I Thought You Were Dead/Kenny's Fate

So After a couple hours researching I came up with something probably a few people only thought about , What If the Person Clem sees in the preview is Adam (stranger's son) now if you go back to season 1 the stranger mentions Adam got lost and he never saw him again, After Stranger kidnapped Clementine he showed her pictures of his family and since his daughter and wife died in less than a day Clem assumed Adam died as well since he was just a kid,Now if you haven't noticed Tavia from 400 days has the same walkie talkie as stranger , Now this could easily be Telltale being lazy but lets not overlook anything so Adam is a part of Tavia's community, After he sees her he tells Clem and the group they have a safe community and that they are welcome there sincd they have a pregnant woman, When they get there We see the 400 days survivors that left with Tavia and a guy turns to look who the new people are and..... Bang its Kenny and the episode ends there , My idea on hoe he got there is they probably helped him when they saw him in the mystery door in Stranger's toom at thr marsh house
I just don't think the mystery person could be anyone but Lilly, Kenny, or Christa at this point. Since that was the cliffhanger (and a huge on at that), it's GOT to be somebody that the player met in Season 1 and that Clem would have reason to believe died, so I don't think it would be Adam. It just wouldn't have the same impact on the player if it wasn't someone they already knew. Although, I DO think that what you said about Kenny could be a good way of reintroducing him if he isn't the person we meet in the next Episode. In fact, that's just about how I expected we would meet him again if he actually survived Savannah, up until the "I thought you were dead" segment at the end of S2E1.
Im the complete opposite at this point, Im not expecting any of these obvious answers because i just don't think Telltale would give the return of a big character away like that, I have a feeling its gonna be someone people are not gonna be happy about
Well, some people are going to be angry no matter who it is, I suppose. I guess I think it needs to be a major character because anyone else would be MAJORLY disappointing, at least to me. Even though I'd prefer it to be Kenny, I'd be fine with Lilly (and to a much lesser extent Christa). Anyone else just wouldn't sit right with me given how big this reveal seems to be. It wouldn't impact the player as much as it would Clem if it were someone that the player hadn't personally met, yet Clem had met/learned about without the player learning about them as well. If it was Adam, Clem would recognize him from the pictures she may have been shown, while I, personally, would be scratching my head and saying "Who the hell is this?"
I personally dont see why clementine would think Lilly died, In my opinion only Victor and Kenny make sense
While I agree with you about Kenny, I think Victor really IS dead. I'm just of the opinion that two years in a zombie apocalypse is more than enough time to assume that someone you knew, and haven't seen in that time, is dead, which is why I can see it being Lilly. However, the phrase fits Kenny more perfectly than any other character in the series, which is why I think it's him.
I completely agree with you on Kenny, However I dont think Victor died and Im convinced sooner or later we will come across him once again and the eater decision will come to bite you in the ass, However I still don't think Its Lilly, The way Clementine says its like she was convinced that person was dead, Only Victor and Kenng fit that role because Lilly and Christa are kind of in the air
Make's sense actually, i'm pretty sure the stranger might have talked a little bit about his familly to Clem.
Im sure he did too, Im sure while he had her with him he talked to her about them and how he found his wife and kid a day later, What would you think happened to his son? Its nothing sure yet just trying to think outside of the Lilly-Kenny-Christa circle
I think maybe Carver's or Tavia's group found him, depending on wich one was maybe he became a hard-ass kid (Carver) or a more of a Clementine type of kid (Tavia) it would be awesome to try to talk to him about his family's death, maybe even depending on your choices he would have a diferent reaction.