The walking dead season 3



  • edited January 2014

    I like every character of 400 days you just said again and agaian bonnie bonnie oh my god bonnie so you repeated or me i win this argument because i am right one protagonist bessttttttt for one game thats it.....and wyatt is also the one who is ready to go with tavia and why again bonnie....bonnie is not show up again because she was gone with tavia .....the words you said again and agian that does not make sense

    Zyphon posted: »

    Your argument makes no sense, you just repeated the same thing for the last three replies, you're not backing up your claims or supporting the

  • edited January 2014

    I barely understood any of what you just said,. Seriously, do you not know how to spell properly?

    You do not win because you are just repeating the same thing without backing it up. I don't think it's likely that Bonnie will be the protagonist, but it's more likely than anyone else form 400 Days because she is the ONLY character that goes with Tavia EVERY SINGLE TIME. Wyatt will NOT go if you lose Rock, paper, scissors. Vince will NOT go if you shoot Justin's foot. Shel will NOT go if you kill Stephanie, and Russell will NEVER go unless you manage to convince him as Tavia.

    Okay, did you get all that? That Bonnie is the only character who goes with Tavia 100% of the time? Good.

    Now, as for there being multiple protagonists, you have not said once why you think that having only one would be best. All that you've said, is that it would be the best, but you haven't given any reason as to why. It would be interesting to have multiple protagonists per season to show the story from varied perspectives, and to encounter situations differently. They might do it because they might want to try something different, and also, they've had many games in the past with multiple protagonists.

    Now, if you can't speak properly next time, and if you still don't backup your responses, I'm just going to go ahead and say that I've "won" because of either of us, i'm the only one giving reasons for my opinions, and I'm the only one speaking properly.

    I like every character of 400 days you just said again and agaian bonnie bonnie oh my god bonnie so you repeated or me i win this argume

  • Good point. Christa saving the baby would be great for her character arc. I'd really like the choice to show Kenny his picture this Season if he comes back (If Clem held onto it or finds it again) and this affecting him in S2 or S3.
    If Bonnie becomes more important it could be fun to play a small DLC for her entering Tavia's community between seasons while we wait for S3 but I'm unsure if the choices for who joins Tavia could be implemented in a DLC. Bonnie would be the PC since she must go there and it'd set up her story for S2 or S3 if she's involved at all. Like a DLC prologue, not necessary but it could tide us over until S3 which could be far away

    Zyphon posted: »

    That's true I suppose, but personally I'm thinking that Christa's death will be the big shocker or sad moment at the end of S2. I'm thinking t

  • This picture is the creepiest thing I've seen in quite some time , Kudos to whoever made it

  • For a game like this I'd rather play a solid character than someone we create I suppose. Although the comic book style is very tempting, my characters could look semi human for the first time.
    Daryl fanservice ;/ I like him but his popularity and seeming invincibility is so meh sometimes. AMCcould make something good if it was more than acash grab I suppose. SoD is fun, something similar could be good for TWD if it remembers story (Or at least characters) come first in TWD to make it unique.
    I know this is not in any way a good idea but I'd love to play as a protagonist in a short DLC in which comic Rick appears (In Hilltop or Alexandria) only for a small role, voiced by Andrew Lincoln but much more hardened, or someone more like comicRick. It won't ever happen and would be very controversial with fans yet I like the idea

    Zyphon posted: »

    Maybe Skybound will give the license to a good company and they could create something like Survival Instinct(shudders), except have it be goo

  • I mean more like just after Clem leaves or shoots Lee, along the way to the field she comes across Kenny. I suppose it'd make more sense if he'd moved through the walkers but was either bit or covered in bites, then killed more around the Marsh House area

    Zyphon posted: »

    That wouldn't happen either, Clem is already with the Stranger at the Marsh House by the time Lee and the group reach the morgue. Unless you mean after, which I'm still assuming wouldn't happen.

  • edited January 2014

    Yeah, I hope we find the picture of Lee and the drawing of Kenny's family again.

    As for DLC between S2 and S3, I think that we may see Bonnie and the 400 Days cast later on in S2, so perhaps the DLC would instead focus on a character that was a fan favorite, but was left behind. The most likely person would be Molly, or possibly Nate if he doesn't appear in S2, which I'm almost expecting him to either BE Carver, or be one of Carver's lieutenants.

    Kryik posted: »

    Good point. Christa saving the baby would be great for her character arc. I'd really like the choice to show Kenny his picture this Season if

  • edited January 2014

    I don't think we'll ever see Rick in a videogame, although it would be a nice idea. Perhaps Telltale would do a DLC with Rick about the skipped over time between Vol. 15 and 16. That might be nice.

