Becca. I thought that was one of the main things hinted at in 400 days. Eddie's itchy trigger finger and Becca jumping out like a nut job. True that was over a year ago but still.
I thought that was one of the main things hinted at in 400 days. Eddie's itchy trigger finger and Becca jumping out like a nut job.
Yeah thats whay i thought that! lol and to be fair, I know she is still a kid, but if that happend, she would kinda deserve it? Im just saying.
1.Possible, but I think they will bring some 'better' characters along (Kenny).
2.That would be a little much...not impossible, but highly unlikely.
3.No. Her voice in Episode 1, in the barn when Lee is dreaming, sounds totally different.
4.Could be. A stillbirth, probably.
5.Fuck you.
6.I hope Telltale won't do that. Lee's story arc is over, let him rest.
7.No. I don't think so. Why would they? They were heading north all the time, and Savannah us the direct opposite direction.
Summed it up rather well.
why yall being so mean to me? =[
Yeah, I get it men, but do you think Kenny is alive?
Not trying to be mean, you gave your opinion and so have we.
=[ Reported
Lol im kidding =]
But im not, you have been reported
Na im just messing =]
reported, though.
I'm not being mean! I just told you what I thought! I don't agree with some of your predictions (and I'm usually pretty skeptical about predictions in general) but I didn't call you any names or anything. I even said some of your theories were possible (I won't say they're true 'cause I don't know for sure).
why you being so mean to me? =[
I agree with 1 and 4, 6 and 7 are possible too, The other ones I dont even know how you came up with them
Yea, Lee is died, we all know that. But he is still Interesting character and I hope find out about him more. Like Lee ex wife and Clem epic scene.
Kenny is alive
Lol how do you report someone guys?
so now your saying im a racist too? you just dont know when to quit do ya?
Well, that confirms it!
I would never call you a racist, you racist prick!
Get ready as you an I shall now engage in combat!
You don't really report someone you report their posts. You can either hit the flag at the top right of the post you want them (them being the mods) to see or you can send them a private message. (Not sure how to send a PM myself yet ) I'm curious, do you plan on reporting me?
An epic battle! Our weapons: downvotes!
Obviously im just kidding hahaha
but seriously though I am reporting you asap.
Reported for reporting!