Ep 2 news coming soon according to Telltale's Walking Dead Facebook
Blind Sniper
For those who have not already seen this...
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Whoa! If so, that was way faster than I expected.
I thought it was coming sometime after spring for sure! lol
That's really close to the TWAU release!
Are they planning a double release? On the same day perhaps?
Release on february 11th would be great
A few weeks ago, I was patient as fuck. But now, I'm freaking desperate for the rest of the season.
My guess, early March or late February.
Seriously? Early March? I don't think so
Fucking Ron Paul is perfect for this scenario!!! XD
Rawrrr! Me so happy!
I express my distaste in Clem's choice of words, but this is a new for Telltale. S2 E2 news so soon?
I may be being really dumb about this... But how do I get to their facebook page?
yes ! maybe just after TWAU Release
Why not ? I don't think it'll be out the same month as TWAU.
Why not? There's no reason it couldn't.
Telltale said they wanted to alternate months.
Don't complain. I've been dying for Telltale to just say something like this. "News about News" even gets me hyped
"Just around the corner" is not a release date guys. Don't get to excited yet. Literally nothing has changed.
https://www.facebook.com/TheWalkingDeadGame - most recent post.
Now they just posted the same thing on Twitter!!!! It's legit!!!
The way I see it, this is either acting as a bridge towards a longer wait... just reminding people that the game exists. Or they're in the home stretch and rearing to release more info and change gears from TWAU back to TWD as soon as TWAU episode 2 is released. I sure hope it's the latter.
Pretty sure the "stay tuned for more info" makes it the latter
Telltale finally talks about TWD and people still remain pessimistic as fuck.
I don't think they actually said they legit intended to. I think that is just speciation.
Yea true, but wouldn't it make sense. Why release them so close together and then have a long gap between the next two episodes. If you space them out there is enough content to keep both games in peoples mind.
I know right.
Dude why? I did not need to see that shit.
Whoops double post
Finally! We got news about the news we've been looking for! Wait a second...
In seriousness though, this is great.
He just wanted a taste of more Clementine from Episode 2.
Besides, I think you've seen worse things than Clem being bit. AKA Lee sawing off his arm.
Don't worry. Clementine's safe and sound.
I can't wait, EP 1 was awesome can't wait to play EP2
And a pretty badass image of Clementine to boot! Hype meter has hit 11 once more! Was at 10 until now.
I get it, its a pun