    The more I think about it, the more I like the sound of a State of Decay based comic styled Walking Dead game featuring customizable characters and with a fairly large emphasis on story and character. I'm not sure what company could do this, but if there were one willing, then skybound should definitely give them the license to do a game like that.

    As far as AMC with their Daryl fan-service... I think Survival Instinct COULD have been a good game if they were give more than the six months or something that they had to make it. Still, Daryl isn't that great a character, if AMC does another game, it should focus on the time between Season 3 and 4, and maybe switch the protagonist around, or have Rick be the main character. I still wouldn't mind a customizable character in that scenario either actually...

    Kryik posted: »

    For a game like this I'd rather play a solid character than someone we create I suppose. Although the comic book style is very tempting, my ch

  • Yeah, but I still don't think it's going to happen. There's a lot of potential with Kenny's character, and I really don't think they'd do a flashback purely for the purpose of showing that Kenny died.

    Kryik posted: »

    I mean more like just after Clem leaves or shoots Lee, along the way to the field she comes across Kenny. I suppose it'd make more sense if he

  • edited January 2014

    But bonnie was going with tavia right then. In season 3 what they show in one episode of bonnie....bonnie was goin with tavia so how she will appear in season 3

    Zyphon posted: »

    I barely understood any of what you just said,. Seriously, do you not know how to spell properly? You do not win because you are just repea

  • ....I can't understand you. What exactly did you say?

    But bonnie was going with tavia right then. In season 3 what they show in one episode of bonnie....bonnie was goin with tavia so how she will appear in season 3

  • True. Molly could be fun. We'd be more survivalist and able than Lee and Clem but it wouldn't be overpowering because it'd only be for a DLC. Her arc's potential is good

    Zyphon posted: »

    Yeah, I hope we find the picture of Lee and the drawing of Kenny's family again. As for DLC between S2 and S3, I think that we may see Bonn

  • edited January 2014

    To be honest, I'm not a comic book reader.
    I first got introduced to the walking dead because of the first game by telltale , and then later by the tv show.

    I gotta admit, it would be interesting to run into Herschel in the 3rd season.
    Since things ended so badly with him in the 1st season, it would be interesting to see how Herschel would react to seeing Clementine and possibly Kenny again.

    Zyphon posted: »

    I realize it won't end at S2, but 1 or 2 years would still be a huge jump because generally time doesn't move too quickly in TWD. Think about

  • Hopefully Kenny truly comes back. I love his arcin S1 and complete as it is, I believe Telltale could bring him in to the story again without ruining the arc but capitalizing instead. He draws many fans but it isn't to the extent that he's a boring invincible character so he'd be good enough to bring back into the storyline

    Zyphon posted: »

    Yeah, but I still don't think it's going to happen. There's a lot of potential with Kenny's character, and I really don't think they'd do a flashback purely for the purpose of showing that Kenny died.

  • edited January 2014

    Not possible.

    See, in the comics they run into this guy called "The Governor" and it... Well, it kind of screws things up for them. I'll put what happens in a spoiler tagged comment for anyone who wants a concrete reason as for why he absolutely can not appear in the third season, or ever again for the matter.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    To be honest, I'm not a comic book reader. I first got introduced to the walking dead because of the first game by telltale , and then later

  • edited January 2014

    Between S1 and S2, that was the time when "The Governor" launched his assault on the prison. Hershel's son Billy was shot when they were trying to flee, and Hershel surrendered. The Governor's men left him, but after the battle was done, the Governor went through and executed everyone who surrendered or was still alive. Presumably so they would never tell members of his group the truth of what happen, that is, that everything was the Governor's fault and they did nothing to antagonize him. Really, it was probably just because he's sadistic, and he WANTED to shoot them.

    So... In the Walking Dead time line, Hershel is already dead, and since Telltale in canon to the comics, we'll never see him again.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    To be honest, I'm not a comic book reader. I first got introduced to the walking dead because of the first game by telltale , and then later

  • alt text

    Its u very funny hahaha

  • Yes, it's great to have a fan-favorite character who isn't just some invincible "badass" character.

    Kryik posted: »

    Hopefully Kenny truly comes back. I love his arcin S1 and complete as it is, I believe Telltale could bring him in to the story again without

  • I like how you just downvoted all of my comments, I assume out of spite. Yeah, I'm basically taking this as a win.

    But bonnie was going with tavia right then. In season 3 what they show in one episode of bonnie....bonnie was goin with tavia so how she will appear in season 3

  • what i mean is this, lee was an entirely different story and clementine continues it so maybe in the end of season 2 it will introduce a new group of survivors just like lee

    Zyphon posted: »

    I couldn't understand too much of what you said, but i'm just going to say that I think it's unlikely that Telltale will introduce a new group

  • Shel cannot be Clem's aunt because they're not even of the same race. Unless you bring adoption into this.

