I think the amount of nerdrage that would happen if Kenny or Lilly didn't appear in Episode 2 would be of biblical proportions.
Just imagine the threads.
Larry was dead, and if he wasn't, then he would be dead within seconds or minutes. Even if lilly got him breathing again, he was in the middle… more of having a serious heart attack. He was basically dead either way.
Beatrice had been bitten before before Lee even attempted to try and do anything. Kenny just prevented her from being put out of her misery in order to try and save other. Not the most "human" decision, and definitely not his finest moment, but it wasn't his fault that she died.
Kenny was looking out for his kid, Shawn might have died anyway, and Kenny regretted that decision for the rest of the game. He felt that Duck was dying because of him, because the world was punishing him for not saving Shawn. The first thing he said after Shawn died was "I'm sorry". The first thing Lilly said after she killed Carley was "It was probably her".
Lilly and Kenny fans are pissing everybody off at this point. There all screaming at each other and the few that aren't caught up in all that stuff are just praying for it all to stop. We know who we are guys, we can get through it together!
So far, I can appreciate the writing behind Clementine's character in S2, but if Telltale does not tread very carefully, then she'll just be a… morenother Carl(from the comics, not TV show). Kenny on the other hand, does have the potential to be a better written character than Clementine if he does last to Season 3.
And in my previous comment, I only meant that there are some parts where Kenny was a better written character than Clem, but really, there's only two parts. I mainly said it just to contradict them.
That being said, Duck's death in Episode 3 and Kenny's fate in Episode 5 where some of the best written parts in the entire game.
I think the amount of nerdrage that would happen if Kenny or Lilly didn't appear in Episode 2 would be of biblical proportions.
Just imagine the threads.
Or...! ...if it was Lilly.
Speaking of bitchiness, Kenny was an asshole... and you're not acting any different from him.
And yes, I am against you. Hell, I would actually tolerate your behavior if you weren't so zealous.
Now if you're understanding enough, I request that you fuck the fuck off and give the fans of the other characters the freedom to express their thoughts without you holding them back. Because your behavior has gone far enough. Whether you be trolling, or actually serious...
I don't hate him for his mullet and his mustache... And yes, I agree that the combination is ultimately unique and remarkable.
What I strongly dislike about him is his character and his behavior, his lack of virtues. Now i'm not sure if you're serious about that comment, or how many of you are actually serious about theirs.
But I've gotta say it - Kenny is not even near a likeable person in my good judgement. He's at the bottom of my like-o-meter.
Talk about perfection... heh.
This man has a mullet and a mustache. Despite what you may think of him he is in all aspects among the greatest and most superior of the human… more race. Now I'm not gonna go all Hitler but a world with more people with a taste for mullets and staches would be nice. You cannot hate a man like this, I don't care how many times he apparently left you to die or how much of an ass he was to you, this guy has the **looks of an angle **
Speaking of bitchiness, Kenny was an asshole... and you're not acting any different from him.
And yes, I am against you. Hell, I would actu… moreally tolerate your behavior if you weren't so zealous.
Now if you're understanding enough, I request that you fuck the fuck off and give the fans of the other characters the freedom to express their thoughts without you holding them back. Because your behavior has gone far enough. Whether you be trolling, or actually serious...
No. That's Kenny disguised as Terminator.
Count me in buddy.
not her...

I think the amount of nerdrage that would happen if Kenny or Lilly didn't appear in Episode 2 would be of biblical proportions.
Just imagine the threads.
Or...! ...if it was Lilly.
who is Beatrice?
Let's put some sense in this reolution thingie:KENNY IS KRATOS(God Of War)
well....you have to say thx to telltale not putting in voice chat in this... i cant imagine lol
Bigby or Bigy Wolf is from TWAU(The Wolf Among Us)
Exactly. and to see a kenny after loosing it all and literely staring death in the face, he would be a completley different man
i almost died the moment i saw that image ....
You too man
Beatrice is the woman at the start of Episode 3 who gets bitten and then Kenny suggests to leave her, rather than put her out of her misery.
No... Just Terminator. Unless Kenny became the basis for the terminators,in which case, fuck him for being part of skynet.
I agree... we must brace ourselves.
Still better than kenny...
Because believe it or not, i'm not the asshole here....
Then I will rule the multiverse and destroy this whole galaxy and everything in it except for a chosen many...
Let me guess... is it Kenny?
You need Chuck with his mullet man!
You mean this guy?
Also, didn't you say there was only one person? The hypocrisy is strong with this one...
no kenny FOREVER lilly is a bitch and you are too if you are against us
Kenny is an entity not a person.
And for real Kenny lovers (Like me c:)
maybelle died when walkers attacked the dairy soooooo...yeah
No problem, don't let it happen again though
of course im making one
Take it easy there old timer
You're acting sooo like kenny. I'd suggest you learn to meditate...
Well, Kenny died back in the alleyway in Savannah soooooo... yeah
You should have.. lol
Speaking of bitchiness, Kenny was an asshole... and you're not acting any different from him.
And yes, I am against you. Hell, I would actually tolerate your behavior if you weren't so zealous.
Now if you're understanding enough, I request that you fuck the fuck off and give the fans of the other characters the freedom to express their thoughts without you holding them back. Because your behavior has gone far enough. Whether you be trolling, or actually serious...
I don't hate him for his mullet and his mustache... And yes, I agree that the combination is ultimately unique and remarkable.
What I strongly dislike about him is his character and his behavior, his lack of virtues. Now i'm not sure if you're serious about that comment, or how many of you are actually serious about theirs.
But I've gotta say it - Kenny is not even near a likeable person in my good judgement. He's at the bottom of my like-o-meter.
Talk about perfection... heh.
look im sorry but lilly killed carley/doug and if you think that she is better than kenny we shall see in ep 2