  • Yes, and i'm saying I don't think that they will do that. If they did, it would be a new series, not Season 3. Seasons 3 implies it would continue Season 2, not be something entirely different.

    ILovePUGS posted: »

    what i mean is this, lee was an entirely different story and clementine continues it so maybe in the end of season 2 it will introduce a new group of survivors just like lee

  • You also downvoted my comments .....i said that bonnie was going with tavia so how she appear in season 3 .....i win this argument always

    Zyphon posted: »

    I like how you just downvoted all of my comments, I assume out of spite. Yeah, I'm basically taking this as a win.

  • edited January 2014

    .........The characters that went with Tavia ARE the ones who are going to show up in Season 2. The one's that didn't go with her are the ones we won't see again. The only character who will show up in S2 no matter what is Bonnie.

    Also, you can't possibly know that I downvoted your comments, you just assumed. I however know that you downvoted mine because you just said you did. Either way, it doesn't matter. It's just funny because I believe you did it purely out of spite, rather than for any actual reason.

    You also downvoted my comments .....i said that bonnie was going with tavia so how she appear in season 3 .....i win this argument always

  • The whole group going with tavia ...its not mean that every single character show up in season 2

    Zyphon posted: »

    .........The characters that went with Tavia ARE the ones who are going to show up in Season 2. The one's that didn't go with her are the ones

  • After I played 400 Days, I watched some other people gameplay's and I was shocked when I saw that everyone didn't have a hard time in choosing which guy to shoot. I almost ran out of time before choosing.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    To tell you the truth, I wasn't overly fond of Vince. I just wasn't! To me, for season 3, Kenny just seems to be the most appropriate, logical candidate as the next protagonist/playable character.

  • Actually, it does. The characters that go with Tavia from 400 Days are the ones who will show up in Season 2 and past that, we won't see the others. Telltale said this about 400 Days themselves.

    The whole group going with tavia ...its not mean that every single character show up in season 2

  • He was being sarcastic.

    Thanks man

  • edited January 2014

    I am aware of who the governor is.
    Saw him on the tv show, and how things turned out for him in the fourth season.
    After he killed good old Herschel without mercy, good riddance to that one eyed basterd.

    As far as his fate in the comic book series, like I said before, since I'm not a comic book reader, I don't know what happened to him.
    Did the same thing that happened on the tv series, happen to him on the comic book series?
    And was Herschel different in the comic book series, as opposed to the tv show?

    Zyphon posted: »

    Not possible. See, in the comics they run into this guy called "The Governor" and it... Well, it kind of screws things up for them. I'll pu

  • Hershel form Telltale and the comics are the same, so as you can imagine he's a little... Unstable.

    Also, The Governor is very different. He's a much more dangerous villain, but he's also not quite as well written as the TV Governor. He also meets a different end, although it's basically in the same situation(an attack on the prison), but the battle plays out differently, a lot more death in the comic version of the battle. Maybe 60% of the cast is killed in one book.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I am aware of who the governor is. Saw him on the tv show, and how things turned out for him in the fourth season. After he killed good old

  • if season 3 happens i hope clemintine will be back also i know people will not agree with me but i hope to play as clem again actually i hope to continue playing her till the game itself is done till no more walking dead games but also i know not everyone would agree with this so i hope telltale will give the options to let people play clem and let the others play whoever was supose to be next and so forth also i hope they dont ever kill clem off cause if they do than i am done with this game i wont care what happens next cause i wont be interested to find out

  • Five....journalists...

    Five journalists...

    wait did you think

    you can't

    did you

    Are you saying you went through the whole of 400 days and you concluded that Shel, Bonnie, Vince, Wyatt and Russel were all...journalists?

    Oh wow


    Flog61 posted: »

    Five....journalists... Five journalists... wait did you think you can't did you Are you saying you went through the whole of 400 days and you concluded that Shel, Bonnie, Vince, Wyatt and Russel were all...journalists? Oh wow

  • i dont know about a switch between clem and kenny but let you choose who you want to play as if some want to play kenny they could choose kenny or if some want to play as clem they have that choice next time they should throw in all the options and let you choose who you want your main character to be

    what if they pulled a gta v and allowed you to switch between Kenny and Clementine during episodes? that might be kinda cool, like you could switch to clem, throw a wrench into the next room switch to kenny fight the walkers.

  • I feel like we'd just be throwing away Clementine's story if it was with brand new characters. The game has always been about Clementine, without her, what's the point?

    we'll see the 400 Days cast this season. I am pretty sure we'll get a season 3 and onward though Telltale won't give up their baby. I hope it is a fresh start though with new characters.

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